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Four SP Episodes Back To Back And Strange Footsteps

by Trish

I've had several episodes of sleep paralysis, but they have always been when I was still "asleep". I don't know how to describe it, but in previous episodes I've still been dreaming (I know was dreaming because I was moving around) yet still conscious of what was happening and trying to get out of it. It's weird, I know, but hard to describe.

Those ones have always involved demons of some sort. The thing that wakes me up during those episode is either a baby blue or baby pink reindeer running up to my bed; I see it and am deathly afraid of it (even though they're harmless and kind of cute) then I scream inside of my "dream" and immediately wake up. I don't know what the reindeer have to do with the end of my sleep paralysis, but even though they terrify me, I'm also somewhat relieved when they finally appear because I know it means it's going to be over soon.

Anyway, today's was different. I laid down on my couch for a nap, and was woken up by what I can only describe as an electrical current going through my entire body and a loud buzzing sound (like electricity) in my head. I couldn't move and immediately knew what was happening.

I've always been told that if you "let go" during a SP and don't try to fight it, it can bring on some pretty intense and awesome experiences, I wasn't too afraid this time because it was in the middle of the afternoon so I figured I'd try it. I closed my eyes and gave in, and this turned out to be a HUGE mistake.

The second I gave into the experience, the electrical current in my body got ten times worse to the point where it was unbearable and I felt like I was falling into a black hole. I decided that this was not the time to experience that type of sleep paralysis, so I brought myself back to the milder form. It then ended shortly after.

Upon the end of that episode, I was still so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open... nor did I try to, because I figured I wouldn't have another SP episode since I had just had one. Wrong again. The second I closed my eyes, the buzzing and electricity began again. During this one, nothing much happened except the buzzing/electricity. This happened twice in a row. Snapped out of the SP, opened my eyes, found out that I really couldn't keep them open, the buzzing and electricity started again, the end.
This happened three times. When I snapped out of it the last time, I rolled over on to my side before closing my eyes again in the hopes that changing positions would end the cycle. LOL wrong again.

This is where it got worse. I suppose you can guess what happened when I did close my eye, but it was a hundred times worse. First of all, when I opened my eyes, I had double vision and it seemed like everything was moving around in circles. Second of all, I couldn't breathe. My breaths were really shallow, and at this point I was afraid that I was either having seizures or that I was going to suffocate. Third of all, I heard small footsteps approaching me. They stopped right at the foot of the couch and seemed to be just standing there staring at me. It was something small like maybe a demon or something, but I wasn't scared because I got the impression that it was just curious. Unafraid of what it was or not, I couldn't move my head to look at it even if I wanted to; I still didn't want to know what it looked like or what it was. So I closed my eyes instead and waited for it to go away. I got scared because I was able to move my tongue, fingers, and toes after a while, but all of my limbs like my legs, arms, the ability to turn over still weren't working. This worried me because I thought I was going to be stuck this way. Eventually this all ended and I sprung off the couch as soon as I regained movement. I was still tired to the point where it was nearly impossible to keep my eyes open, but there was no way I was going to let myself fall back asleep.

Also, I should mention that this particular episode was strange because it was during the day and I was on my side. That's never happened before. Another thing that was strange, is that the SP didn't come out of REM sleep. It started right when I closed my eyes... and there is no possible way REM could come on less than a second after closing my eyes. Also, unlike other episodes, I was completely conscious of my surroundings. I could even hear my parents talking and what not. I was completely conscious and capable of thinking, and I had control over the way I responded to the SP, unlike past episodes.

Either way, I think due to the consciousness, it was the scariest episode I've had thus far.

Comments for Four SP Episodes Back To Back And Strange Footsteps

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Sep 18, 2015
Sleep Onset REM Periods
by: Kevin

Thanks for sharing your great story. I just wanted to mention that it is possible to go straight into REM sleep. They are referred to as sleep-onset REM periods (or SOREMPs). They are more likely to happen when you are sleep deprived, because your body needs the extra REM sleep. It's also a symptom of narcolepsy, but for people who don't have that it can happen during some sleep deprived naps. The mechanism for sleep paralysis is REM atonia, so it is necessary to be experiencing that to have the paralysis.

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