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Have you ever woken up from sleep only to discover that you cannot move a muscle?
With the exception of maybe your eyes and your breathing, you find yourself virtually frozen in bed. For some this situation is then made exponentially worse by hallucinations that manifest in their surroundings, threatening them while they cannot even muster a scream.
Such experiences are caused by what's known as sleep paralysis (or SP), a phenomenon that occurs every night in the typical sleeper to prevent him or her from acting out dreams during REM sleep (more on this below). When this paralysis outlasts sleep, as it sometimes can, you get instances like those described above. Waking up to SP can be an extraordinarily frightening situation, as you might know from personal experience or can tell from the personal stories on this page, but rest assured that it is not uncommon and typically not a cause for too much concern.
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Quick Terminology Clarifications:
While sleep paralysis occurs in the typical sleeper virtually every night, the phrase itself has become synonymous with the experiences that can more precisely be referred to as awareness during sleep paralysis (ASP), or isolated sleep paralysis (iSP).
Sleep paralysis episodes can also more rarely be a sign of the sleep disorder narcolepsy, and in these cases it is no longer referred to as isolated. Narcolepsy itself is another fascinating sleep disorder, involving patients suffering attacks of REM sleep unexpectedly at various times during the day, and you can learn more about it by clicking it's link in this paragraph.
Despite being associated sometimes with narcolepsy though, awareness during sleep paralysis happens quite frequently in even the most normal of sleepers. In fact, it is said that over 50% of people will experience at least one episode of ASP during their lifetime.
To emphasize this commonality, if you experience left-over sleep paralysis when coming out of sleep it is typically not a cause for concern, even if it is extremely frightening.
To understand why this is, lets take a look at the mechanisms that cause this phenomenon. Knowing the simple science behind ASP can really empower you to a much calmer state of mind during your next episode.
What causes sleep paralysis? To answer this question it's necessary for you to know a bit about REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the stage of sleep where most of your dreams occur. Every night during REM sleep the body shuts down virtually all muscle activity to prevent you from acting out those dreams. Your brain is extraordinarily active as you dream, as you might be able to imagine if you think about the complex environments and actions it is conjuring. The only thing that prevents your body from moving to carry out the scene your brain is living is a mechanism that kicks in to paralyze it.
This mechanism is referred to as REM atonia, or REM sleep paralysis. Very rarely, this mechanism can malfunction in some people with a condition that's quite the opposite of ASP known as REM sleep behavior disorder (or RBD). People with RBD often thrash around (or even walk and sometimes even drive!) in a manner that corresponds with what's happening in their dream world. In other words, they act out their dreams, because the paralysis that should be there during the dream is not. You can learn more about RBD and some of the complexities in life it brings up here.
On the other end of the spectrum, occasionally this REM atonia can work too well, in a sense, and trickle over into the waking state for a short period. This is exactly what is believed to happen in instances of awareness during sleep paralysis, and you can see a visual representation of this explanation in the image to the left.
It is not uncommon to be temporarily paralyzed upon waking up from a dream if the brain is slower than normal to let the muscles be reactivated. If this is the case, and lingering SP does not occur with extreme regularity, then it is completely harmless. Some peoples' bodies occasionally just take a bit longer to disarm their atonia.
However, experiencing sleep paralysis at the start of sleep (sleep onset REM) can also be a sign of narcolepsy, if it occurs on a frequent basis. If you think this may describe you, read more about the other signs of narcolepsy and consider consulting a doctor or sleep specialist about it.
In addition and more commonly, cases of isolated sleep paralysis (SP without the narcolepsy) can occur with enough regularity to really disrupt the sleep and state of mind of individuals. If this is the case for you and you are experiencing iSP quite frequently, you definitely want to look into the treatment insights we offer below.
Before we get into those though, let's spend some time first delving into the hallucinations that sometimes occur alongside SP and make it truly one of the most bizarre and intriguing states of our existence.
The creation of terrifying combinations of the dream world and the waking world.
Have you ever heard the phrase Old Hag Syndrome? Interestingly enough, the hallucination of an old hag sitting on one's chest has been common enough for this phrase to spring up as a synonomous alternative to sleep paralysis.
Due to various recurrent themes in the hallucinations, other cultures throughout history have also referred to SP by all sorts of different names, such as the "Kanashibari" (retaliating spirit) in Japan, "Phi um" (enveloping ghost) in Thailand, or the "Hauka'I po" (night marchers) in Hawaii.
It is estimated that somewhere around 1 in 5 isolated sleep paralysis experiences are accompanied by dream-like hallucinations, almost always manifesting in negative or frightening forms, projected on the hallucinater's actual physical surroundings.
Witches, demons, thieves, and rapists occupy the room with the paralyzed individuals, sometimes speaking to them, threatening them, or even touching them in extraordinarily life-like manners.
One can perhaps imagine very few things more terrifying than being completely unable to move, talk, or even scream while an intruder--whether human, demon, witch, or some other nefarious menace--roams about your room while you're awake. As long-time dream researcher Ryan Hurd remarks in his book about conquering sleep paralysis, "Terror is not too strong a word to use here, because it seems as if nothing can be done."
It sounds crazy perhaps if you've never experienced it before, but even taking a brief look at some of the visitor-submitted sleep paralysis stories we've received on this site below will quickly contextualize things and give you a sense of how prevalent this actually is.
The following stories are personal accounts submitted by other visitors to this page using the form at the bottom of this page. If you have a story of your own, you can share it with us there as well.
Scared to Sleep - I consider myself a normal 42 yr. old female, other than my lack of healthy and restful sleep. I have suffered from Sleep Paralysis since I was 15 yrs....
Just Discovering What's Been Up Lately With Me - Sleeping Paralysis - I think I have been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was 5 years old--at least that is the earliest episode I can remember. I was laying in my bed...
Mortal Fear - A Sleep Paralysis Story -- I woke up...and I heard a witch who was repeating that: "You can't wake up, I'm going to kill you...." I was trying to move...
Sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and hypnopompic imagery - I am 34 years old, and I have been experiencing sleep paralysis / lucid dreaming / hypnopompic imagery episodes for over 20 years. Years ago I was...
It's amazing what kind of projections the brain can conjur, and these hallucinations have given SP a bit of infamy in various literatures and art throughout history, as well as given rise to all sorts of myths and superstitions about what sleep paralysis actually is. Some cultures have ascribed it as an act of the Devil, other individuals think aliens are involved, etc.
But the fact is, these visions are by far one of the most misunderstood aspects of sleep-related things. Some people are fast to ascribe supernatural explanations to things they can't yet explain well otherwise. But let's take a brief look at what science has to say.
Beyond some logical connections we can make between SP and the dream world, the precise nature of SP apparitions remains one of the biggest mysteries in dream research. The visions experienced during sleep paralysis are known as hypnagogic hallucinations (HH), or more precisely, if they occur upon awakening, hypnopompic hallucinations.
After reading the causes of sleep paralysis section above, we can understand how closely tied SP is to REM sleep. We also understand that REM sleep is the time of the night where our most vivid dreams occur. In episodes of ASP, our wakefulness intrudes on REM sleep in a way that doesn't fully extinguish the REM (hence the paralyzation).
Our eyes are often open but we are still immersed in ways in the dream state. The fact that we can perceive our surroundings enables us to project parts of a dream outward onto the actual physical space around us.
Additionally, the part of the brain that is most responsible for the intense emotions we feel, the amygdala, is already heightened from our dream state during sleep, possibly contributing to the ease at which our fears and terrors are projected during these hypnagogic hallucinations.
These connections between the dream world and our waking state during ASP make a ton of sense intuitively, but of course there's a lot more room for further verifiable explanation as to the exactness of how sleep paralysis hallucinations occur. If you're interested in learning about further explanations, Ryan Hurd, definitely the closest thing to a sleep paralysis expert I've ever come across, brings together a host of psychological and dream studies theories in the second section of his book Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide (follow the link to my review).
The book is also centered around treating and taking control of your sleep paralysis, which is what we'll turn to next.
Sleep paralysis can feel like the most helpless thing in the world. You suddenly can't move, if you're frightened you can't scream or call for help, strange sensations (pressure, vibrations, etc.) may overcome your body, and if your episode is one of the 1 in 5 that comes with a dream hallucination you could have a nightmarish figure posing a terrifying threat to you.
Up until recently there really wasn't much grounded advice on how to do anything else besides cope with the experiences. But dream researcher and educator Ryan Hurd has recently changed all that. His downloadable book, pictured at right, offers 102 pages of groundbreaking insight into how you can take control of your sleep paralysis, with insights and advice based in Ryan's own extensive experience with iSP (he's been battling it for 20 years, since he was a teenager) and an extraordinary collection of research and citations.
You can learn more about the book from my review of it here, or go straight ahead to get the book directly from Ryan's online storefront.
Have you ever woken up to sleep paralysis before? Did it feel like something or someone was holding you down? Or maybe you experienced a bit of dream imagery while you were paralyzed? In any case, sleep paralysis can be quite the experience, and we'd like to hear about it.
Share your story with us and our visitors below--your insight could aid others who can relate to what you have experienced.
Click on the links below to read stories of others that have experienced sleep paralysis. They were all written by other visitors to this page, just like you.
Something Is Trying To Enter My Body, Since I Was A Little Boy
I have had these sleep paralysis experiences all my life...since I was a child. But somehow, I was newer scared or terrified because of that. Yes it was, …
Dreaming Or Paranormal Attacks, Grabbing At My Private Parts
I am 40 years old and have been suffering with what I thought was sleep paralysis for as long as I can remember.
It always starts the same: I think …
Can't Move While Seeing Bright Twinkling Lights
I have been having these sleep paralysis episodes off and on for many years. The most recent was last night.
I felt an immense pressure over my whole …
I'm Scared To Fall Back Asleep
i was just in the drift of falling asleep and like this weird feeling changed the vibe of my room but I was still aware of my surroundings.
I was laying …
First Sleep Paralysis Episode... Felt Like I Was Dying Slowly!
It's interesting that I ended up in this website, and decided to share my story, because it just happened to me for the first time, no more than 20 minutes …
Can't Move Or Talk And Felt Being Touched Sexually
This happened last night. I was sleeping and then all of a sudden I felt a big weight on top of me, like something was pushing me down.
I was unable …
The Unknown World of Sleep Paralysis...
I was to take a short nap after a day at university. Not long after crashing on my bed is where I dozed into a realistic dreamlike perspective of my room. …
Calling For Help.... Without Sound
I've been having sleep paralysis episodes for 2 years. They started when I was 15 years old. I would feel as if I couldn't breathe, I saw my door opening …
How Do I Induce Sleep Paralysis?
I had my first experience with sleep paralysis last night.
I had heard about binaural beats and thought I would try them out of curiosity. I went to …
How To Wake Up When Sleep Paralysis Happens!
I am 40 years old and have had sleep paralysis my whole life. I can offer unique insight into this as I have learned how to wake up through a few different …
Getting Stuck in Sleep Paralysis
My name is Kayla. I've had sleep paralysis episodes since I was 15 or 16 years old. At first, the episodes were incredibly scary. I would dream that …
Scary As Heck, Like I've Been Drugged
I've had episodes of sleep paralysis throughout my entire thirty years.
The first one I can really remember clearly happened when I was seven. …
Lifting Off The Bed!
I'm not sure if what I have experienced is sleep paralysis. It happens quite rarely and I can vividly remember every occurrence.
The first time it happened …
I Just Got Sleep Paralysis Today!!
Hey, what's up my name is jasmine. I am 14 years old and I'm a very hard working teenager. I am an honor roll student and I want to be a veterinarian when …
Felt Like I HAD To Scream But Couldn't
Last night I had a really weird dream, I'm 13 and this has never happened to me before. I dreamed that first that I woke up in my room, but it was dark. …
Immense Pressure Moving Down My Body and Into My Chest
I get a feeling as though I am leaving my body. I feel alert and it starts in my head and travels down into my chest. There is this immense pressure …
Most Frightening Experience Of My Life - Sleep Paralysis Like A Horror Movie
I laid down on my friend's couch in her room during the day. She was laying on her bed watching the movie "Fear" and I fell "asleep" but I was still "awake", …
Looking For Answers, Glad I Found One
The truth is, this entire idea of Sleep Paralysis is kind of a relief to me. Although I knew it existed (I'm a medical student), I didn't know it came …
First Experience With Sleep Paralysis
I just woke up from a dream where I was try to find an aux cord (I just set up a system in my car). I heard a scream from the other side of the house, …
I Heard Voices Around Me While I Was Sleeping
This has happened to me a few times before already. I lay down to go to sleep and I wake to hearing voices around me. I try so hard to open my eyes but …
Wake Me Up! Wake Me Up! Wake Me The F*ck Up!
So the first time it started it was frightening because i didn't know what was going on ... Why couldn't I move? Why can't I speak? Why can't I scream …
Lifted Off The Bed And Paralysed!
Last night i went to bed about midnight, i was so tired and was falling into a deep sleep, which is unusual for me as i have been on sleeping pills for …
My First SP - Why Does It Feel So Real?
It all began when I was around 8 years old, I lived in a small apartment complex with my family of about eleven people. As a boy I watched a lot of scary …
Buzzing and Then Stuck In SP
I have been having SP now since I was about 15, at least that's what I know now. I remember being young and going to bed and in the middle of the night …
It Feels Like Someone Is Shaking My Bed! Scary Sleep Paralysis
I am 21 & a college student who experienced these lucid dreams and sleep paralysis for about 2 months now.
The first time it happened was after not …
Sleep Paralysis And Needing To Go To The Toilet!
I have had severe ME for 20 years and during this time I have experienced sleep paralysis numerous times, both during the morning when waking from sleep …
17 Years Of Sleep Paralysis, And Learning To Cope
Firstly I'd like to say thank you so much for all your stories . They make my own experiences seem somewhat 'normal' and easier to deal with and the feeling …
Sleeping Paralysis After Being Tired All Day At School
My name is Daisy and I am 15 years old. Last night I think I might have experienced lucid dreaming or sleeping paralysis and I am really scared. I was …
Sexual Entity Sat On My Back
Two interesting events happened to me this month: Last week I had a dream of an old hag with a staff wanting to hurt me and for some reason I decided to …
Sleep Paralysis Started In My Pregnancy
So I have never experienced this before until in my pregnancy. The first time it happened I thought that my body was just extremely tired and needed …
Lucid Dream, Sleep Paralysis Or Out Of Body Experience...OR ALL THREE AT ONCE???
I don't know whats going on...if it's sleep paralysis or lucid dreams, or an out of body experience. It started off with me going to sleep then waking …
Sleep Paralysis and Having Kids
I had never experienced an episode of sleep paralysis until I had my first child. After the birth, it started in the hospital. After about a week or …
Witnessed My Own REM Sleep
I had a disturbing dream of an elderly voice calling on the phone, repeating the phrase “hello? hello? somebody there? hello?” (only in my native language, …
I Am On The Inside Looking Out!!
I came home after yet another grueling day, in the middle class labor work force. I got home had supper with my wife and then decided to relax on the sofa …
Multiple SP Incidences In One Night...
I remember this moment because it was wildly different from my previous episodes in that I had about five or six experiences every time I closed my eyes; …
Eyes Open, Hearing External Sounds, Completely Frozen
I had fallen back into a nap in a supine position (on my back) after a presumably normal night's sleep. It is true however, that I had been perturbed as …
I Thought My Boyfriend's House Was Haunted But I Was Just Hallucinating From Sleep Paralysis!
This sleep paralysis phenomenon was happening to me frequently over the past few months and I was convinced it was my boyfriend's place that had a ghost. …
Living With Sleep Paralysis (SP)
I have had my first SP episode when I was 12 years old, it never leaved me since then. Of course for a child like me it was the most scary thing that could …
Solution I Have To Waking Up From Sleep Paralysis
Here is how sleep paralysis happens to me:
I'm laying on my back and trying to move in anyway possible. It feels like my ability to move has been …
Methods For Snapping Out Of Sleep Paralysis
I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for as long as I can remember, occurring a few times a month. However, some nights have involved multiple back-to-back …
Turn Sleep Paralysis Into An Enjoyable Experience
Ever since I was a little kid, I would wake up in the night unable to move or speak... I would try & scream, twitch my way out of it.. If I twitched hard …
It's An Intense, Helpless Feeling. Just Remember It WILL Pass.
Well, it seems as if I have had random visits from sleep paralysis in my early life, nothing too serious, maybe once every 5 or 6 months.
As I got …
Experimented With SP Without Knowing It
I'm 22 years old and I've been experiencing ASP for as long as I can remember. When I was very young it only happened when I took naps during the day, …
I Don't Know Why I Can't Move!
So this first happened last year. I was having trouble falling asleep. Then, out of nowhere, I start to hear this ringing in my ears. It gradually gets …
I Feel Like I'm Dying In My Sleep...
My name is Jason, I'm 33 years old, and this has happened to me many, many times, always just BEFORE I fall asleep, ever since I was probably 18.
I …
Alien Body Invasion?
At first I hear buzzing and I look around the room. I know I'm awake because the door to the closet is open and I remember leaving it shut. (My husband …
Levitating And Being Raised Up From The Bed
Hey. I don't know who to tell about this, I'm too scared to talk about it IRL so I'm just gonna post it here. I usually get sleep paralysis quite often, …
Being Pulled Out Of Bed And Touched... I'm Going Crazy!
I've had sleep paralysis for the last 5 years. I'm terrified and I hallucinate every time. I feel a dark presence in my room and I have a hard time falling …
The Buzzing And Flashes Of Light During Sleep Paralysis
I think I've had sleep paralysis
The World That "WAS"
I have had these experiences off and on since I was like, 10 years old, but my most recent experience was different from the rest.
I just had a baby …
How to Tell Your Parents About Sleep Paralysis?
I've been experiencing hypnagogic sleep paralysis for about three years now. I've always had them before going to bed, and twice I woke up to have them. …
Constantly Stuck In Sleep Paralysis!!
Sleep paralysis has been something I've dealt with for years but until recently it hasn't been a huge problem nor did I know what it really was until I …
The Not So Threatening Experience
I'm only 18 and have never experienced sleep paralysis until last night. It happened around 4:30am. I can remember this distinctively because i woke …
Can't Believe It's All A Hallucination...
I am a 19 year old female and have had episodes of sleep paralysis since I was 6. First off I've never done drugs and don't drink. My episodes begin …
My Sleep Paralysis Taken To A Whole New Level
Never had givin much thoughts to all this because I remember having many nightmares as a child. Now that it is starting to happen to me as an adult at …
Paranormal or Sleep Paralysis?
Seems a lot of people are having the same experiences or at least very close to what I have had. The feeling of something climbing on your bed, feeling …
I Thought Someone Was Holding Me Down
One day me and and my mom got in an argument. So to come down I laid down. I got a little tired so I went to sleep and I dreamed about the same thing that …
I See and Hear Actual Events During my SP
My SP episodes started around 5 or 6. I had caught a virus and was very weak. I was so weak, I had to be carried from one room to another. My father …
I Couldn't Move Or Yell And I Saw A Black Figure Beside Me
Well when I was sleeping in my room I woke up at 3:00 in the morning and my room was dark and all that was on was my TV and I was sleeping then I soon …
Scariest Moment Of My Life - Sleep Paralysis
So, I go to sleep early. 20:00 PM
I wake up in the middle of the night, around 2:30 AM.
I feel a little rested, so I finish a couple of my songs.
Witch Sitting On My Chest While Paralysed
I kept waking up a few seconds at a time during my dream, and across from where I was sleeping there is a glass door which leads into the conservatory. …
Sleep Paralysis With Vivid Hallucinations
I am a 23 year old female with a fairly healthy lifestyle but have experienced sleep paralysis on and off for a few years now.
First time I can remember …
Sleep Paralysis Keeps Happening!!
Last night I was extremely tired from a long day of class and work, I was up till 2:30am studying for an exam I had the next day. I finally decided to …
Middle Of The Night Freak-Out
I've had SP experiences, and accompanying feelings of terror, since I was a young child. Age 6 is the first time I can clearly remember. My parents chalked …
As Funny As It Sounds, There Were Dementors In My Room!
About three months ago, I had a really bad episode of SP . I couldn't move, breathe, or hardly keep my eyes open! I was starting to panic so I let my …
Spirits Trying To Communicate With Me
I've always had sleep paralysis but I just now today discovered what it really was and what it was called.
Well, this morning was different from my …
An Answer To My Frightening Experiences
Since I was a kid I have been experiencing sleep paralysis , but I never knew what it was until I heard Dr. Sanjay Gupta talk about it on CNN.
In my …
I Felt I Was The Only One With This Sleeping Paralysis Problem
I'm 17 yrs old 5'10 and weight 150. I've been having sleeping paralysis (I think thats what I have with all the stories a have read) since about 2 or …
The Smell Of Death During Sleep Paralysis
Hi, I'm so thrilled that I've found out I'm not the only one who suffers of this... Please, sorry for my funny english, I'm from Russia.
I started …
Hallucinations After Paralysis Being Fully Awake, Aware and Walking
Hi I'm 31 and have had I guess what some call sleeping paralysis since 13 years.
I got used to it, even controlled it and use it for good dreams but... …
My Body's Frozen, But My Mind Is Free
Last night I experienced my first sleep paralysis . I fell asleep like normal. I was on my side, not my back, and then thought I had woken up, but when …
My Boyfriend Calls It The Sleep Monster
I've been having them since I was 14 years old and never been to the doctors. You can't take a pill or anything for it to go away. So, I just deal with …
Afraid to Sleep.... Sleep Paralysis From Bad To Worse
Sleep Paralysis has happened to me for many years & had always been mild and infrequent, but now it has become frequent & more & more frightening. As …
Sleep Paralysis Without Being Able To See?
I'm 14 and I have had sleep paralyses since I was 5 or 6. I have it as frequently as once a week.
When it happens to me, I wake up from a dream, just …
It Feels Like Some Form Of Energy Around Me...And I Can't Move Or Scream!
i am a 47 year old female and i don't know when I started having these "dreams"...or so i thought they were dreams.
They start out with a humming sound …
Tips For Muslim SP Sufferers. Non-Muslims Are Welcome Too :)
I'm muslim and had this sleep paralysis problem since around 17-ish. Now I'm 27. But this problem has stopped since two years back and I'm so happy I …
Sleep Paralysis Reoccurrence After 20 Years
I experienced sleep paralysis last night just after I fell asleep, 3 times. I, too, am relieved to find out that these episodes have a name and that …
I Thought I Was Going Insane...
I've never felt this before and am so comforted to know it's not uncommon. Last night, after having just drifted off to sleep, I dreamed that I was speaking …
Demons Attack Me In My Sleep
This has happened to me several times before and only recently has it started acting up again. Last night I was asleep but awake, or so I thought.
Wondering If People Have Noticed Similar Things During Their Sleep Paralysis
I can't recall ever having a sleep paralysis episode until a couple of years ago and I have been having them ever since about once a month or every other …
Can't Move Upon Going To Sleep...Help!
Ever since I was about 12 I have experienced these episodes of not being able to move upon going to sleep. It scares the crap out of me. When I was in …
I Have A Question For ISP Sufferers - Sleep Paralysis and Seroquel
I am 18 and have been dealing with ISP for several years on and off, sometimes with hallucinations, sometimes with the pressure on my chest, and usually …
Suffered All My Life, But "Death" and a Female Demon Spirit Don't Bother Me Anymore!
I have suffered episodes of sleep paralysis throughout my life. I am 23 years old and I have been suffering from sleep paralysis from a very young age. …
Turning Sleep Paralysis Into Lucid Dreaming
I have experienced sleep paralysis since I was a teenager, and I was terrified when it would happen. I learned to try and relax while it happened, telling …
I'm Awake But Can't Move!
I'm 32 yrs old male and had experienced sleep paralysis twice In the past 10 months. Last night was just horrible! I had shut off the TV and laid my head …
Demonic Vibrations Pulling Me Down
When I have an episode of sleep paralysis it feels like my head is SLOWLY sinking or being pulled by some "force" into my pillow. I feel (or kind of …
Non-Frightening SP Hallucination
The last time I had sleep paralysis , I think my brain was actually asleep, though my eyes were open. I was sleeping on my side, face toward an open …
One Of The Worse Times Out of Many This Has Happened
This just happened, I got up to record what occurred, and also decided to research. I came across this site and decided to post what I had already typed …
Recurring WHAT? Sleep Paralysis For Many Nights In A Row
I was 16, I was already afraid somehow of dying in my sleep, I had begun to see... changes in my sleep that disturbed me. So I told myself that I would …
Scarey Sleep Since Childhood
The first time I can remember my SP occurring was when I was 6 or 7 years old. I was at my dad's house asleep in the living room on the couch and all …
Something I Can't See Is In The Room Then I Become Paralyzed
I am a 34 year old female and my attacks started the night I gave birth to my oldest son 15 years ago. That night I was holding my new baby actually snuggling …
Family History Of Sleep Paralysis
I am a 31 year old female that has had a history of SP since my childhood. I have uncles, cousins, aunts
that all have the same thing.
My question …
Extreme Tiredness and SP?
It's kind of funny, really, it happens to me almost everyday. I think it happens when I sleep where I am very tired. If I sleep wherein I really want to …
It Has Never Felt So Real Before... SP With OBE
This started out by happening about twice last year in 2010 and now in 2011 it happens about once a month. To tell you the truth I thought I was going …
Get Yourself Out Of Your Paralysis
I had wrote in an earlier post but forgot to mention that a way I know for sure I am in an episode is if I pinch myself in the dream. If you pinch yourself …
It Was Like I Had Died And My Spirit Had Left My Body
A few years ago one night I was asleep and I woke up to a feeling of not being able to move . I remember struggling and feeling like I was fighting to …
Sleep Paralysis and Anger
I'm a 23 year old Male and I've been having these sleep paralysis episodes for years, the earliest one that I can remember being when I was 8 or so. …
Sleep Paralysis and Anger
I'm a 23 year old Male and I've been having these sleep paralysis episodes for years. The earliest one that I can remember being when I was 8 or so. …
Just Realised I May Be Having Sleep Paralysis
I think I'm also suffering from sleep paralysis . I find on occasion when I have just started to fall into deep sleep, I find that I have an episode …
Why am I being paralyzed and electrocuted while I'm sleeping?
I get paralyzed but I am conscious of my surroundings while I'm asleep. This is followed by a very real and painful sense of electrocution, which typically …
The SP Syndrome
I have experienced what I just found out to be called Sleep Paralysis (SP) for the past 5 months daily, sometimes 3 or 4 times whenever I doze off or at …
Woman Without A Face
I just recently started this whole sleep paralysis thing about 9 months ago. I started when I was 17 and now i am 18. Honestly it is to the point where …
I Want To Believe It's Only SP
I'm very concerned, however that SP is an attempt by science to explain what it does not understand.
The first time it happened to me was January …
Four SP Episodes Back To Back And Strange Footsteps
I've had several episodes of sleep paralysis , but they have always been when I was still "asleep". I don't know how to describe it, but in previous …
Two Paralyzed Dreams
Okay, I know these will be extremely awful because I wrote them when I was terrified out of my skull.
Firstly, these are extremely strange. Secondly, …
Recurring Feeling Of Getting Up But Still Asleep...
While I was in college 11 years ago I started experiencing what I imagine is sleep paralysis .
If I fell asleep or napped during the day I would …
3 Years of Sleep Paralysis
It all started out with me waking up every other night in my bed, but not being able to move. I new I was dreaming because my eyes were always closed, …
First Time Sleep Paralysis Experience
I'm 19 and just experienced my first episode of SP . Ironically, my family and I were discussing sleep paralysis at dinner two nights ago. After reading …
My Head Felt Like It Was Collapsing
I'm just your average 16 year old boy with the same sleeping patterns as any other teenager. I do not suffer from any sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. …
Reasoning With The Terror In The Night
I experienced episodes of altered perception since I was a toddler (I’m 20 now). Sometimes the room would be immensely big, sometimes very small. There …
Terror In The Night
I experienced episodes of altered perception since I was a toddler (I’m 20 now). Sometimes the room would be immensely big, sometimes very small. There …
First Experience with sleep paralysis...terrifying
I was having a normal dream and I was talking to someone, I'm not sure who, but I said something about a little girl who's name was Monica but then I realized …
It Sucks, But It's Ok: Lifelong Sleep Paralysis Observations
As long as I can remember I've had episodes of sleep paralysis . I had no idea that sleep paralysis was even a condition until a few years back.
When …
Something Evil Being Sexual
It first happened about 5 years ago. I was sleeping on my couch during the afternoon, and woke up because i could feel something sitting on the couch with …
A Few Of My Sleep Paralysis Experiences
I'm 25, and I've had more cases of sleep paralysis than I can count. I haven't had an episode in about a year (that I can remember). It used to happen …
What Is That Mysterious Buzzing Noise?
I've had numerous encounters with sleep paralysis , despite being only 16. I used to suffer with it as a small child, but in time, I've had less and less …
Can SP Be Passed From Person To Person?
I have never heard of or experienced SP until I dated my crazy Russian ex-boyfriend after high school. His name is Serge and he would always talk about …
My First SP Experience
This morning my dream had an episode when I was opening a locker and finding things I made when I was a child (drawings, etc). (This locker now seems to …
Can't Scream For Help
I had a seizure a few years back, so when I first started telling my mother about these episodes, she thought I might be having them in my sleep.
The …
I'm Screaming, But Apparently Not
In my 19 years I've had this happen to me on numerous occasions. I first remember it happening when I was eight and it has happened a few times since …
Sleep Deprived Mom Experiencing Sleep Paralysis
My son is 6 weeks old and needless to say I haven't gotten much sleep. The night before my sleep paralysis experience, I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep. …
I Feel So Scared, It's As Though I'm Dying...
I've only just found out that I've suffered from sleep paralysis since I was around 18 years old. I am now 37. I thought there was something medically …
Car Accidents. Zombie Dreams. Don't Get Up Just Yet.
I'm a 23 year old white male for the record. I was about an hour into my sleep when I had my "episode" I suppose. Which I don't think falls into REM sleep. …
It All Started When I Was Very Young
Although I do not have SP episodes anymore, i do remember when I was at the age from 4ish to 9 years old I had the obvious symptoms of waking up and …
Sleep Paralysis Related, But A Little Backward
Thank goodness I've never had frequent nightmares, and they occur even less often as I get older, but there was a time, several years ago, when I experienced …
SP For 50+ Years
First episode when I was 10 or 11. I'm now 64. It takes different forms with me and sometimes doesn't happen for periods of years. I've also had two …
When I was in college, I didn't know what was happening, was I abducted by aliens?
If I let the "buzzing" overtake me, I would be paralyzed and frightened. …
Learning About My Sleep Paralysis
When I was in college, I didn't know what was happening, was I abducted by aliens?
If I let the "buzzing" overtake me, I would be paralyzed and frightened. …
Finally...An Explanation!
I guess what you could call Isolated Sleep Paralysis started a few years ago. The first time it happened was in the morning. I had gotten my daughter …
Should have taken the damn strawberry
Well then here's a good story. Literally had already 2 attacks tonight. the first one just sounded like someone broke into my house and was running down …
Sleep Paralysis Information Please!
I'm not sure if I have suffered from sleep paralysis or not but what I've experienced seems to match exactly what everyone is talking about.
Last …
Call On Jesus
I've experienced this many times in my life. Unable to move, hearing an evil laugh or being touched. At first I'm unable to speak, but I keep calling out …
My Scary Sleep Happenings
I have been having these dreams for a long time but can't really remember when they started.
They are always scary. I fall asleep and wake up around …
SP And Radio Screams
This has only ever happened to me once when I was about 13/14 years old and i was staying at my grandparents house. I'd alwaya been scared of sleeping …
Weird But Nice!
I was in bed last week and very cozy and warm. My two boys were playing in their room and I had fallen back asleep. All of a sudden I woke up but found …
I Was Being Scolded...
I woke up yesterday morning, I was on my back and the first thing I see is my computer desk and chair. Sitting on the chair, however, was a girl, someone …
No Sleep 'Til Sunrise
Last night I had my first experience ever with Sleep Paralysis . I was in the midst of a really frightening dream, and I remember I was trying to yell …
I Thought I Was Possessed - Don't Open Your Eyes
I must've dozed off that night. When I opened my eyes I felt tired and heavy. It seemed that I woke up in the middle of the night. I wanted to get up but …
Happened To Me Just Last Night...
This isn't anything new to me as it has happened many times before. Last night though was even more intense than previously experienced. It normally happens …
Sleep Paralysis Off And On For 8 Years
I've been dealing with sleep paralysis for about 8 years. It really is a terrifying experience. This week alone (today is Tuesday) I've already had about …
Couldn't Move, Heard A Drilling Noise, And Saw A "Ghost"
I'm 27 and have never experienced sleep paralysis , but last night I went to bed at an "early" time for me (9:30pm). Around 3am I perceived that I was …
My First Sleep Paralysis Experience Last Night...
It was around 2:30 am last night when I was in a deep sleep and experienced sleep paralysis . I had been on vacation for the last 4 days and had little …
I Told My Family Doctor After Experiencing This For Over 20 Years... Her First Question Was, "Do you have a family history of mental illness?"
I was about 5 years old when I experienced my first one . My father has them also. I grew up with my grandmother telling me that I was psychic (which …
Bed Sheets Slowly Pulled Off!
I was about 17 when I first had sleep paralysis .
I remember being in a deep sleep, one of the best if I remember right. I felt a strange force, as …
Sure Helps To Know What's Going On With Sleep Paralysis
I've had sleep paralysis for years, but didn't know what it was. I heard the term a couple of years ago (now in my 50's) and knowing what it is has helped …
I've Been Having This For Over 35 Years
They started when I was in my early 30's - oddly enough after I'd seen the Donald Sutherland movie, Day of the Locust. Coincidence? Mostly they have the …
Too Scared To Sleep With Paralyzed Hag Dreams 7 or 8 Times A Month
I'm currently 19 years old. I've only recently decided to research this condition of sleep paralysis . Though everyone's stories is similar to mine when …
I Feel Like I'm Dying, That I'm Going To Suffocate
I am almost 18 years old and have been regularly experiencing sleep paralysis since I was 13. I always thought I was awake, and that this was really …
I Don't Find Sleep Paralysis Frightening...
Interestingly enough, I've only ever had sleep paralysis when waking up from a nap, but never when waking up in the morning. Every time it's happened, …
It Said..."I'm Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!": A Tale Of Sleep Paralysis
I'm a 24 year-old married male and I have experienced infrequent episodes of sleep paralysis for a couple years. I wouldn't say that I "suffer" from …
My First Disturbing Experience of Paralysis
Feb 19th 2011
After being kept awake all night due to my little brother's 3 friends, and I mean ALL NIGHT. From 11 when my head hit the pillow I was …
Positive Stories About Sleep Paralysis??
I started to experience sleep paralysis in my teens. I'm in my early 30's now. At the time I didn't know what it was and what caused it but I have to …
5 to 8 Hours of Sleep Paralysis a Day
Most of the articles I've read about Sleep Paralysis (falsely) assure the reader that the inability to move doesn't last very long. Mine may run only …
A Stranger In The Room
Last night was the first time I have experienced this phenomenon , and it is truly terrifying.
I remember having somewhat of a 'bad dream' at the time, …
Intense Sleep Paralysis
I'm 19, and when I was 17 I went to work at a Kenyan orphanage for a month. One night, I woke up and saw many of the children in the room with me (they …
Dorm Room Paralysis
I just had my first true sleep paralysis experience (with hallucinations ), and was doing some research online to see what in the world just happened …
The Repetition Dream/Hallucination
I experience these dreams once in a while, sometimes when I've been under a lot of stress or other times just out of the blue. Sometimes it will happen …
What I Do To Help My Sleep Paralysis
I've had sleep paralysis since i was about 7 years old, & i'm now 20. My case has progressively been getting more frequent over the years.
One thing …
First Episode of Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis (On Paxil)
I am female, 33. I don't know if that information is relevant to anyone studying this, but there you go. My very first (and hopefully only...) episode …
Sleep Paralysis Leprechaun Attack!!
I have an SP experience probably once every month or two. Most of the time, I won't actually SEE anything threatening me, but I will know that I can't …
Sleep Paralysis Is Annoying Me
Hi, I am a 21 year old female. My first experience of sleep paralysis was at the age of 16 when I was in boarding school. Unlike most people this usually …
I Thought Spirits Were Trying To Contact Me...
I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for a while now. But it never registered to me that was what I was experiencing.
I would wake up and see …
Stuck In Sleep Paralysis
I'm 18 years old and for a few years I have been experiencing sleep paralysis , however I don't have visions. I feel as though I am awake and no matter …
Trying To Move But CAN'T!!
Ok so my name is Krista and here's my story....the night before last night I slept in my room and had my iPod playing low on the speakers like always. …
A Man In The Doorway
I'm 17 currently, but the very first time sleep paralysis happened to me was last year, while I was still 16.
I woke up randomly, and was frozen. …
Important Question For You Guys - PLEASE Read & Respond
So after reading these & writing a post - its obvious that we're all having the same thing going on. Growing up - my favorite movies ever were (and still …
Can't Move Or Scream Or Cry
Sleep paralysis has happened to me before...more than once...more than I want to remember and wish I could forget. I am terrified to sleep...more so …
Napping On The Couch
When I was in my early 20's (before children) and I had some free time in the afternoons, I liked to take naps on the couch. On several occasions, I would …
Do I Have This?
I have a feeling that I may have this , I think I've actually had it for years and just thought it was normal, horrible but normal.
It’s a very strange …
Red Eyed Demon
I have suffered sleep paralysis before just after i had my baby due to sleep deprivation i think!
I kept thinking there was a ghost in my room and …
Thank God I Found This
I'll write more tomorrow because I'm too exhausted at the moment. I'm petrified to sleep - it's getting worse & worse every single night - harder & harder …
Unseen Demonic Force Attacked Me!
I am a strong Christian i have a deep realtionship with God and offen have mystical experiences this one was terrible. it was during the day i felt weak …
Freaked Out
I believe I suffer from Sleep Paralysis . Every night right before I'm about to go to sleep everything slowly fades darker then it already is, it feels …
Paranormal Or Not?
I'm 16 years old and have often woken up to find myself unable to move or speak. First of all I have been having problems sleeping for months now, where …
Witch Next To Me
I normally sleep next to my spouse as usual and had a very strange experience as this has never happened to me before ...
Woke up around 3pm and noticed …
I'm Stuck, I Can't Move, All I Can Do Is Make A Soft Noise
I'm presently twenty years of age and since as far back as I can remember whenever I would wake up from a good night's rest and fall back to sleep I would …
Alien Abduction
I had been sleeping most of the day that day, and so i didn't fall asleep until around 230 only to wake up at 3:13 to realize that i had just had a really …
Aimless (A Movie About Sleep Paralysis)
It is not hard to see why demons, devils, and other beasties of the night have been blamed for these nocturnal 'attacks'. Virtually all cultures …
ATTACK of the DEMONS - Sleep Paralysis Throughout Cultures
Surprisingly, though, is the consistency of such reports made by societies and cultures with no previous knowledge of each other or their lore. The main …
One Of The Scariest Moments In My Life
Last night, I drove home from my Holiday break. It was about an 8 hour drive and I had an overload of Caffeine. When I went to bed, I was very tired. Before …
Sleep Paralysis Serious As A Heart Attack
I've had these sleep paralysis episodes more than a few times. You can't seem to move even after trying to force yourself. Once it felt as if something …
Frightening! Body Lifting Out Of Bed
I am 15 years old and have always had trouble getting to sleep straightaway. I have experianced sp before.. it is a horrible experiance. Last night i experianced …
Being Held Down (Terrifying)
I have had too many episodes of s/p to remember them all, however my most recent episode was two nights ago as i was drifting off to sleep, suddenly …
Four Times In The Same Night, All Of Them Different
I'm 14 yrs. old now. I don't know how to exactly say it but... This sleep paralysis has happened to me, only I'm not afraid of it.
The first time: …
"Help!" I Layed Down and Can't Get Up!!"
It is a Christmas scene. The house has a gloves and cinnamon aroma, Christmas paper, scotch tape and unwrapped gifts lie on the floor while a blinking …
Am I The Only One Who Enjoys Sleep Paralysis?
Hi There!
My name is Christina, I'm 30 years old and I have had sleep paralysis episodes since I was 14 years old. They first started a couple of …
I'm Scared To Sleep Sometimes
I always thought something was wrong with me, when I would go to sleep and all of a sudden I open my eyes and I hear noises and everything looks how it …
Strange Sleeping Experiences
Hi All,
I've had these strange experiences for years but I really thought that they were either stress related or it was just something supernatural …
How Do I Tell My Parents?
One week ago I experience a sleep paralysis, at first I thought it was a nightmare or it was pressure from my school work until I kept getting it often. …
Sleep Paralysis Misdiagnosed As Sleep Apnea
I've been living with sleep paralysis since I was a little girl. But of course at the time I didn't know what was wrong with me -- all I knew was that …
I Know They Aren't Real
I am a multi-published speculative fiction author and I have a very vivid imagination. When the hallucinations started, I really thought I was losing touch …
Shadow People and Dark Demonic Entities During Sleep Paralysis
{Editor's Note: While many religious and spiritual explanations for sleep paralysis can be found on this visitor-submitted post and within its comments, …
Evil Presence In The Room
I had another episode last night. Now that I am 36 they happen less often. My mind wakes up but my body cannot move. The air in the room feels different, …
Work Nights
I have experienced this frequently. Interesting to now know why...@ times I have been awake and unable to move. My kids and husband would think I was …
Waking Up To Find Myself Completely Paralyzed
The other day, after coming home from work, I decided to take a quick nap but when awaking from my nap I could not move, speak, or barely breathe! I was …
I remember most of my dreams, and they are usually harmless. The is the 1st time I've experienced this type of dream, what I am calling a nightmare. I …
Increasing Frequency of Sleep Paralsis
I have had a few experiences with SP as a teenager but never frequent enough to really cause me to notice. Most of my unusual dreams at the time had …
Really Tired, So Pleased I Saw This Site And I'm Not Alone
I am 32 years old and for the last 6 months have had nightmares every night. They wake me up all through the night, sometimes my heart is racing so fast …
Anyone else hear the buzzing?
I don't know that I've ever had sleep paralysis happen at night. Maybe once or twice in the morning. But when I experience it the most is when I take naps …
Recurring Sleep Paralysis Dream
I have had a recurring "dream" since I was about 14 or so (I am now 38 yrs old). Every time this occurs, I feel like I am awake but in a dreamlike state. …
Interesting Enough To Write This...
My story of sleep paralysis... Fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, woke up at 1:00 am was very sleepy walking to bedroom, but when i laid down in …
One night I was sleeping in at a relatives house. Since there wasn't an extra bed, I slept in the living room beside the kitchen and the balcony. In other …
How To Survive Sleep Paralysis
Nameless presence, or Mara , how it's called in some parts of Europe, has been around mankind since start of civilization. First thing you have to know …
Weird Dream-like State Right After Sleep Onset
Occasionally (a few times per year) after what seems like only minutes after going to bed I will have an intense sensation (I assume a dream-state) of …
Just Happened
I thought it may have been a ghost. I was having a really bad dream. Only to wake up to an extreme pressure on my back. I tried to scream but I couldn't …
Wind-Like Paralysis - What Happened To Me!?
My name is Kaitlin, I am 15 years old and I am from Australia. Last night I woke up at almost 1:00am. I turned on my light, sat up and checked the time …
Very Interesting Sleep Paralysis Experience
My name is Joe, I just had my second experience with Sleep Paralysis last night. I remember having a similar experience several months ago but I didn't …
Normal Scenery In My Sleep Paralysis
I have sleep paralysis sometimes frequently..but have not had it in a while... Maybe in about 8 months....This morning I had it... It seemed as though …
Wiggle your toes...
I get sleep paralysis pretty often and have stopped being freaked out by it. When I realize what's happening I just slowly start trying to wiggle my …
I had no idea what sleep paralysis was!
My name is Hannah. I am at the age of 15 and I have experienced sleep paralysis twice. The fist time it happened to me was when I was 13 years old and …
Wrestling With The Unseen - My Body Falling Asleep But My Mind 100% Awake
A story of sleep paralysis | Read more stories here
One Sunday afternoon on a bright beautiful day, I went in my bedroom to get some comfortable …
Sleep paralysis, lucid dreaming, and hypnopompic imagery
I am 34 years old, and I have been experiencing sleep paralysis / lucid dreaming / hypnopompic imagery episodes for over 20 years. Years ago I was …
Not Able To Scream, Not Able To Move!!
I started having such thing from last 3-4 years. I am 26 now. Sometimes when I sleep I get a dream, then my mind will tell me that its just a dream and …
My Sleep Paralysis - Panic and Trouble Breathing Before Learning To Relax
I get Sleep Paralysis from time to time. In most cases, for some reason I get it when I'm trying to go to sleep when I'm not tired. I have experienced …
SP Happens To Me All The Time... Using Prayer To Overcome The Fear!
Hi there. I experience sleep paralysis on a relatively regular basis. Most of the time, my body just becomes paralysed while my mind is fully alert, …
It happens to me all the time... But I'm not scared anymore!
Hi there. I experience sleep paralysis on a relatively regular basis. Most of the time, my body just becomes paralysed while my mind is fully alert, and …
Bleeding Walls, And Conversations With The Devil In Black
For a long period of time I was very stressed and unhappy with my life. During this period of time very often I would wake up completely immobile , and …
Sleep Paralysis While Staying The Night At My Friend's House.
I remember it happened twice in one early day around 6 in the morning. My friend said she saw me standing in the hall with the light on, come back in, …
Terrifying Experiences of ASP
I experience ASP ( admin: awareness during sleep paralysis ) on a somewhat regular basis and I'd truly like to understand it more. It's made my sleep …
Thought I Was Alone In This!
I am doing research on sleep disorders for my psychology class and came upon one of the stories posted here. It was exactly what had happened to me only …
Frozen and SCARED to Sleep!!
It has happened a few times I am asleep, and I have these dreams that I am fighting a very strong force. I can't really move it's too strong, it pulls …
I Know I'm Awake
I was sleeping at a friend's house that I had never been to. We were planning on holding a paranormal investigation because of some strange goings on …
Can't Move, Can't Talk, Can't SCREAM...Im Scared To Sleep!
My Name is Meghan. I have been experiencing episodes that I now think I can link to sleep paralysis . I have yet to figure out if I'm actually dreaming …
Sleep Paralysis Room......
I'm not sure if it's common to have constant paralysis in one room, but I've lived in this house for 10 years. The first I heard of it was when me and …
30 Years Of Sleep Paralysis
Since 1978 I have had about 70 or 80 episodes of sleep paralysis . The first occurred while I was napping at my job. I worked a split shift so I had some …
The Endless Dream That I Could Not Awake From
This is not the frist time this has happened to me--it started when I was a young child. I went to sleep last night at 10:05. I don't know what happened …
I Try To SCREAM But Can't!
I have experienced sleep paralysis from time to time since I was 13 years old, most often when I do not get enough sleep or am extremely tired when I …
Just Discovering What's Been Up Lately With Me - Sleeping Paralysis
I think I have been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was 5 years old--at least that is the earliest episode I can remember. I was laying in my bed, …
Interesting - What Causes Sleep Paralysis?
I experienced sleep paralysis twice so far. The first time it was a little scary just because I was like "WTF dude, I am totally unable to move". But …
SP - It's So Scary
Hello, My name is Gloria and I'm 17. When I first experienced SP I was 15 and I was sleeping next to my mother due to family staying at my house. As …
Knowing What Causes Sleep Paralysis Helps Me Get Out Of It Faster
I have never been to a doctor or anything for sleep paralysis but I know that I have it because it has happened to me plenty of times. I usually have music …
What Do You Hear During Sleep Paralysis?
Kevin's Response: Hey Hue, thanks for the question. What people hear during an episode of sleep paralysis varies completely, from nothing at all, to …
My Experiences With Sleep Paralysis
I have been having problems with Sleep Paralysis as long as I can remember. I am 29 years old, in good health, with low stress, and a good sleep pattern. …
Mortal Fear
A Sleep Paralysis Story
I woke up...and I heard a witch who was repeating that: "You can't wake up, I'm going to kill you..". I was trying to move, …
Two Sleep Paralysis Experiences In The Same Night
It was a normal day and this was the first time it ever happened to me. I didn't do anything out of routine. I went to sleep that night at about 10:30 …
Scared to Sleep
I consider myself a normal 42 yr. old female, other than my lack of healthy and restful sleep. I have suffered from Sleep Paralysis since I was 15 yrs. …
Sleep Paralysis: ALL OF MY LIFE!!!
I am a 26 year old male. I have been fighting with sleep paralysis since I was 5 years old.
In my search for answers I began researching the web. I …
I Thought I Was Dead
In my dream there was a set up to my being frozen; it's like my body knew I was about to experience sleep paralysis . The events aren't relevant until …
Confused and Paralyzed During Dreams While Waking Up
I don't know how to explain it, but a few times I have dreamt that I am laying there awake and paralyzed or keep going in and out of dreams, but I don't …
Is Sleep Paralysis Linked To Sleep Apnoea?
What a great site!! I've just been reading about Sleep Paralysis and it mentions Narcolepsy . I'll have a look at that, but it's actually Sleep Apnoea …
Learn what's most crucial with our Sleep Essentials Mini-Guide
Learn more about Hypnagogic Hallucinations's article about sleep paralysis
Welcome! This site is continuously being created by students of Dr. William C. Dement's Sleep And Dreams course at Stanford University.
We made this site as a call to action for people all over the world to live healthier, happier, safer, and more productive lives by learning about their own sleep. We have faith that reading the information provided on this site will motivate you to be smart about your sleep deprivation and strategic about your alertness in order to live life to your fullest, most energetic potential.
In fact, we challenge you to do so! What do you say, are you up for the challenge?
Interviews With Sleep Specialists: Insights Into the Worlds of Sleep Medicine & Sleep Business
America's Most Dangerous Disorder: What Is Sleep Apnea Doing To Your Sleep?
Sleep Debt: How Much More Will You Achieve When You Reduce Yours?
The Stages Of Sleep: The Journey Through The Night
Delayed Sleep Phase: You Want To Sleep But You're Not Tired Yet
Paralyzed at Night: Is Sleep Paralysis Normal?
Sleep In Words: Smart, Strange, and Funny Quotes About Sleep
Sleep Disorders In Children: What's Keeping Your Child From A Full Night's Rest?
Attacks of Pavor Nocturnus (a.k.a. Sleep Terrors, Night Terrors, or Incubus Attacks)
Dr. Dement's pioneering textbook has been the core text for Sleep and Dreams since 1980, but it has just recently been made available to the wider public for the first time.
In it you'll find a more detailed account of the most important things you need to know about sleep, alertness, dreams, and sleep disorders. Studies, statistics, plus plenty of Dr. Dement's classic anecdotes painting the history of sleep medicine.
Preface | Intro | Contents | Get A Copy
A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.
Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.
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