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Watching The Big Bang Happen?

This dream was one that I used to have a lot when I was younger. Ive had it about 7 times and each time its just as terrifying as the first. I would have it whenever I was sick and had a high fever.

In this dream, i cant really see anything except this tiny particle of energy. I cant look directly at it and I feel like its very powerful. My body is not present, as if i'm not physically there. I'm stuck looking at this thing that seems to grow bigger and get more detailed. as its doing so, it feels as if im being tortured mentally. I cant move or look away, so im forced to watch this thing that started as something microscopic turn into this huge overwhelming force. I hear a white noise like a clock ticking and every second feels like a thousand years. I feel helpless and amazed at what is happening. The more detailed the object gets, the scarier it looks. This dream is very hard to explain and i havent had it for years.

But the crazy thing is ive asked 2 other people about this dream and they can recall having the same exact dream. These people say its the hardest dream to remember but it makes a huge impact on them.

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Comments for Watching The Big Bang Happen?

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May 28, 2013
Comment NEW
by: Anonymous

like this

must have been a torture, yes.

Feb 15, 2014
Something similar NEW
by: DayDreamer

When I was little I always had this strange dream where in this big empty space. But it feels small. I feel like people are watching from a tv screen but I know somehow that there is no one, not even me.i can't remember it that well but I would freak out because I felt so alone and the universe wasn't there and never was there then it turns black and I wake up.

Feb 15, 2014
Something similar NEW
by: DayDreamer

When I was little I always had this strange dream where in this big empty space. But it feels small. I feel like people are watching from a tv screen but I know somehow that there is no one, not even me.i can't remember it that well but I would freak out because I felt so alone and the universe wasn't there and never was there then it turns black and I wake up.

Aug 12, 2014
Theories NEW
by: Anonymous

This is just a thought, but maybe there was a Big Bang. Maybe there is a god and your a prophet, maybe that god was made by the Big Bang. What if you saw the Big Bang happen , but in a different life and maybe those screams were your other lives. I'm not religious, but my motto is (well my now new one), "anything is possible". I have a bunch of crazy ideas. Maybe that torture is there to try and make you a better person, show you the joy of life etc.

Sep 25, 2014
me... too NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi... i had exactly the same dream two years ago, i was there (without a body) and another entity which happenned to be the same point you describe and then the explosion.

The only difference is that i didnt have a feeling of torture, quite the opposite: for two seconds, somehow i had the feeling of this entity explaining directly into my mind everything and the purpose of everything in the universe. It was so overwhelming that i woke up, and of course, it was a feeling not something that can be put words... but i have been trying to remember

Do you have an email? maybe we can talk about this

Sep 25, 2014
me... too NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi... i had exactly the same dream two years ago, i was there (without a body) and another entity which happenned to be the same point you describe and then the explosion.

The only difference is that i didnt have a feeling of torture, quite the opposite: for two seconds, somehow i had the feeling of this entity explaining directly into my mind everything and the purpose of everything in the universe. It was so overwhelming that i woke up, and of course, it was a feeling not something that can be put words... but i have been trying to remember

Do you have an email? maybe we can talk about this

Mar 10, 2015
I get the exact same dream NEW
by: Damian Wilson

I get the exact same but the dream wakes me up and my brain still for a few minutes is still affected by this thing (that until now has been the hardest thing to explain) thankyou so much, it's really worrying and scary. I keep feeling like there is something wrong wrong with me.

Mar 11, 2016
.. NEW
by: Anonymous

You can hear "White" noises... lol Wow you can hear colors lol...

Apr 03, 2016
obviously very meaningful. NEW
by: Sean Charrie

It fascinates me how many other people had this dream! It could very well be the beginning of our universe, maybe the sadness with it is the knowledge of all the terrible things that happen because of the illusion of evil here.

Dec 13, 2016
Same dream NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh My Gosh! I thought I was the only one, its so weird and hard to explain but its detailed and it gets like bigger and more forceful but I only get it when I am ill and I can't remember it exactly the next day, it is so weird!

May 06, 2017
Horrible dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I had a dream everytime that i was sick as a child where it is focused close up on something but so close you feel trapped by it and you feel dry like sandpaper and my mouth and gums feel dehydrated and dry. I feel disgusting and i can just see one colour of that huge close up thing there is nothing else. I feel alone, like i have nothing and there is nothing but my presence, not even me there, i can just see this horrible image

May 11, 2017
I know why NEW
by: Anonymous

I know exactly why you had this dream, I had a similar dream when I was 7 where I had a high fever too. In the dream I could see 2 10 foot bowling balls clashing against each other in a boxing ring. It was like they were sparring and after every clash there was a bell that rung. I then woke up from the dream but I could still hear the dream. Turns out when you have an extremely high fever it messes with the receptors in your brain. I was then told I had an auditory hallucination after the dream.

Jun 24, 2018
Feel the same NEW
by: Vivek

I know what you mean (if I'm right)
A small object gets bigger and bigger to the infinity . Around 3a.m. I googled what's all that mean .and it shows me it was an anxiety attack.
And also it feels like it had already happened before and a lots of time .

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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