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Sitting Up In My Bed With Eyes Open But Still Dreaming - Not Sure It's Somniloquy

by Rebecca

I tend to sleep talk a lot in my sleep but over the past few years I've experienced sitting up in my bed with my eyes open but I'm still dreaming. It's quite hard to explain so bare with me.

Sometimes I'd be aware that I'm sleeping and other times I wouldn't. For example, I started working in a bookstore a few weeks back and I'll wake up in the middle of the night and I'll believe I'm behind the checkout serving people, I'll reach out for the money they're handing me even though they're not really in the room.

Sometimes I'll become aware that I'm dreaming but it's like my mind still believe the people are there so I'm embarrassed to go back to sleep because I feel like these people are laughing at me for going to sleep in a bookshop. Can anyone explain this?

Comments for Sitting Up In My Bed With Eyes Open But Still Dreaming - Not Sure It's Somniloquy

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Jan 07, 2016
by: Anonymous

I've been looking this up as well. This has been happening to me for the past couple of days. The last time I remember it happening was about 3 years ago. Im sorry I can't help but it's nice to know I'm not the only one which this weird thing happens to.

Feb 19, 2016
Sitting up....
by: DreamCatcher

HI! I'm curious to know, and obviously if you are uncomfortable saying so even if it is anonymous... please don't feel obligated, but...
Would you happen to be on any medications that you started taking around the time you started having this occurrence/phenomenon? Does it scare you, or do you only feel embarrassed? Also, how long have you been sleeping usually when this happens?
Is it usually relatively soon after you fall asleep, or when you are about to wake up in the morning? Or is it in the middle of the night in (an assumed) deep sleep? Have you ever been known to sleep walk?
I do NOT know how often I have done so, or if at all before or since... but about a year ago, my Husband was downstairs on the computer when he saw me come downstairs (from bed), walk to the kitchen, step OVER the child safety gate, get a cup, pour fruit loops into it, (not without a mess I will point out though lol), no milk, then grabbed a spoon and proceeded to eat. All the while, he was watching me. Thinking that I was awake and just making a mess without caring or cleaning it up, he told me to open up my eyes. I apparently mumbled something... nothing he could understand. He asked me what I said... I mumbled again, only in an angry tone. It was then that he noticed that my eyes were barely open, and seemed to be crossing. So he tried to take my fruit loops and lead me back upstairs to bed... I then got irate and knocked the cup out of his hand. I guess the noise from the cup hitting the refrigerator and shattering woke me, and got really angry because I thought he was messing with me while I was sleeping... like playing a joke on me. It only happened once that we know of... but who knows how many times it's happened without witness or my own knowledge.

Mar 24, 2016
werd or what
by: Anonymous

my nan used to wake up in the middle of the night and start cooking lots of food and setting it up on the table, and my unt and uncle and my mum would not wake her up but to just watch over her because they knew it is very dangerous to wake a sleep walker, the can start to become violent to the people around them, hitting them and stuff, but anyways they never woke her up, she would even go out the front and hose her garden lawn and flowers and do gardening, I think I remember she used to knit to, all wile she was sleeping

Jul 08, 2016
Is someone entering my body?
by: Sheena

My boyfriend told me recently on two occasions he woke up to me slightly sitting up with my hand lifting my head, I was facing him with my eyes slightly open. He asked me what was wrong because he said I was steering at him, I lifted my eye brows and mumbled idk, he said he asked again and I did the same thing. He said when he got up I slowly laid back down and went to sleep. I do not remember any of this happening. The most recent time he said he tried yelling to awake me but it didn't work so he smacked me, which I remember as well as him saying "your doing it again" I feel a little scared about this behavior, has anyone else experience this and has anyone given an explanation as to why its happening?

Dec 12, 2016
Same NEW
by: Anonymous

The person above me

Dec 12, 2016
I'm scared NEW
by: Anonymous

Sheena I have the same thing , last night my sister said I sat up a little and started talking to her about a project ? She said my eyes were open and I was looking her dead in the eye then laughed about it and went back to sleep then turned back around and asked if she knew about the project ?? And laughed some more and went back to sleep .
I'm confused ? I know sometimes I talk in my sleep and don't remember but talk weith my eyes open ? And I don't regret anything in the morning . I'm very scared , what even is this ? I'm only 14 and so confused , is something entering my bodyy ? , Am I possessed ?

Jul 10, 2017
Ghost like creatures NEW
by: Julie

It used to not happen that often now it does all the time but atleast every month in the middle of the night ill sit up in bed asleep with my eyes open but ill see a person fiddling withsomething and ill always try talking to them saying stuff but the person always keeps fiddling without saying anything so I start getting irritated and repeat myself and ask why they aren't answering they still won't answer or look at me so I yell why aren't you answering that's when the person slowly dissapears and I realise that I was dreaming the whole time and it scares me and leaves me feeling invisible and I wonder why I keep doing it over and over please help if you can

Jul 10, 2017
Ghost like creatures NEW
by: Julie

It used to not happen that often now it does all the time but atleast every month in the middle of the night ill sit up in bed asleep with my eyes open but ill see a person fiddling withsomething and ill always try talking to them saying stuff but the person always keeps fiddling without saying anything so I start getting irritated and repeat myself and ask why they aren't answering they still won't answer or look at me so I yell why aren't you answering that's when the person slowly dissapears and I realise that I was dreaming the whole time and it scares me and leaves me feeling invisible and I wonder why I keep doing it over and over please help if you can

Aug 23, 2017
Me to NEW
by: Anonymous

I am only 9 and I have been told I sit up and watch people in my sleep I am realy freeked out by this

Mar 05, 2018
Since i was little NEW
by: Anonymous

I have litterally been doing this since i was old enought to sit up on my own. Ill just sit up with my eyes wide open and stare at my boyfriend.We have been together for 4 years. I have no idea why this happens to be honest but i am glad i am not the only one. I dont sleep walk or anything though. I just sit straight up and stare. Ill be still sound asleep.

May 15, 2018
Why??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Everytime I have someone stay the night I always warn then that I sit up and open my eyes while I'm asleep. They always laugh it off and say that it's weird and I couldn't possibly do it. Then I would fall asleep and most of the time they would stay up after me and every single night I sit up and open my eyes. I've never remembered myself doing it but if I don't warn someone the next morning they ask me a bunch of questions to see why I was doing it but I really don't know why I do it. It scares me a lot because I guess I've been doing it since I was around 6 or 7. I'm almost 14 now and I really want it to stop because sometimes it scares my new friends that come over

Oct 09, 2018
Same NEW
by: Anonymous

So i have a camera in my room and it kinda faces my bed and the past few nights i’ve been moving around, but not like standing, just sitting up and moving my arms and stuff. Like not last night but the night before that, around 4-5 am, I cleared my throat, sat up in my bed looked around a little and then lied back down, then last night around 1 I turned and reached for my camera and slightly moved it (barely) and then grabbed my phone, opened it, and i couldn’t tell what app i had open but i think it was my camera app, then i guess i was "falling back asleep" and my arms started to fall back down and relax, then around 4 am I sat up turned and reached and leaned downward and to the left like i was trying to get something then i pulled back and then looked a little up and to the left and then i looked at the ceiling and then lied back down... someone pls explain why I’m doing this

Apr 12, 2019
my first experience NEW
by: Anonymous

This started i think 4 years ago when i went synchronized swimming.One night i was sleeping and i remember i got up with my eyes open and started dancing on my bed thinking i was in the swimming pool and that my coach was next me yelling at me.I was too embarraced to go back to bed worrying people would laugh at me.Because of that i have trouble sleeping.I am happy now that i am not the only one experiencing this.

Aug 07, 2019
Same NEW
by: Stranger

Ok finally someone understands ill think im taking a picture with my team and im leaning in but my clock on my bed stand usually gets me out of this state because i think im awake but in reality im in bed. Other times im at volleyball practices and i feel tired and im sitting on a mattress i will lay down and back up because i feel bad sleeping in the middle of my practices. I also find myself talking in my sleep. Or sometimes influenced to get out of bed because i thought my friend was telling me it was time to go, but reality is its a dream

Aug 09, 2019
Eyes open recurring dreams.
by: Anonymous

Hi,for about 8 years now I’ve had a thing where I physically open my eyes,I see a big spider above me on the ceiling,I get scared and I quickly cover my head with the duvet and then I fall back to sleep.Every time for the last 8 years I see the exact same thing,but I actually open my eyes,I see the spider then I hide.I also done the same thing last week,where I opened my eyes,but next to my edge of the bed were two fluffy pom-poms just hovering up and down next to my bed.I see everything around me exactly as it is in my real life in my room.Again I got scared,hid under the duvet then woke up sweating under it later on.what is this?

Nov 16, 2021
similar stuff happens to my mum
by: Taireja

my mum would randomly talk in her sleep, but its always short words like 'no' and 'wait up' and theyre always the same, sometimes she would have conversations with people around her , but they would be awake. recently, i noticed that she moves her arms a lot, punched me in my nose once and broke it. But that aint the worst part, 3 weeks ago, i was sleeping with her as my bed broke, i woke up to get my blanket and searched for my mum in the bed, as she wasnt laying down. My eyes connect with hers, on the edge of the bed, shes sitting facing away from me, but her head turned to me with wide eyes staring at me. I asked her "is there anything i can help you with" out of instinct, she just laid down and went to sleep, facing away from me. Deadass the scariest thing i ever experienced. She doesnt remember that at all and last night, she reached out to me and grabbed my shoulder asking for a hug? She said she remembered dreaming about something and getting woken up by me asking her 'what?', but someone tell me whats wrong with her

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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