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My Sleep Paralysis Taken To A Whole New Level

by Robert Colon
(Toccoa, Georgia)

Never had givin much thoughts to all this because I remember having many nightmares as a child. Now that it is starting to happen to me as an adult at the age of 49, I realize that within the last 3 years it has happened a couple times.

Last night was creepy and freaky as well. I found myself laying in bed hearing an intruder in my home. Trying to open my eyes didn't work, I managed to move my right leg upward but as I did it sounded to me as if it caused such a loud sound that the intruder would know I was here. And not to add to the fear i already had, I then woke up I guess and was able to move around and in my mind recap what had just happened as I looked and listened from my bed to assure no one was here besides my son and I.

Now for the freaky part, I Kaye's my head on my pillow and as fast as I did I felt this physical feeling throughout my body pulling me back into paralysis, this happened three times as I allowed it to take me there. Each time a different scenario occurred, my last one I was hearing everything as I did the first time but this time a female person stood by my bed and held my head to her side with both hands as in a way saying lay still be quiet, is what I felt it meant. 

Now I awoke fully again realizing that I had experienced three episodes back to back. I now layed there thinking and looking around the room, suddenly I felt it pulling me back again and recognized it to be the force that had happened earlier. I now decided to resist it and experienced the pull three more times with about 1 to 2 minutes in between. It then finally stopped and I was later able to go into a normal sleep after laying there in amazement cause of my eventful night.

Comments for My Sleep Paralysis Taken To A Whole New Level

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May 22, 2012
risp NEW
by: Radiant

The first time it happened to me I was about 5 and it was very frequent. As I got older it happened less and stopped completely but returned in mid 20's. I'm 29 now. It feels like my body is being vibrated and all I can do is move my eyes around. It took years for me to learn how to force myself from the spell. It's still very terrifying to this day.

Jun 13, 2012
I Know that feeling NEW
by: Jesse

I am so familiar with that pulling feeling, trying to get you to go under.. It's accompanied by a loud buzzing sound and terrible feeling in my head.

Jul 03, 2012
Just sleep again to wake up.... NEW
by: Unknown

Okay only 15 and it always happens to me twice or more a week....i feel the same and also i feel someone is blowing my neck....and it makes me cry cuz i dont like that feeling....Btw all u can do to wake up is just aleep again....

Jul 30, 2012
its hard NEW
by: michael

I'm 15 as i write this ive had this as long as I could remember and they are horrible recently I've had one where i actually fell asleep without realizeing it. I guess i dozed out but at first in my so called dream i was haveing a wonderful time playing with my dog named cookie i was petting and kissing her until out of nowhere she disapeared and I was in bed my eyes wide open I could see a shadowy figure in the corner of my eye and as soon as i spotted it, it dashed towards me at this point i couldn't see it it dashed left when i could only see right then I felt the immence pressure of something pushing down on my left side of my body as if he sliced through my skin and it was reaching for my heart I could see my face my mouth was open i tried screaming at the top of my lungs but i couldn't I was oaralyzed from my head to toes and ive had this forever with many diffrent dreams but never this oriented i emwoke up crying i dont want it anymore its horrible :( help maybe tx me with info 786-399-7309

Aug 20, 2012
Shared Sleep Paralysis NEW
by: Andy

Has anyone experienced one of your siblings having a sleep paralysis episode the same night as you have had one. This happened to me and my sister recently.
A couple of strange points :
My sister has never had an SP experience before, I have had several.
The SP episode for both of us contained a strange screeching noise accompanied with it. I have had 20+ experiences and this is the first that had this sound.
Anybody any suggestions of a meaning, or someone who might be able to provide an explanation?
My sister is a bit freaked out by it all, and I'm not exactly comfortable with this new experience myself.

Sep 21, 2012
awake NEW
by: Anonymous

Many years ago my husband was sleeping at about 1:30 in the morning, I was up with the kids. I had a feeling something was terribly wrong in the bedroom, I hurried down the hall and flung the door open hard ( so hard the door knob made a hole) beside his bed was a black thing, like a childs ghost halloween costume but black and bigger, it was floating with red eyes. He had been pushing it off, it had been laying on top of him trying to smother him. It turned and looked at me, the light poured in from the hall, it's not like I couldn't see it, I saw it perfectly for about 2 minute. It flew out the corner of the room. I asked him what he had seen before I told him what I saw so that I would not be influnced, the stories matched perfectly. Sleep with some kind of light on, it's not a dream.

Mar 29, 2013
FElt as if a woman was doing a lap dance on my crossed feet, I was tempted to continue in that state of mind but feared for my life. Sleep problems nightmare NEW
by: Anonymous

I just had one episode now seating in my reclining chair 10am dozed off with lap top pc on my lap,
I felt as if a woman was doing a lap dance on my feet and it felt so good but yet didnt feel right.
I felt there was intent to deceive (something like that)
I tried to come out of it and couldnt scream or speak, I wish someone were near me, they could have heard me trying and struggling.
I think there needs to be more research into this thing as it seems so real as if a force or person is trying to take over my body.
I felt tempted today to go along and see how far it would go but, I feared for my life as I wondered if i was having a stroke, a mini stroke so I tried to cough, couldnt, them, I forced myself to take breaths and then I woke up.
My conclusion- when this happens, one is not breathing and it appears the force is nature trying to take one home to were we came from.

Mar 30, 2013
You can have fun with it NEW
by: Itisprivate

Okay when ever this happens, just think of your good days and it will happen in your sleep paralysis, do not ever try moving any parts of your body because you will get more nervous and weak. I'm only 14 when this happens to me and it always happens to me every week, once or twice in a week and now I'm 15... It still going although when I got a new hobby like taking care of my pets and going to the gym everyday..... This sleep paralysis stop but did not stop completely, it still happens although not every week but other week.....

Dec 01, 2014
parlasis NEW
by: erica

omg this bearley happened to me a week a go for the first time i felt like someone was pinning me down it was terrifying!!!!

Dec 01, 2014
parlasis NEW
by: erica

omg this bearley happened to me a week a go for the first time i felt like someone was pinning me down it was terrifying!!!!

Dec 01, 2014
parlasis NEW
by: erica

omg this bearley happened to me a week a go for the first time i felt like someone was pinning me down it was terrifying!!!!

Dec 01, 2014
parlasis NEW
by: erica

omg this bearley happened to me a week a go for the first time i felt like someone was pinning me down it was terrifying!!!!

Apr 05, 2015
how i escaped NEW
by: Anonymous

I'd experienced that pulling feeling as best way of escaping or avoiding it is that,,when this continuous episode occurs i usually find myself sleeping on my back,so i would change my sleeping position ,but whatever my sleeping posture was i always changed it,kind of helpful..also before sleeping after the episode occur, i massage my body specially my back so that no muscle or nerve would be left motionless.

May 19, 2015
what i do when this happens NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had multiple SP episodes in the last few years. I have had a few terrorfying ones but if I realise it happens before getting scared I can alter it to something less intmidating. As an example since I knew I was going to feel that something was in my room I thought of kittens and sure enough there was an adorable kitten in front of my face purring and licking my face ( I could feel the licking).

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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