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Lifted Off The Bed And Paralysed!

by Sarah
(New Zealand)

Last night i went to bed about midnight, i was so tired and was falling into a deep sleep, which is unusual for me as i have been on sleeping pills for the last 7 months! I was having some quite vivid dreams, then all of a sudden i felt my body lift off the bed, head first and i was floating above by bed. The worst thing is that i could not move or make a sound, i was frozen and there was a really strange ringing in my ear. This lasted about 10 seconds and it actually felt like i was floating above my bed. When i "landed" back onto the bed its like i woke up from something and i layed there for a while in shock. I then looked at the time and it was 12.30 so i had only been asleep for about 30 minutes.

The first thing that came to mind was that my friend had told me i had a "ghost" in my house. My friend can see people that everyday people cannot. Apparently there is a man that hangs around my property that is quite attached to the land,apparently he will bring me no harm.

The second thing i thought about was the fact that i had not taken a sleeping pill last night, generally when i dont take a sleeping pill i have extremely vivid dreams and figured it could be a side effect of coming off them, after all they are a drug.

The third thing is that i have been going through some extreme life changes at the moment and i have been under a lot of stress due to work and a relationship breakdown.

I am wondering if this is a spiritual or scientific experience, i have never felt anything quite like it and it has freaked me out a little, but somehow i feel quite calm about it. The most strangest part was the fact that i could not move, like something had complete power over me, and the feeling of being lifted off my bed.

I would be interested to hear if anyone has a similar story!


Comments for Lifted Off The Bed And Paralysed!

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Jun 28, 2017
Floating NEW
by: Bjesomar

What you experienced is normal thing for sleep paralysis trip. Within 30-60 mins of going to sleep, your body produces chemicals that freeze the muscles so that you don't get bruises while dreaming vivid dreams like running or something. But since your mind didn't fall asleep yet, you experienced out of body event, when your astral body started to float. It happens different each time, sometimes it is heads first, sometimes limb start floating. In any case, experience is such shocking that your consciousness immediately start to give orders to the limbs in order to control situation but they cannot move, so it in turn creates even larger shock, and then your body dissolves paralytic compounds and you get back to the normal operation. Sometimes you will hear buzz, sometimes your body will feel quite electrified after returning, and that is ok. Regarding comment about the ghost, i didn't understand did you experienced any presence while you were out there?

Nov 06, 2017
Reply to Sarahs comment NEW
by: Anonymous

I've also levitate but it's been a few years since it's happen but just as u described has,happen to me several times.One time I levitate I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment my i had just layed down I wasn't sleeping but when I levitate my body feels like a rieving engine and I feel my whole body like hum it's very wiered feeling then I feel stiff like I can't move I levitate throughout the whole apartment and 1 time I could feel my whole body huvoring up near the celling.My mind said don't look but I peaked and sure enough my nose was almost close enough to touch I though whatever it is that's happening PLEASE TAKE ME BACK TO MY BED.All of a sudden my body jerked and I slowly could feel myself levitate back to my room.Ive had many other experiences in Levitating I know when it's gonna happen just like the other wiered shit that happens to me I wish there was,a group of people that I could be comfortable talking to them about my experiences as my sister is the only one who I've told she feels for me and I'm comfortable telling her about it but I'm scared to death when night time comes as I never know when it may come back as it's not every night but it's been sometimes once or twice a week or less.

Nov 26, 2017
Strange happenings NEW
by: Anonymous

The house im living in my parents own.Im in the house alone and I feel like there is someone here other then myself as ive had strange things happen to me.First I've noticed bad bruses on my upper legs I believe it from the evilness that lies within the house cuz at night if I don't have a lamp on in my room this thing gets in bed with me after I lay down it feels just like another human Iits behind me holding me around my waist real tight towards it .It feels like a man it's very scary and I think ever since I have my lamp light on it's pissed it off cuz it can't try any weird shit on me so it's creating bruses on my upper legs the bruses r bad and some look like finger prints on my skin it's very scary .Lastinght while I was outside I looked up at the front window and saw a little girl with dark hair looking back at me I don't know much about the house I live in but I do know it was built in 1942year.I wounder if anyone died in this house before me parent moved in.

Nov 26, 2017
Strange happenings NEW
by: Anonymous

The house im living in my parents own.Im in the house alone and I feel like there is someone here other then myself as ive had strange things happen to me.First I've noticed bad bruses on my upper legs I believe it from the evilness that lies within the house cuz at night if I don't have a lamp on in my room this thing gets in bed with me after I lay down it feels just like another human Iits behind me holding me around my waist real tight towards it .It feels like a man it's very scary and I think ever since I have my lamp light on it's pissed it off cuz it can't try any weird shit on me so it's creating bruses on my upper legs the bruses r bad and some look like finger prints on my skin it's very scary .Lastinght while I was outside I looked up at the front window and saw a little girl with dark hair looking back at me I don't know much about the house I live in but I do know it was built in 1942year.I wounder if anyone died in this house before me parent moved in.

Jan 02, 2022
I don't talk to no-0ne.
by: cr.@ptail-a-nancy

i was hovering about a 5th of a foot above my bed, & my entire body was vibrating ______exactly like a 'mobile'.

Had this dream about 3-times circa 2016 / 17. And then, never 2 be repeated. Told my older brother & he relayed that he'd had a remarkably similar experience.

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

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