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First Episode of Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis (On Paxil)

by G.B.
(Tampa, Florida)

I am female, 33. I don't know if that information is relevant to anyone studying this, but there you go. My very first (and hopefully only...) episode I had of hallucinatory sleep paralysis happened about 2 to 3 months ago in Canada.

I live in Florida, and took a trip to Toronto for a weekend to see my fiance working there. I am a very big fan of, generally the "unexplained", and was watching TV before bed. Namely the two last programs I was watching before bed were "Ghost Hunters" and a program on, guess what?, sleep paralysis.

I then went straight to bed. I would say I was asleep about a couple of hours (though I didn't check clocks before or after the episode, so I cannot say for sure). The way the episode started was somehow I was feeling a low "wah-wah" sound concentrated in my head. The only way I can describe this feeling/sound is to liken it to the sound/feeling you get when you suck down a nitrous balloon. I have breathed laughing gas only once or twice in my youth and not since, but this is the only way I can describe that sound and feeling in my head. I had simply described it to my fiance as an "entity" being bent over directly above my head "effecting" me somehow. I honestly don't know how I came to that conclusion since my hallucination was not until after this sound when I really did "see an entity".

My body was completely paralyzed, although I seem to remember opening my eyes to see if there was anything above me and closing my eyes again. The sound/feeling continued intermittently, until, for some reason, my body (mind?) told me to open my eyes and look towards the foot of the bed. This I did and was met with the most frightening experience I have had to date. A "shadow person" dissolved into my view in a strange way. Meaning--the way this shadow person came into view is from the feet up (or, legs up I should say since I couldn't see the floor from where I was.)

It was almost as if someone was standing there with something covering their entire body and slowly moving it up their body so that the legs became visible before the head. There were no features, simply a black shadow in a person's shape.

As soon as I experienced this vision, I shut my eyes again and immediately started trying to scream at the top of my lungs. I could feel the effort of the scream, but nothing came out. Over and over I
felt myself pull in air and try my damndest to scream to wake up my fiance next to me. All this time I seemed to feel the "entity" again bending over my head and the sound/feeling continued. I would guess that I tried to scream about 5 times before I managed a small, muffled shout. I seemed to break the paralysis with this as at the same time this "scream" came out I bolted upright and was grabbing frantically for my fiance. He woke up and held me as I continued to look to the corner and point saying "It was right there", crying almost uncontrollably. After about 10 minutes, I was able to fall back asleep with no further incident.

I have to say that at the time, awake after the episode, I knew what had happened. I knew it was sleep paralysis. Even though I had never had an experience of sleep paralysis, I knew of it's symptoms due to the fact that I am very interested in all things unexplained and sleep paralysis constantly comes up when dealing with the different varied subjects (i.e.- ghosts, aliens/abductions, etc.)

There were also a number of other factors that I deduced were responsible for the episode. First, and most importantly, I am on the anti-depressant Paxil. I have had times where I have either forgotten a dose (it is to be taken every day) or had intentionally skipped some. This I have found causes me to have very strange, lucid dreams, and is accompanied by a lightness in the head. At the time I had taken the trip to Canada I had not taken my pill in about 2 days. I think it was due to forgetfulness as I had a lot to think about and plan for with the trip. There is also a definite uprise in stress around that time since I am terrified of flying. These two factors I consider to be the biggest triggers (I believe) of my experience.

The other two I can point out is the fact that I was actually watching a program about sleep paralysis immediately before bed (suggestion) and also the fact that I was sleeping in a strange bed in a hotel. So--that's my experience and MY explanation of why it happened. I would like to know if there is anyone else out there that has had a similar experience especially if they are taking Paxil, as I believe this was a major factor in my having the experience in the first place. Thank you.

For information on treating, taking control of, and dealing with sleep paralysis episodes, please see this book review.

Comments for First Episode of Hallucinatory Sleep Paralysis (On Paxil)

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Jan 18, 2015
same here NEW
by: Anonymous

At 40 mg of paxil I either wakeup in my dreams and remain fully conscious and in control of my dreams (though can't remember where my waking body is, or go through a series of humming and in reading vibrations which result in a feeling of floating out of my body.
It w scary at first, especially when I couldn't seem to get back in. I since Learned to enjoy the experieriences.

Mar 22, 2015
Paxil withdrawal causes sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

Whenever I have attempted weaning off paxil (largely unsuccessfully), I have had horrendous episodes of sleep paralysis. Every time I fell asleep, I would have another episode. This is why I haven't been able to get off paxil -- this side effect is too noxious. Now I am trying to get off it with a cross-taper to another SSRI; we'll see how that works. Thus far I have only had 3 episodes in the several weeks of slowly cross-tapering, which is better than my record in the past. Paxil is a terrible drug.

May 13, 2015
The familiar defenetly beccons NEW
by: Anonymous

Had the same EXACT experience back in the paxil days. I dunno of its real or not. Hope not.

May 24, 2015
Always sleep with pillow magnetic south to cure yourself of monsters NEW
by: Anonymous

Your sleep posture is making you vulnerable to nefarious entities!

What direction is your pillow/headboard of your bed facing?

I suspect you may be sleeping with the top of your head facing magnetic north or equally bad magnetic west. Magnetic north is called the "death position" because coffins are buried facing north and if you sleep north ghosts appear in your life, says the folklore.

The people of Bali say "sleeping magnetic west means you will have no love, everyone will hate you and you will experience violence" I paraphrased but Google search "Balinese sleep north"

Many cultures recommended that you sleep with the top of your head facing magnetic south and feet facing magnetic north. An alternate position is your head facing magnetic east and feet facing magnetic west. Use an electronic compass, it has to be exactly south, any deviation such as south west of south east makes you open to nefarious entities.

Never sleep with head facing magnetic north cuz you are guaranteed to see ghosts and have nightmares.

Also never ever sleep on your back. Sleeping on the back is the posture of the corpse in a coffin and "vastu" says sleeping on the back ruins the brain. Try to sleep on the left side of your body always to get wealthy. Sleep on the right side is ok but not best and monsters probably attacked you while you slept on the right side of your body of slept on your back. Sleeping on left side is best and you get rich wealthy. Never sleep on the stomach you suffocate, sudden infant death syndrome.

I recommend you read this website, it explains the significance of monsters in sleep.

Also Google search "vastu sleep direction" and search also "sleep facing south" to get more information. Sleeping facing south makes you wealthy and healthy, sleeping east makes you intelligent but not wealthy so east is for children still attending school.

The information I wrote was for the northern hemisphere, I dont know about sleep position for the southern hemisphere of earth.

Also, what is your blood type? If you are blood type Rhesus Negative (Rh negative) then this website might be informative

Best of luck! Feel free to Pass this information on to non-demonic people.

Sep 22, 2015
Me too NEW
by: Anonymous

I know sleep peralysis since my mid 20s after being under stress conditions (mainly due stressful work). My paralysis is exactly how you described it, even without taking medicine. The feelign you described in your head was in earlier times a "wave-type feeling" in my body, later it concentrated on my head. The "black man" only appeared in the first months, later i got feelings like rotating in my bed, going out of my bed; trying to turn the light on (while i was not moving a single inch in reality out of my bed), seeing everything in black/white, "movies" on the wall, audible hallucinations, strange realistic dreams about pets trying to bite me, living in houses/dwellings which i had never seen before (i can describe them perfectly) side by side with strange people; flying through the air, being able to jump dozens of foots high (including the feeling) and so on. Being on depressions and anxiety since ten years, i´ve decided two years ago at the age of 36 to take a daily low dose (20mg) of Paroxetine and the paralysis disappeared. But since it does not help that much against my problems and causing somehow problems with my body, i´ve decided to stop taking it and the paralysis came immediate back, this time not at the usual time at night (mail half an hour after going to bed), but even ten minutes after closing my eyes. BThe so called "brain zaps" (feeling an electrical shock inside the body when moving my eyes from right to left an vice versa) is something that i know after waking up from an paralysis episode and secondly since my childhood when i´m very sick (flu for example). Paralysis and Serotonine level must have a immediate link. Serotonine also controls the inside pressure of the eyes, so i think that the brain zaps have their cause there. This would also explain why eye movement causes "zaps". Maybe the Eye pressure rises under certain serotonine-controlling medics and some sort of "frightening / escape reflex" happens, which feels in the body like zaps. Like if you would avoid a slap in the face and the brain triggers an reflex, but it also realizes miliseconds later that theres no reason to do so.

Mar 15, 2016
Scary Hallucinations NEW
by: Anonymous

After reading this I so badly wanted to write my experience.. I am falling asleep and ever so slightly I feel a tingly sensation creep up on my face, and not so long after I hear my dad rattling of keys as he's walking back to the kitchen.. I look over at him (eyes are actually peeled shut) and see a translucent see through image of his blur run across the living room.. Doing as I usually do I try to get some shut eye and not mind what I just saw.. (I actually go into another episode) there's pots and pans being kicked around and then I hear my old babysitter coughing her lungs out.. Shaking my head I actually wake up realizing it was all fake I freaked out and tried to get some more sleep knowing I have work in a few hours.. Immediately I came to Google because this is my 4th day not taking paxil at all and I have just been scared out of my mind. Literally. Thankfully I have a doctors appointment in a few hours..

Mar 24, 2017
Withdrawals from Paxil?? NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm doing research on the Paxil With drawals because,about a month ago my son was prescribed Paxil 20 mg.Most days he couldn't remember if he'd taken a pill causing him to take instead of the prescribed 20 mg,he was taking 40 mg!He ran out 2 weeks early. About the 5th day of having none in his system he started having night mares,and hallucinations. I was able to buy the Paxil but,it HASN'T helped at all.I'm assuming cause his body was used to the 40 mg not just 20 mg.He continues to have these terrible hallucinations seeing & hearing things that aren't really there.Sometimes he says it feels like someone or something is touching him.He HASN'T taken ANYMORE of the Paxil because,he says NOT ONLY DOES it NOT help but it makes it ALL WORSE....So,my concerns & the reason I'm on this forum is to HOPEFULLY hear from someone that has experienced such hallucinations and tell me how long till you stopped having the hallucinations? I of course called his doctor but,the secretary DIDN'T even relate the message to the dr she just said,if he's having all that then he NEEDS to go to a hospital. Can SOMEONE that also experienced such effects share your experience, such as how long till he'll be back to where he was before taking this Paxil??And did you've to be put on something else to stop the hallucinations? Thanks

Oct 21, 2017
Sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

Oh wow just had my first experience with sleep paralysis. Terrifying ! Ihave been weaning off Paxil. Other symptoms also that I expected but not this. When I could move again I was up and scared to go back to bed.

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The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

Ever woken up paralyzed? A surprising number of us have, believe it or not. But few know the actual causes of this phenomenon, and fewer still how to exert control over it. Dream researcher and sleep paralysis expert Ryan Hurd shares breakthrough insights into how to do just that.

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