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Feeling Like A Feather On My Skin Keeping Me Awake

by Joey
(Dublin Ireland)

Hi I am 23 years of age. I have problems not sleeping. My experience with sleep has never been a great affair.I used to stay up really late watching T.V playing xbox etc for around a year.

From April 2011 I started to feel weird feelings all around my body on my skin. It only happens when i try to sleep. I am a clean person and its not bugs or anything like that.

When I try to sleep It starts on my back then moves to my toe,head,arm,knee,eyebrow etc its not pins and needles its like a feather moving over my skin.

I don't believe in ghost's or stuff like that but why is it happening when I only want to sleep when i lie down without trying to sleep it does not happen.I am currently awake now it's 4:37AM and could be asleep now by 4 hours if it wasn't for this feeling i get on my skin when trying to sleep.

Obviously I need to see a sleep doc or something like that but whats your opinion?.Its really annoying me and I start to think about it happening before going to bed hoping it won't happen.

Thanks Joey

Comments for Feeling Like A Feather On My Skin Keeping Me Awake

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Nov 04, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hi Joey:
I had a Doc suggest restless legs sydrome to me once when I was having weird movements in my hand (muscle contractions). He said that restless legs can affect more than the legs. I am wondering if this is what you have? You would probably need to see a specialist as a GP may not have the knowledge or experience to recognize it.

Oct 02, 2014
Feathery Feeling NEW
by: Pam

I have this feeling, too, on one side of one leg. It usually occurs at bedtime, but today I felt it in the morning. Not painful, just feathery.

I am guessing it's a nerve issue, but I am not planning to investigate it with a doc unless it gets a whole lot worse and causes impairment.

Good luck to you.

It was very comforting to hear someone else describe this!!!

Oct 02, 2014
Feathery Feeling NEW
by: Pam

I have this feeling, too, on one side of one leg. It usually occurs at bedtime, but today I felt it in the morning. Not painful, just feathery.

I am guessing it's a nerve issue, but I am not planning to investigate it with a doc unless it gets a whole lot worse and causes impairment.

Good luck to you.

It was very comforting to hear someone else describe this!!!

Feb 26, 2015
feather or Tingle? NEW
by: Gator

Hi, You describe feather. I describe tingle and low level discomfort preventing heat. In my case i always thought it was heat related. It comes on in early hours after I have had reasonable sleep and does respond positively to cooling my body. Having said that I am exploring nerve issues and sensory receptors now. My tingling is close to the lingering feeling after scratching or after a slight movement of sandpaper over the skin. Anything sound familiar ?

Aug 10, 2015
quite strange NEW
by: Giulia

The feeling of a feather touching your skin and preventing you from going to sleep is quite rare and interesting. A quick research came up with and apparently there are people who are experiencing the opposite phaenomena, and who can't fall asleep without feeling the soft touch of a feather on their skin.

May 13, 2016
me too! NEW
by: Christine

it happens to me too. i notice it with certain foods. mushrooms, soy, beer, wine. especially if i've had all together! sometimes each individually in small amounts it's not a problem, but if I eat stir fry with tofu and mushrooms and drink a beer, i expect i'll have the "feathery" feeling and it also keeps me up for hours. I've described it to people and they have not clue what it is. it's not itchy hives or anything, just a momentary sensation that pops up for a second on my leg, then on my nose, then on my back, then my arm, etc. I suspect there are foods I have not identified and it seems like i have to eat a lot of it in combination with something for the effect to occur, so it's cumulative. I don't know if it's some weird temporary immune system reaction. hope that helps!

May 19, 2016
Gilbert's syndrome? NEW
by: Anonymous
This non-serious syndrome can feature itching

Oct 23, 2017
Feather touch on my nose NEW
by: Anonymous

I the last few weeks I have been feeling this feather soft caress on my nose and it’s always my nose. I kept thinking is this a ghost lol it doesn’t tingle or feel like anything else but a feather touching my gently. I don’t get it so I search online to get answers and even reading these I can’t pinpoint it. It’s just odd

Nov 14, 2018
Your not alone NEW
by: Nuru

I don't know what it is either. I thought it may have been either allergies or my subconscious. Buy my family doesn't have allergies except seasonal, and I'm not sure if that's how subconsciousness works. I also thought I may have picked up some kind of disease, but tests have come back negative. The thought of it being generic has passed my mind but none of my relatives have it. I am 18 and I also play games on Xbox at night if you want to talk more, which I do, text my Instagram.
It is @xx.aviox.xx

Nov 14, 2018
Your not alone NEW
by: Nuru

I don't know what it is either. I thought it may have been either allergies or my subconscious. Buy my family doesn't have allergies except seasonal, and I'm not sure if that's how subconsciousness works. I also thought I may have picked up some kind of disease, but tests have come back negative. The thought of it being generic has passed my mind but none of my relatives have it. I am 18 and I also play games on Xbox at night if you want to talk more, which I do, text my Instagram.
It is @xx.aviox.xx

Nov 14, 2018
Your not alone NEW
by: Nuru

I don't know what it is either. I thought it may have been either allergies or my subconscious. Buy my family doesn't have allergies except seasonal, and I'm not sure if that's how subconsciousness works. I also thought I may have picked up some kind of disease, but tests have come back negative. The thought of it being generic has passed my mind but none of my relatives have it. I am 18 and I also play games on Xbox at night if you want to talk more, which I do, text my Instagram.
It is @xx.aviox.xx

Jan 05, 2019
Feather like tingling on my face. Rash on my face lately
by: Dave C. 64 yrs old

I’m 64 years old now. Always been healthy but the usual aches and pains of becoming a Senior. Lower back, joint pain. Some anxiety. I noticed I was getting a rash on my face around. Month ago. Usually left side. Last night I was watching TV and was dozing off when I thought my son ran a feather over my face. He said he didn’t. Every time I’d fall asleep the Tickling would happen again. Only on the left side of my face or head.

I can’t imagine what would cause this unless it’s the beginning of a Shingles outbreak. I drink wine and beer. Also use MMJ vapor for pain at night. So I haven’t done anything differently other than drink Wine with Mexican Beer. 2 beers and 2 glasses of wine. A 10 mg edible at bedtime like normal.

Never experienced anything like this before. Hearing bumps in home. Everyone said we heard nothing.

It’s odd and can only think it may be shingles but know there could be another problem or nothing..

Any advice is appreciated and hope all those posting are doing well now.

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