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Embarrassment Induced Lucidity

by Nya

So I've been trying but not really trying to have lucid dreams. I had kind of given up on the concept 2 weeks into trying. Then tonight I woke up from my dreams like three times and then I decided to stay awake but I ended up falling asleep at around 7am I had a short dream but it didn't turn lucid and when I woke up I decided I should attempt lucidity again. And oh my god was that the best decision I ever made because:


Like it was short though because I was so excited but it was so amazing!

So I was at the train station and my hair wasn't done, my sister was wearing ugly clothes. Two "friends" of mine from school were nearby laughing with one of my old friends who I also now consider as fake and yeah. Elza this really beautiful girl I know from school came from some sort of wheelchair person stares and she was complaining about not wearing any makeup because apparently she was going to some academic thing. My sister went up to her and explained that she couldn't go because all of our stuff was at a hotel because apparently something happened to our house. I started thinking "why are we waiting out here? Where's the train?" The group of girls started laughing louder because of something they said amongst each other.

Anyways I started to feel really self conscious because I felt as if I had just walked out of the house without any makeup or good clothes. I started to say in my head 'oh gosh I wish this was a dream.'

And then all of the sudden I paused and looked around and I saw my old crush but he had long hair and red tips at the end. So I stood up from my position and said. "Wait I am dreaming" everything became so clear and bright as soon as I made this realisation.

I decided to try something so I excitedly walked up to my cousin but everything was starting to go fuzzy and I was tripping over as if I was drunk i nearly fell over. I grabbed my cousins hand and shook it. I asked "what do you think about me?" And she sat down with me. I started becoming overly excited and I wanted to stay dreaming so I started rubbing my hands more ferociously and I started rubbing my head too.

My cousin replied with "I think you're beautiful." Everything started to become really fuzzy and I started to know that I was going to wake up soon. She continued speaking "and when the teacher...." She faded off without finishing her sentence.

You want to know something that's weird? If that were the waking world I would have never been able to remember to ask someone a question. But since it was my mind I somehow remembered to ask a made up although real member of my subconscious a question. The brain works in mysterious ways. The next time I dream I plan to ask my subconscious "Show me something important that I need to see"

Some short analysis I made is that I only realised I was dreaming when I saw the logic in it. When I looked around I saw that my ex-crush didn't look as he did in real life: why do you think that was?
Also I felt really embarrassed I was actually thinking of hiding behind the place I was sitting when my ex-crush nearly saw me looking ratchet as hell it tipped me to the edge and helped me realise I was dreaming.

Quick summary: lucid dreaming is amazing and I want to become a pro at it. I know it takes a long time but I encourage the people who haven't tried it to try it. Look for triggers.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make them last longer and how to stop being overly excited?

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Dec 12, 2018
How to prolong dreams/stay calm NEW
by: Aprcitiy

Hi! I'm not a big expert myself, having never had a lucid dream, but I've done a lot of research and online courses, and thought I might give you a couple tips that seem popular.

First, even though you're really excited about having a lucid dream, try to take some deep breaths, follow that sensation, and ask everything around you for clarity and then focus on that until you calm down. Don't run around screaming about how you're in a dream, just take a moment to compose yourself before going on in the dream.

Second, to prolong dreams, try and make everything sharpen around you. Tell your dream, "clarity now!" Rub your hands together, look at yourself, and some people recommend falling backwards (but there's some controversy on that one). Just try and concrete yourself into your dream world, and don't get panicky when you feel it fade - that may draw you more out of your dream. Focus on the sensations of *all* of your senses in the dream, and if you can feel senses from the real world, gently dismiss those in your mind.

I also recommend you look at world of lucid dreaming - very good website with many articles covering a lot of lucid dreaming topics.

Hope this helped!

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