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Delaying DSPS Treatment. Suggestions for Eventual Course of Action?

by ParryFG
(Provo, UT)

The Short Version.

I am confident I have DSPS but am delaying "treatment" while I look for some work that will accommodate my current sleeping habits. Next fall I intend to start a Masters program, and while School can be more flexible than work, I will need my full productivity back (i.e., sleeping on a more regular schedule) When I do attend to my DSPS again, I am hoping that I can be armed with a few options that will work. That is the hope. Before anyone says anything, please read the following.

Things I have tried, but did/do not work:

Deep breathing, imagery exercises, meditating
CBT: Did all the healthy night-time behaviors (no stimulants, only using my bed for sleep, blah blah blah).
Various herbal remedies (currently taking Magnesium 400 mg, B-50 Complex, Valarian root 530 mg)
*Trazadone (This actually worked but I stopped using it due to heart palpitations)

Plan B:
Light Therapy

>>What are your suggestions for other treatment options that will help me to alter my sleeping schedule?<<

Bonus Question: Does anyone know of any paid/unpaid studies that would be interested in someone with DSPS? Yes yes, I know, I am asking anyways.

And now, this is the unnecessary and unnecessarily long history section that may prove useful, but is probably more for me.

All my life I have had sleep issues. Typically this equated to not sleeping till midnight, and taking 30-45 minutes to do so. In January of 2010, at 24 years of age, my condition worsened and 8:00 AM became my standard bed time. After 4 months of this I started taking Trazadone and that fixed the problem, at least as long as I slowly increased the dosage as well (I took it for about one year).

June of 2011
I got off of Trazadone due to some intense heart palpitations and I slowly transitioned back to a sleep time of 6:00 AM. I have noticed that I am sensitive to light in the morning, however I can't afford a nice private room with a giant window that faces the east to help me wake up in the morning. I bought an LED light therapy device, and have tried it 3-4 times only. I crashed pretty hard around 9:00 PM, DID NOT SLEEP, then my energy peaked about a couple hours later and I would still go to bed at my usual time around 6:00 AM. I have not tried to consistently use light therapy to solve the issue yet, as I am waiting to do so. There are some other psychological factors that may be relevant.

As a teenager I was diagnosed with a mild form of tourettes (ticks) with the attendant ADD/ADHD, as well as depression (which is known to run in my family). Growing up in Michigan I definitely dealt with SAD, but out in Utah I don't have any issues with that. I do live with some amount of uncertainty and anxiety in my life (no job, dealing with sleep issues, trying to plan for a future career or a plan B to my future career if I can't figure sleeping thing out, etc). I have found that I am much more susceptible to anxiety, mood swings, negativity, anger, frustration, lack of motivation and being overwhelmed when I have a sleep schedule of 6:00 AM - 2:00 PM, as opposed to a more regular sleep schedule. I have left out some of the details regarding how I would further diagnose my case as being DSPS because I don't think they would be relevant.

That about sums it up. Questions?

Comments for Delaying DSPS Treatment. Suggestions for Eventual Course of Action?

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Nov 23, 2011
Diabeticfootcare NEW
by: James

Led Light therapy is the best way to avoid and cure problems with Diabetic Foot Ulcers. This Therapy treatment helps the curing process fast and safe.

Jan 16, 2012
hope you are finding relief NEW
by: Anonymous

I am investigating this for myself at 50 yrs young, life is very unregimented -- I have sporadic early hours to work (freelance musican and teaching artist in schools, which typically schedule workshops and assemblies early), and I suppose I have been squeaking by for many many years. Being relaxed enough to just get the sleep I need and getting it, whether it is four hrs here or five there, and being flexible is something I took for granted, and hope to again, OR 'win' this infuriating battle with the natural schedule which has really got my attention. All best to you and everyone struggling with this.

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