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Anyone else hear the buzzing?

by Courtney

I don't know that I've ever had sleep paralysis happen at night. Maybe once or twice in the morning. But when I experience it the most is when I take naps during the day, which I try to avoid for that reason. It's the same old thing, like everyone else I can see and hear but I can't move.

But what I haven't heard about before is that, every time it happens to me there is a very loud buzzing or humming sound in my brain. It's like all the electricity in the house is running through my spinal cord. And even before the paralysis "sets in" I can hear it coming. It's very strange. I know what's happening with the paralysis but I'd like to know if anyone else hears the loud hum?

Kevin: Hey Courtney, Thanks for writing in. You've hit on a key insight with highlighting the fact that you usually only experience SP during naps. I believe this is due to the fact that depending on the length of your nap, you can be much more likely to wake up during a REM period, and thus be more prone to your atonia leaking out into wakefulness. More on that here. You could try changing the duration of your naps significantly and seeing if it makes a difference in the frequency of your episodes (e.g. if you usually take around 40 minute naps, try 20 minute or 90 minute naps instead. This could make it more likely to wake up outside of REM.)

In regards to the buzzing, others definitely experience the same thing and I've heard accounts of the noise and the electricity tingling feeling a fair bit. A dream researcher named Ryan Hurd, who's suffered from SP since he was 14 and devised ways to control it since, writes quite a bit about it in his book, Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide, which you can read my review of here.


Comments for Anyone else hear the buzzing?

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Dec 13, 2010
your not the only one
by: Robert

Hi I have read your story and I just wanted to tell you I have the same feeling. Its hard to describe and every time I try explaining it to my family or friends they say its just my anxiety and thei feel stupid. When this started happening to me 3 years ago I was convinced that something was seriously wrong with me. I have undergone extensive testing by many different doctors including a neurologist and cardiologist just to be told there's nothing wrong with me. I have often felt like I was losing my mind until I heard about s.p.

Dec 14, 2010
what a relief
by: Courtney

wow Robert, it sounds like you went through a lot. but its nice to know I'm not the only one. thanks for your comment.
and thanks Kevin for your answer too. it was very helpful.

Jan 09, 2011
I've heard it too
by: Paige

You're not the only one..I've heard this several times it's like a warning to me that it's about to honestly sucks when the buzzing starts..this sleep paralysis ruins my sleep pattern because I have it so many times a night

Jan 20, 2011
yes i hear the buzzing. the dreadful buzzing.
by: anna

Yes. I hear the buzzing. It's dreadful and almost painful for me and it seems that when the buzzing happens is when I get the scariest of my "experiences", and like you, seems to happen when I take naps. It has been that way my entire life and I am 35. I am new to this site because I thought I was going crazy.

Jan 26, 2011
The Buzzing...Yep.
by: Ami

No, you are most definitely not alone. I, too, hear the buzzing right before SP and it starts out a bit softly only to get louder and louder until it forces me a feeling of not being able to move at all, which is panic-causing a lot of the time, and then suddenly, just as the buzzing gets the loudest I feel like I'm being thrown down a swiftly spinning tunnel that spits me out into a lucid dream.


Feb 06, 2011
The Buzzing. . I Hear That..
by: Louise

I think it sounds abit like a train coming in the distance, getting louder n louder until the paralysis sets in. I can feel like my head is spinning (like when you drunk n lie down with ur eyes closed) and the buzzing starts, then the paralysis, voices/hallucinations n sometime like someones touching my face.. and sometimes wake up after with a pain in my head. freaky stuff! but I jus try and think while its happening that its not real

Mar 07, 2011
I hear that too!
by: Emma

The "buzzing" for me is the scariest part as I then know what's coming! It's not really like a buzz for me but a really high pitched electric sort of sound, the same pitch, only getting louder and louder and then it starts to pulse. I then sense that there's someone else in the room with a hood on, who walks up from the doorway and bends down so that its face is up close to mine although I can't really see its face properly. Can't move a muscle even though inside I feel like I'm screaming out. I try and roll off the bed and actually feel like I'm lying on the floor but realise I haven't moved and still on the bed. The figure eventually goes away and then the noise starts to get quieter before going alltogether and then I can move again. Really horrible, I'm glad it's not just me x

Mar 08, 2011
Errors in spelling
by: June

I appoligise I didn't notice before that my iPad word correct changed a couple of my words, making someone think what is she talking about? Grrr

I wonder if this sleep paralysis could be caused by stress?

Mar 17, 2011
buzzing and voices
by: jknight

It's only happened once but I heard familiar voices saying random things, after a while everything seemed as a foreign language and i couldnt understand at all. After the understanding was numbed i then realized I didnt know any of the voices anymore....following by a loud buzzing sound, as if a large bee were near me. I tried talking, nothing. Moving...nothing. I sleep on my side. I was very tired though iy was dark and i was hallucinatin...or dreaming with my eyes open.

Mar 23, 2011
I've had the same sound
by: Anonymous

I have had a very similar buzzing sound in my head and ears and a weird tingling feeling in my entire body.

Mar 24, 2011
Wake up to buzzing orbits
by: GinebraUrbana

I wake up seeing these colorful orbits and the sound they make is just as you all described it like an energy field about to explode. The first experience was almost 5 years ago I woke up by the sound it was making and the first thing I see is this orange Orbit moving around my room...I couldn't move right away but I did scream out of terror and all of a sudden it was gone as well as the buzz.
Then three years ago I was also sleeping and then again this sound woke me up but this time the orbit was blue and it was moving around my room like the first one I screamed again and my mother came running to my room she then told me that she could hear me saying something like WHAT IS THAT..WHAT IS THAT but nothing was there at least she didn't see it, she also said that I looked like I was Hypnotized looking at something but I cant remember myself saying a word I know about my scream because it was so loud I scared myself.
And then last night I was sleeping and the same sound woke me up...bzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz...I saw a very light red orbit buzzing like crazy it was right in front of my bed so close to my feet...I almost had a heart attack...I screamed my guts out and covered my head under the boyfriend came to the room and he was scared too because he didn't know what was going on. I have been thinking about it the whole day ...for some reason I feel like whatever those things are they are watching us...God I don't know what I am saying. Could this be SP? I don't feel paralyzed most of the time but what scares the hell out of me is the fact the I wake up to the sound it makes and then the orbit stays for a bit until I scream and then it disappears. Any logical explanation, somebody?

May 17, 2011
by: jess

So i just had for the 1st timewhat I've been told is sp. I'm 22yrs old and 6months pregnant, at 3:30am this morning i could of swore that there was someone standint beside our bed electricuting the bed my body felt to be shaking and I couldnt move.there was also the very loud buzzing noise which is what made it feel so real.suddenly it stopped and i rolled over to find noone there,dogs and hubby quitely asleep.I really hope this dosnt happen again or get we scary,I remember thinking I had to push hubby of the bed so he could save me,but i couldnt move.just as well,poor

May 19, 2011
you're not the only one
by: Sarah

I hear a ringing, but I definitely hear it too. The more I panic, the louder it gets. Ever hear strange voices?

Jun 15, 2011
sort of
by: Anonymous

I clearly remember hearing the buzzing when i was around 5, but now it doesnt happen anymore, it dissapeared as it happened more frequently

Jun 24, 2011
The buzz gets louder!
by: Chris

I have to admit that noone in real life understands.To get rid of my buzz i have to move. All my muscles are frozen, can not speak and it is a real effort to wake up! But thats not all, last night i didnt hear a buzz but it was my sisters voice, she was saying something and it got louder and louders and then strangely went into my ear (the noise was from surround)I am starting to hear more voices now, i hope this is not going to develop!
Correlations: Less sleep=more common buzz. Exam revision i was stressed and had no sleep, no time to relax.

Aug 09, 2011
beautiful buzz
by: ukmar

when you hear the buzz it means Game On.. when people hear the buzz, that's when they freak out. The reason is that this is the beginning of you conscious dream state. at this stage people normally try to fight it.. The reward. For me as a young boy when this started first happening I use to freak out, trying anything I could to wake up. I felt terrified. But then one time I decided to face the fear, I got angry as demanded I see it through.. nothing bad happened. What did happen was I realized that in this state I was able to control my dream state.. what is happening to you all is a gift. If you face the felling of fear and instead embrace it, you will realize that this buzzing noise is the gate to your world of lucid dreaming.

so much to say so little room here to say it.. good luck, be brave .. and enjoy the trip!

Aug 31, 2011
by: Saniya

I get these bunch of random sounds and voices that get louder and louder upto the point that it's kind of painful,and at that point I try to scream but my mouth is shut and I'm just kind of making internal noises. Maybe,I don't know,the voices are too loud. This happens at least two or three times in a row. I'm only fifteen and it's really freaking me out,I can't get used to it.

Sep 19, 2011
Buzzing & strobing!
by: TJ

Yep the buzzing starts it off... I get the buzzing even when I'm awake/just dozing during sp times but my body and mind feels like it's strobing like a disco light! I try to ride it out but it hurts being in that state and have to try move to wake my self up! Luckily I dont get sp all that often ( 10 times a year ) but when I do it's all night around 10 times a night.

Nov 03, 2011
annoying sound..
by: Anonymous

this just happend to me last nite the noise just kept gettin louder and louder wen this happens to me, i try to close my eyes but sum how i can still see evrything..i try screaming but i cant...before the episode was over i actulyy made a crying sound while it was happening and my mom actully hurt it!

Nov 28, 2011
Too scared to sleep
by: S

Thank you!!! :) I just had a real vivid buzzing noise occurrence, combined with shaking and hallucinations and complete paralysis. It's like a train coming on and you can't stop it. Truly horrifying. I don't dare to go to sleep, trying to stay awake... I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets this tho. Bless you all, hope you can sleep calm tonite.

Dec 23, 2011
I thought i was the only one in the planet.
by: Simon From Dubai

I am 24 now, and 6 year ago at 18(i had some stress related problems and abnormal seelping patters) so, in the morning of some day, when i was about to wake up, in just that split-second when i aware that you are waking up but still my eyes clothed i felt like all my body was paralyzed except the tip of my fingers, i couldn't open my eyes, screem, move or anything, the if i try to move but fail, Then there came the scariest day in my life, A great pain and strange noise, it was like a noise you hear inside a plane, when the plane has landed but not without the engine turned off (Best way i could describe it). Now, when ever i try to get up or do something, the sound and the pain gets 3 or 4 times bigger, which means, that you are more paralyses and the sound is quadrupled. Every time you try something, the sounded feels to run much faster than ever, there was no way i could stop it. After little attempt to fight it off, it, as i said got harder, and harder for... At last, i reached a point that let alone the greatest pain of all, but that unimaginably sound was enough to pass you out. And that is what i did, i just lost conscious, i lost hope to fight or even been part of my body. And when i lost all of that, i went to quite moment for seconds and heard this sound from my brain, as if a water were filling a cup, i heard that sound and then woke up. I froze in fear so much, that my legs couldn't walk, that i had to stand against the wall and walk at the same time to reach the bath room, it was in east Africa, so it was hope less to go to a doctor, but i did and was told i nothing was wrong. I seriously thought that, was how people get insane and felt like telling family i love them before something happened to me. In short those were the darkest times in my life.The worst thing was, i thought i was alone, checked the internet found nothing, i gave up and waited for my end. it happened 4 or 5 times then, after 2 months i left the country for other reasons and as my stress and sleep pattern were eliminated, so did the great terror. in the past 6 years after i've experienced 2 times an SP with the sound, and in those times both i greatly over slept, the second was today, and it was my fault, i didn't sleep all night yerstrday and over slept today for 12+. This time though, when i heard the sound i struggled with all my force and got up and decided to share this with other people. IT IS OK, You are not going to die, just take care of your sleeping times and don't worry too much about it. When i changed my life around, i experienced this only twice in SIX years, . And both times i was 100% responsible. wish i found this form right then, i had to be saint to everybody thinking it was the best thing to be before i die, i found comfort in reading someone's blog years later expericing the same thing, but was little late for me. Anyway, God bless and take care of yourself. you will be Just like before 100% . Ok, then God Bless (Sorry 4 boring you)

Mar 12, 2012
buzzing getting worse
by: C.C.

I'm glad I looked this all up, cuz it looks like the buzzing is pretty common. I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary, no stress or anything, but the buzzing is getting louder and louder, to tell you the truth...I even start hearing a voice. I hope it doesn't get worse than this.

Apr 14, 2012
sleep paralysis
by: Anonymous

Initially, i felt a jolt as i was driftig off to sleep. Later i felt like i was levatating off my bed and i heard a buzzing sound. Similiar to my phone being on vibrate. I screamed my daughters name (with no sound) but as i was waking i was making a sound like i couldnt open my mouth. Something was definitely in my room, bc i moved a cup of liquid from my nightstand specifically to prevent me from knocking it over by accident. But, when i placed it on the floor, the next morning before my feet hit the floor, the cup had tilted over. When i woke i thought i may have been laying on my phone. Not only did i hear the buzzing but i felt it. I wasnt laying on the phone nor did anyone call or text me. No alarm either.

Apr 26, 2012
same here
by: Anonymous

I've had this happen to me twice and both times it's been the same thing. It starts out I hear a high pitched ringing noise so I open my eyes and it almost feels like a dream but I know I'm awake. And I can't move or scream and then I start shaking almost like convulsions. So I told my dad about it and apparently he has it happen to him too so I'm thinking it's hereditary. It's so scary and both times have been when I nap during the day.

Apr 30, 2012
I experienced this last night - first time in many years!
by: Freddie

I think it's been covered in enough detail now. Basically it's a big relief if you thought you were going crazy!

I experienced this a couple of times in my adolescence. The first time I was terrified: paralysed, with an ever increasing sound of humming/buzzing/droning similar to a mechanical sound (jet engine/truck/etc). The sound also modulates or throbs in a distinct rhythm.

As a young boy, I thought it was a UFO come to get me so I was well and truly terrified!

Of course, the aliens didn't get me, so next time it happened I guess I paid a bit more attention. I discovered that I could mentally affect the speed of the rhythm which led me to understand it was just a mental phenomenon.

Strangely, I had the same experience last night - the first in probably 20 years for me. I remember feeling scared because I'd forgotten about it.

Don't freak out - you're not crazy - it's not aliens - it's just sleep paralysis coupled with some hallcinatory effects. Enjoy the ride if you can!

Jun 14, 2012
Yes I do
by: Matt

I'm glad I came across this thread.
Every now and again over the last 10 years, as I am falling asleep I get this electrical sensation and buzzing going from one ear to the other over the top of my head (feels like my brain is tingling). This feeling always pre-empts a nightmare which usually involves ghosts etc.
I try to tell myself to wake up and end up screaming but no sound comes out. I know my wife is lying next to me and I try to scream to her to help me wake up but she says in the morning she never hears a thing. It's like a battle with an unknown force that’s trying to stop me from waking. Sometimes I manage to wake myself up only to start drifting off to sleep again when the buzzing starts and I try to stop myself from falling asleep because I know what will happen.
When this started happening about 10 years ago I used to see myself sleeping during my nightmare. I also used to have the feeling of something dragging me out of bed.
Anyway, I guess my biggest worry was if the buzzing in my brain was some kind of mental/physical problem but if others feel it then perhaps it’s not that.

Jul 08, 2012

by: amber

That's exactly what happened to me. But in my case i started seeing things and like some one is standing beside my bed and try to harm me. When i can finally move my body there's on one beside my bed. Like everything's normal again. I told my family but they thought i'm just having a nightmare,but i know i'm not. Its feels so real. But now i understand after i came across this site.

Jul 13, 2012
by: Danny

Hmmm ok I've heard this ringing nose and than couldn't move than I felt pressure on my chest like someone was leaning on top of me. To this off I was sleeping on the floor of my sisters room because she heard things the night before. She was like what the hell is that sound. Idk call me crazy but than this happen like 7 years ago and she still brings it up like wow.

Jul 17, 2012
My experience
by: Neweggeek

I'm able to induce this this buzzing/Trainsound if I have a oscillating fan running. I also noticed that if I lay perfectly still while doing this it intensifies the sound. My body becomes numb and the sound of louder and louder. I did start to hear some really weird stuff after that. I got a little scared so I shook myself out of it. From what some people say this is the first couple steps to an out of body experience. This would explain why some people feel like they're being trapped by someone else or some other entity. They call it astral projection look it up. I would embrace if I could but my fears are too great.

Jul 25, 2012
Same thing happened to me this morning!
by: Sam (16 years old)

Hi, I literally just had this happen to me this morning. I did know that before i was officialy woke up, i was in a lucid dream surrounded by PITCH BLACK. Execpt, I couldn't move anything, and then yes, the awful loud sound came. Did you have a lucid dream right before you woke up?

Jul 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

Continuesly as im slowly falling asleep, i sense something. I hear a loud noise sounds like a plane,or a jet engine.literally right in front of my gets louder and louder then the bed shakes and my body shakes.though i dont know if anythngs realy actually moving.i can move my fingers and open my eyes just enough to see thngs that arent realy there once i wake up.e.g people,objects.after 2 to 10 mins.depending how long it lasts im wide awake relieved but very the stage that i cnt get out of completely freaks me out.only when i sleep alone in the room.never when my husbands with me.any ideas on what it could be or suggestions on what to do.? It just happened for the 1st time in months.

Jul 29, 2012
Definately not insane
by: Anonymous

Your definately sane. We all are. I think that some people just wouldnt believe it if we told have to experience it. It definately is scary and can drive you absolutely crazy trying to put all the pieces together.

Jul 30, 2012
Not really sure
by: Caleb

Sometimes I hear the buzzing sound right before i sleep but i have noticed it happens when i get real mad or upset. Like tonight I had a fight with my parents and I tried going to sleep but then the buzzing started. It almost sounded like the tv was on a channel that didnt work and that sound the tv makes just got louder and louder. Im glad im not the only one.

Jul 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

I think we need to find a solution..asap.cos its driving me crazy.i hate it.

Sep 11, 2012
Is this normal and what can i do to fix it?
by: C_Mickey

So this has only ever happened to me twice now, but it really freaks me out. The first time it happened i had dozed off for only a little bit when all of a sudden i heard like a pulsating noise in my head and started having dream-like visions that i was smoking weed and was spinning out of control off a chair with my sister and her boyfriend, but i started freaking out because it was as if i was watching myself in a dream whilst still being awake-ish? i couldnt move or talk or anything so i started to panick but then i all of a sudden snapped out of it? The second time happened just now,it was worse than last time like the noise, the spinning, paralysis etc. and although i kept telling myself in my head not to panick, i honestly thought i was going to die. why does this happen and how can i fix it?! :(

Sep 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

I know not many people are religious,myself being 1,but i found that if u say your gods name in ur head or outloud it helps.also try not plays a huge part..just breath and brace urself.get comfy as u fal asleep, thnk positive.relax and keep your mind does help..i knw its scary when it happens,but this realy helped me.

Sep 22, 2012
Buzzing not normal
by: Anonymous

I had same xperience in 2010 or 2011. I was asleep and through my closed eyes I sensed this bright light than a buzz sound like a bee started. It started out soft and got louder. I struggled to wake up because I was scared. It appeared that something was emerging from the light. I cursed at it and it vanished. I woke up and went to the bathroom and there was blood coming from my mouth but no apparent damage could be seen. I don't know what I was experiencing, but it was no any type of sleep disorder or s.p. I never had sleep problems before that.

Sep 25, 2012
Mysterious sounds return
by: Anonymous

I'm in Orange County, CA and been hearing rumbling and humming. Sounds like it's from the earth and the sky and it's been keeping me up til 2 in the morning

Sep 28, 2012
I get it too
by: Anonymous

I'm 19 but i've been getting these buzzing sounds since primary school. Its like an electric-pulsating sound that increases in loudness, happening only when i'm lying down about to sleep (and even after waking). But during my primary school days this never led to sleep paralysis (in fact i only remember experiencing something of the sort once in those days). Instead, the room would feel like its spinning and then i would be lead into a very vivid dream that i could control (what some fanatics like to call astro travel, but i dont believe in that stuff) - i'd be totally aware of the fact that i was actually asleep. In those days i used to get excited when i heard the buzzing sounds because they would tell me that i was about to experience a fun dream where i could do whatever i wanted. But a year ago i remember waking up unable to move a muscle. I could just open or shut my eyes. The scariest moment of my life, as you would understand, as this was like the first time this was happening. My heart was beating faster than ever. Now whenever i hear the buzzing its a warning for sleep paralysis. Sometimes i get the hallucinations too, in my opinion the audible ones (voices and footsteps) are more terrifying than the visual ones. Doing research and finding conversations like this helped me though, and im no longer terrified when i experience this, i just continue trying to fall asleep lol

Oct 02, 2012
Out of Body Experience??
by: Anonymous

Hasnt anyone ever hear of "out of body experiences"? Perhaps you should look into that, learn how to control the helpless feeling you get when the buzzing starts.

Oct 12, 2012
Loud high pitch sound.
by: Anonymous

It starded when I was in my 20's. I am now 55. What I have experienced many times over is, a high pitched sound that starts off low then get's very loud. This always happens when I was taken a nap or from sleeping through the night. It only happens when it is day light. following the high pitch sound, I am then immobilized, I can't move at all except my eyes. Something invisable is holding me down. I am awake looking around my invirenment. Then little men which to me looks like alien men 3 to 4 of them come to my side and they are very tiny like 2 1/2 or 3 feet tall with big heads. They are talking, but in a language not from this planet. I always try to move but cannot, so what I did every time is force my fingers to move, as I knew that if I can just move my fingers, I would be set free, and it worked every time. As soon as I broke that hold on me, at the same time the noise would disapear and so did the little men. I believe there are more than one reason this happens to people, but I know my story is about other species that come and visit. For me, it has nothing to do with sleep patterns. I know in my heart there are other life forms out in the universe. I know this to be true for me anyway.

Oct 22, 2012
by: Itnojcip

What's going on? SP or? Has been affecting me since I was very young and am 39 currently. For the first time I made a connection between first falling asleep and when I'm silent screaming to wake up. Before falling asleep tonight I felt small micro pulses in my head they felt like small electrical pulses that throbb randomly but controlled by somthing other than me almost like a radio wave. The last time I noticed these I rebuked them and said they were not welcome to be there and I prayed. It didn't happen that night. For some reason I did not pray tonight and I had the silent screams again. So next time I notice those pulses you can bet I will be praying to Jesus again. Why do I feel so violated when this happens also when I wake up my head won't stop tingling like my head has the chills or somthing. it feels like the skin on my head has been stimulated. any one else feel that?

Oct 23, 2012
by: Chintz

I was trying to sleep last night, but just tossed and turned for a long time. I laid on my side to see if I could fall asleep that way and this fast wooshing sound came into my head - sort of like when a race car goes by really fast, but a woosh, not a buzz. It started to repeat faster and faster and suddenly my whole body took a major shudder and then the electric tingling (strong!) began. That's when I couldn't move any part of my body. Totally paralyzed! It seemed to go on for a few minutes - I wasn't panicked or anything - just curious as to what was happening. I realized at one point that my mouth was hanging open and I felt a bit of drool starting to come out. I tried my best to move my tongue to get rid of it, but my tongue too, was paralyzed. Finally, I was able to move my tonge to the side of my mouth and the second it moved, everything stopped! Just like that. The wooshing in my head stopped, the electric tingling stopped and I could move everything. I am sure that I was NOT asleep while this was happening, as I continued to toss and turn for another hour or so until sleep finally found me. What the hell was that????

Oct 23, 2012
There's more to the buzzing..
by: Anonymous

The buzzing is one of the first signs of Astral Projection. Google it!! It's mind blowing and crazy cool

Oct 26, 2012
by: Anonymous

Pray in Jesus name
Do not watch any of the movies such as the Paranormal etc...
Seek believers in God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit to help you with this. Anytime you have a problem pray. God Bless all of you who have and are experiencing this. I stumbled upon this page accidentally well, maybe son mentioned some of these symptoms. Pray.

Oct 29, 2012
Me too, and I'm 51
by: Anonymous

The loud noise is always a signal I am about to have a strange dream of sorts. I have had this since I was very young. It scares you, you fight it and it only gets worse. You pray and it does not go away. You try to wake up,sometimes you can but sometimes you can't and you know it, and sometimes you dream you have, but find out you are still having a dream. It is so frightening. Now that Im older, since I know what is coming, I let it flow through me, I try and control the direction the dream is going which makes some very interesting dreams. I have flown in these dreams, swam underwater, gone to beautiful places, and very scary places. I know when it comes I am about to go into a very deep dream state but I am very concious about it. It doesn't get better, but you become less scared.

Oct 31, 2012
SP & Lucidity
by: Anonymous

I used to fear SP moments because I hadn't researched the topic. However, now that I understand the mechanics behind it (especially as they apply to me), it's MUCH easier to control… In fact, I haven't had many episodes at all recently. What is more difficult to control is lucid dreaming. Likewise, before I did research, I had wonderful lucid dreams…sometimes even false awakenings that I could transform into lucid dreams. Last night, I finally fell into lucidity again while dreaming of watching television in an apartment I didn't recognize. When I noticed I was dreaming, I tried very hard to maintain the lucidity, and forced myself to float up through the ceiling into the apartment above. It worked, but I didn't remain asleep much longer afterward. I woke up to the same vibrating/tingling in the extremities that always accompanies SP and lucid dreaming. And, yes… The buzzing is always fairly loud during these episodes, but vanishes almost immediately upon waking.

Nov 03, 2012
I thought I was alone..
by: Hollie H

I have felt so alone for almost 20 years. I have also experienced the same terrifying episodes and they seem to be getting worse. I have told my story many times, however I feel as if I've waisted my breath trying to reach out. I have finally came to agreement with my self that while ur in that state of sleep, think to yourself to stay calm and breath slow. I promise you will wake up faster.

Nov 06, 2012
kunalini syptoms
by: Anonymous

sounds like kundalini?

Nov 12, 2012
First Time..
by: Eddy

Um, I'm 14. I was sleeping at about 1 am, and out of a sudden i heard this annoying noise, that started soft and was to the point where i was praying in my dream. I thought it was reality. It wasn't. i guess i had a PS because i couldn't wake up, as hard as i tried. This all lasted about 10-15 seconds.. but felt like a lifetime. This noise was so annoying, i was really scared. I'm glad to see, im not the only one. Does anyone have any recommendations for me? Like a certain sleeping routine to lower these sort of things.

Nov 17, 2012
i had the same for years
by: Anonymous


I had the same problem since i was 13! I could not move and i would feel that to get out of that state i would have to be very strong and the buzzing and electricity would fill my entire body. It was hard to open my eyes, but when i could, i would see my sister or anyone that was around and i could surely hear everyone! I wanted to scream to help me weak me up, but i could not talk either. It was easier to let go, but i was so afraid what would happen if i did let go that i would gather all the strength i had to weak my self up. It all stopped about about 5 years ago when i started taking Ambien to sleep! Now i don't take much Ambien, but i haven't had the sleep paralysis episode ever again! It was scary to me!

Nov 26, 2012
it happends to me
by: Anonymous

the same thing happends to me to i know what it is .its demons that come in the night when were a sleep or when were about to fall asleep

Nov 27, 2012
by: Eddy

Thats crazy..

Nov 30, 2012
I hate the Buzz
by: Anonymous

Im 16 years old and this is the first time i have SP Im scared because, seconds before Im about to experience SP I heard a buzz, at first it starts soft then seconds later it gets worst, and I cant move any muscle just my eyes, this happens when im fully awake.

Dec 02, 2012
Buzzing, electrical, static feeling.
by: Anonymous

I have the same feeling. Buzzing in my ears and an electrical current going through my body. I feel terror at this point. I don't know why and suddenly a painful jolt through my body, like somebody flipping a switch. Finally, I feel like am slipping off the side of my bed horizontally. I don't remember much after that.

Dec 04, 2012
by: Anonymous

All these are common symptoms of the Sp episodes. However, I'm not convinced science studies have it right. I've had quite a few of these. But, I figured out the first time I had one ' while having a conversation with my husband ' awake! That they might have this all wrong! All the symptoms starting happening as soon as I jumped in bed. First, the electrical feeling, then heard the electricity sounds in my head (Almost the sensation of hearing a power lines), the short split seconds I couldn't move and I knew if I didn't move around, it would take over. So, I loudly announced to my husband what was happening. And it lasted about 20 min. while I was talking to him about it. Sleep Paralysis? I think not.

Dec 15, 2012
The buzzing

I've heard the buzzing and I've had SP a few times over the years, but I think the buzzing is something totally different. I heard it one night wit my husband, i was afraid because it was so unexpected and I was the only one who could hear it. I heard it twice in one night and it got my attention. A few months later he woke up around 3 am because he heard the same noise but he was the only one that time. A few weeks later and now a friend of mine says she's heard the same noise without the SP. What ever it is its more than just stress and its effecting a wide range of people. Some might say its like trumpets, the voice of God is said to sound like that. Others say ailens. What ever it is its comming and it wants to make itself known. I dont think just stress or because of a health issue. somethings comming. I just dontn know how to explain what it could be. If anyone agrees with me or has more info on this pleas email my username

Dec 17, 2012
by: Anonymous

Your buzzing come from a drug your brain releases during rem sleep called dmt look it up it is the most powerful trip in the world and responsible for our dreams your lucky a lot of people risk a lot to get that experience but anyway I think that is what you guys are experiencing run with it and don't let it freak you out and you may just see things that we wernt ment to see it is possible bit only for a lucky few lol
(Dimethyltryptamine) dmt read about it tell me if you think I'm on the money or not ?

Dec 17, 2012
Make up your own mind
by: Anonymous

I think what your all experiencing is due to dmt (dimethyltryptamine) look it up it will blow your mind but fact is its apart of us and I think you all have high amounts of it in your brains and its affecting your sleep your experiences all sound very similar to a dmt trip and I reckon its the reason you hear what you do make your own mind up though just a possible answer for you all so you can rest easy so yeah do some research let me know if you think I'm right or not

Dec 23, 2012
by: Anonymous25

hey courtney, i had it. Once i was sleepin and i heard some hummings, some chords in my head that they sounded horrifying, they were not good. Like some stupids strums the gutitar with no music, you know what i mean. And some noises, mixed up. i woke up and i walked to the bathroom and realized i could still hear them. That was baaad and went to my siblings bed and napped then it gone. Oh it was bad. And seldom do i hear a man talks in a quiet place no image just blank black , i guess it's at the rem, anyways man speaks fast and fast and fast then he slows, ohh what a scary sh*t, so then he just starts talking fast and loud, its like i have the control over it if i tense it than i suppose i get tensed and the man's speaking changes, and at that time, it's whole lucid, and you cant make urself awake, thats so bad. The worst part, sometimes you are able to hear your real enviroment what people speak and it amps.

Dec 23, 2012
by: Anonymous


Hi, its me Anush I'm 18 years old ,i have rad ur story but i didn't achieve anything .it was really funny i like it but also stupid . by the way friend i'm also dreaming a woman who doesn't have teeth ............................If u have free time make new story ..

Jan 28, 2013
Freaky sh##t
by: Wills

Hi I to have expeirianced the buzzing starting as high pitched then to loud droning in head as wellas sp.i would like to know how comment by akrum who said its start of lucid dreaming knows this and how long the noise lasts before you start to dream as noise is unbearable?Also as a boy I have been dreaming and in my dream I was aware I was dreaming if you know what I mean,and what is cause

Jun 13, 2013
While Wide Awake Reading A Book
by: Gamediva2112

I was lying in bed reading an engaging book, and this buzzing, like an electric motor just before it engages, or an amp that is turned on but with no input. Steady, and unwavering. Finally, I get up to investigate. The minute I stand up, it stops. I put my ear near all the electrical things in my bedroom and all were silent. I walked around the house and heard nothing.

I wonder if it has something to do with depressed blood flow? I have sometimes held my head at a bad angle for some time while watching tv in bed and had it affect my ability to focus my eyes.

Could this be the hearing centers of my brain crying out for oxygen? I probably need to go get my carotid arteries sonogrammed, huh?

Jun 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

Its not like dmt for the anonymous person I have been having this since I was a child I'm now 25.IM not sure what it is I have always had it with the loud buzzing never voices though. I didn't use to be saved a true Christian. But I had this when I was a child not doing anything far as drugs or being deep in religion or the occult. As I got older I got into drugs in particular cccs which has that dxm or dmt whatever is in it I have experienced those trips and its not that at all. Fast forward God delivered me out of all the mess I was in I am now preaching and the praise and worship leader at my church and I still have it from time to time with the buzzing and everything.I have tried to call Jesus but of course I can't talk during it i have thought it in my head but i still happens from time to time I have prayed about it asking for the cause to be revealed. Folks I'm not sure what it is but let us recognize that God is in control.

Jun 25, 2013
Buzzing sound, levitation and being paralised
by: David (Bolton England)

I believe I was 16-years-old when I slept at a friend's house. I slept on a doubt sized bed alone. I was awoken by a weird buzzing sound (sounded like some sort of machine) in my left ear or it might of been left side of my brain. As my mind woke up I couldn't move my body or even open my eyes. So I'm seeing total darkness while being paralised n hearing a weird machine noise in my left ear!! But even more weirder the fact I could also feel my body was weightless n I could feel my body levitating across the right side of the bed!! I was thinking to myself what the hell was going on here!! I was freaked out n kept trying to understand what the hell was happening to me!! The weird buzzing sound stopped and was able to open my eyes n move my body too. I looked around the room which was very dark n quite a big room too. I was scared as I looked around the room in case I saw something there. I never saw anything though n glad I didn't because I was already scared out of my mind. I personally believe I was being abducted by aliens or was being tested in the room or something. I think these beings knew I was conscious so they stopped what they were going to. I've also awoken once before while feeling as though a heavy weight was on my dhest n I couldn't move at all while being fully conscious. This is scary stuff I'll tell ya!! I'm 27 now but have had these two experiences that I'm aware of when I was 16.

Jul 02, 2013
the loud noise you hear
by: Anonymous

the first time this happened to me was the scariest thing in my life. i felt like i was being pined down & could see a black figure right above me. i've learned to deal with this now & actually don't mind that feeling you get when it feels like electric is running through your body, it's just the things i see i can never get used to. i even think i've found out what the loud buzzing noise i hear is. i believe it's the teeth grinding together at a rapid speed & it makes it sound like a terrible sound because you can't open your mouth & it sounds like it does because of that. would like to hear if anyone else thinks it could be the teeth.

Jul 29, 2013
Astral projection
by: Anonymous

These are all examples of the beginning state of astral projection where your soul leaves your body to go into the astral plane.

Sep 09, 2013
by: Anonymous

Have any of you ever wondered if these episodes could be seizure activity? I have had these episodes on and off for years. I can tell before I lay down that they are going to happen. They also seem to happen only around the time of my period. I have some other neurological stuff going on and have been meaning to ask my neurologist what she thinks.

Sep 15, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've been hearing the buzzing noise for a long time since I was in middle school, but it always happens right before i go to bed. Mine doesn't sound like electricity though, it sounds more like when a fly flys by your ear real quick. Well I'm 20 now & about 3 years ago that buzz started to sound like a person screaming my name. Now its turned into a laughter. & everytime I hear it, I get this sense like something or someone is coming closer to me then I feel my body drifting around my room. I try opening my eyes & scream for help but I can't. I'm not asleep when its happening, I can hear everything clearly in my surroundings.

Sep 19, 2013
ME TOO!!!!
by: Tammy

Oh my goodness!!! I have NEVER, EVER, in my entire 53 yrs of life had anyone else even remotely know what I was talking about when I tell them I hear this very high voltage electrical "zap", sometimes even painful because it's so loud, then I immediately go into the paralysis phase. Every single dr. I have talked to about this looks at me like I am a total freak and they have never heard anything of this sort....WHY??? Why don't drs' know about this? I am so super over joyed right this minute< I just can not even explain it, to FINALLY know there are others and I am not a "nut job".
THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart for posting your experience. You have helped me tremendously!!!!

Oct 01, 2013
by: Anonymous

A lot of doctors would most likely suspect it was some type of tinnitus. If your in a quiet room, try to just listen and see if you have some sort of ringing (high pitched frequecy) coming from your ears. This is formally known as tinnitus. I feel like I have this and I also have the buzzing sensations in my head from time to time. What I "believe" it to be is the receptors in your brain - the area affected by sound - has certain patterns and when they are affected in such a way they can go off in a simultaneous waves which are seemed to cause the sort of sounds that everyone are talking about. It's perfectly normal, but most doctors relate it to tinnitus. This is what I have gathered in all my information searches on the web. Anyone that has this my advice, being I have it to is not to worry about it. It is normal.

Oct 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

I've always experienced this and it happened to me this morning as well! I also hear the buzzing sound, and when i hear that i automatically know whats about to happen... i usually try to prevent it by trying to open my eyes but it doesn't work out for me all the time. Its really a terrifying feeling to me. Just not being able to move or call for somebody. Some people usually call this the hag, i did too untill i found out about SP... but when i happens i just repeatedly call on Jesus, n it stops for me..

Oct 13, 2013
i hear it
by: Richard

This has been happening to me since I was very little. I've just now started to read about all these different experiences. I've told this to many people and only once has someone told me about it. They explained it to me almost exactly as I have to other people word for word. I'm 25 and want to face this fear but I get the scariest feeling when it happens. I always feel the presence of something in the room. However I am too scared to try and look. I cannot move or shout, the only thing I seem to be able to do is control my breathing. Whenever I hear that sound its like I can either try to avoid it (sometimes succeeding) or just give in soon to be paralyzed.

Oct 13, 2013
Buzzing,seizures and doctors...
by: Tammy

I am still so grateful for this site, it has helped me tremendously, just knowing that I am not alone. However, I STILL can't understand why every single doctor I have ever had the nerve to discuss this with has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about and each one has stated they have never heard anything like this before, and I get the look like I am a crazy person! In response to "Anonymous" 9/9/2013, I am currently being treated for seizures bcs when I talked to dr. about it he says "sounds like some 'sort" of seizure...? Also, I can't remember if anyone else has said on here that the buzzing, (for me is like a VERY high voltage electrical charge sound) but is it PAINFUL to others as well? Right now as I type I have a tremendous amount of pressure in my ears, almost to the point I can't concentrate well to write, but I know once I get still, the buzzing is going to be bad tonight. I do hear and feel the buzzing during awake times, but doesn't paralyze me unless I am about to go to sleep..I think alot of you are very courageous to "experiment" while under one of these episodes. I have never made it to that point. I have only tried yelling for attention, or to move some body part, (usually my pinky finger) to shake myself out. I hate the sensation of this and would give anything to have them go away..for ever!!!

Oct 13, 2013
To "MICKI 7/27/2013
by: Tammy

I just read your post and feel so bad for you, that your mom thinks this is the devil...Not trying to bash on your mother, I just don't think she understand this. The only thing I can think that would cause you to heat up like that is that if your feeling afraid, maybe a little panic too, that your blood pressure may be going up some and your probably very sensitive to it. I hope this helps. Of course I am no doctor, but I think that could possibly be what is happening to you. I wonder if you found some books on this for you parents to read, maybe they could understand you a little more. Best of luck to you dear!

Oct 14, 2013
by: Robert

Please consult a sleep specialist. Medications can most definitely help with the electrical shock like buzzing feelings and pressure, however it must be the right medication. Anti-seizure meds will not help. Even though this is not a psychological condition doctors will often put people with this disorder on a sri or anti-depressent to help balance the chemicals in the brain. This type of therapy is highly effective. Please consult a sleep specialist they will know exactly what youre talking about. Finding the right professional is the first step in the fight against this disorder. Once youve done this you will instantly start feeling better. My heart goes out to you and i wish you the best of luck.

Oct 16, 2013
sp is great
by: simon

Next time it happens just go with it don,t try to fight it and you will get your eyes can control this thing to the point that you enjoy it . Astral projection my axx lol

Nov 03, 2013
by: Chris

I woke up a second ago. My body felt numb. I could move, but I couldnt feel it. I couldnt control my thoughts and I felt delirious. Any help? It was not s.p though.

Nov 04, 2013
by: gavin

the first time this happened to me i opened my eyes & a black figure was floating above me & felt like it had me pinned down on my bed. the buzzing sound came after a few more times of it happening & i sometimes see figures floating outside my windows. i'm also curious to know why we all seem to see this black figure or feel an evil presence. the reason i question if it is just SP, is that i had never heard of this before it happened, but i see the same as others. surely there is more to it than just SP? i'm not a believer in demons or anything like that, but this has really got me stumped. i'm at a stage now where i can instantly pull myself out of it as soon as i hear the buzzing

Nov 09, 2013
its real
by: Anonymous

for people going through this, it's very real! the same symptoms that have been posted here seems the norm. I can say this for most of you it's not a medical problem or sleep problem dealing with your health. when this happened to me, at that time I was living on a farm and 20 feet behind my place were horse's living in their barn with a open gate to the coral. they would go in by themselves at night. now I was there for 3 years and there was never, ever a problem with the horse's escaping . well when this happened 3 different times, the horse's went crazy running around and making noise and then and kicked down their wooded post the morning the horse's would just be walking around the property. just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. our fight is not against flesh and blood.

Nov 29, 2013
by: LoreBel

Hi folks,
I've had the same experience that many of you have had multiple times. The scientific community refers to this as SP however for those of you who can think outside of the box and tap into the spiritual realm, research Astral Projection....which is what you are truly experiencing. In short, AP is when your soul separates from the physical body (which we all fact, several time a week). During the spirit's re-entry into the physical body, there can sometimes be instances where the body appears to be awakening, yet the spirit is re-entering....this causes the "heavy feeling on chest" that many referred to. The episode of being unable to move or speak, feeling the heaviness on the chest, etc. only last for a very short while, albeit it feels like forever. Oh...and the feeling of someone else being in the room -that's you! Educate yourselves and you'll soon find out there is nothing to fear. There is so much more to life than the human eye can see. Also, we only use at most 5% of our brains so just imagine the possibilities if we used 1,2,3 percent more! If AP is something that interests you, you can actually train yourself on it so the process is more controlled and you have recollection of where you've been and what/who you've seen. Believe me when I say you can travel anywhere - the moon, other dimensions....anywhere! Good luck in your astral travels.

Nov 29, 2013
by: LoreBel

Hi folks,
I've had the same experience that many of you have had multiple times. The scientific community refers to this as SP however for those of you who can think outside of the box and tap into the spiritual realm, research Astral Projection....which is what you are truly experiencing. In short, AP is when your soul separates from the physical body (which we all fact, several time a week). During the spirit's re-entry into the physical body, there can sometimes be instances where the body appears to be awakening, yet the spirit is re-entering....this causes the "heavy feeling on chest" that many referred to. The episode of being unable to move or speak, feeling the heaviness on the chest, etc. only last for a very short while, albeit it feels like forever. Oh...and the feeling of someone else being in the room -that's you! Educate yourselves and you'll soon find out there is nothing to fear. There is so much more to life than the human eye can see. Also, we only use at most 5% of our brains so just imagine the possibilities if we used 1,2,3 percent more! If AP is something that interests you, you can actually train yourself on it so the process is more controlled and you have recollection of where you've been and what/who you've seen. Believe me when I say you can travel anywhere - the moon, other dimensions....anywhere! Good luck in your astral travels.

Dec 07, 2013
Robert, Gavin...Thank You!
by: Tammy

Thank you so much for your comments and your concern. I actually have an appt. w/ an ENT dr. in a few weeks regarding something totally different, but there is a sleep dr there who is supposed to be really good. I just never knew who to see b4.
Will let you guys know what I find out.
Thank you again!!!!!

Dec 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

Also when the ringing starts it changes frequency, when it first started it it sounded like someone was changing wave patterns almost doing something to my brain, and when i went into my bathroom the ringing faded (yes very strange). When the loudest ringing started which lasted a few days my head hurt so bad i had the worst headache. i even tried blocking whatever was entering my head aluminum foil, and although i felt i must look crazy doing this, i felt it was necessary to figure it out, and when i looked in the mirror, my ears were vibrating as if whatever was trying to enter was having problems with the foil. But it was stronger then the foil so i stopped and took a bunch of aspirin, and then went to the beach...

Dec 11, 2013
The ringing
by: Anonymous

I posted an earlier comments a weeks ago. Your story struck me because of the noise. I've also had regular sleep paralysis. As I posted before, I heard a very strong noise, vibration, static, ringing, (maybe voices). As it was happening I had a strong feeling that something was tuning my brain to a certain frequency. When it seemed like it was locked in is when I had my out of body experience. My experience was not good.

What sort of animal was it btw?

I have been determined to find answers, though I know they will be limited. I do think there's something strange, or other-dimensional going on because of what I know I experienced. One thing I found interesting was the commonality of that noise or vibration. In the documentary DMT, one guy describes it perfectly before he had an out of body experience. Tibetan Monks also claim to be able to leave the body using om chants and believe the soul is where the pineal gland is. DMT activates the pineal gland to induce those types of experience. Maybe there's a connection there. I dunno, I'm still searching for an answer.

Dec 12, 2013
by: Anonymous

I had the same exact feeling! But I felt a strong sense of evil as well. I definitely did not enjoy it. I remember seeing images almost like they were attempting to program me. Very weird

Dec 12, 2013
The voices
by: Anonymous-z1

The Voices sound pure evil, i have told a friend about the voices, they really freak me out...

I am now prepared and ready for the voices in my sleep, and they do try to interfere with my dreams or sleep by talking to me, but the voices are so electronic that i recognize them as the evil voices and i immediately wake up... then say to myself.. here comes the high pitch

and it comes

Dec 16, 2013
by: CJ

I have believed the same thing for a while now. It does sound crazy. It is crazy. But, I believe it. Like I said in an earlier post, I tried to say, but called out to Jesus with an inner voice because I couldn't talk and it was over. They have a lot more influence over this world than most people know.

On a lighter note. I had a much more pleasant experience just this morning. My first pleasant OBE. I didn't fully come out of my body, but my arms did. The looked more like light or a hologram of my actual arms. I couldn't lift my whole body out. It felt too heavy. There was a wind-type of noise in my ears and a vibration, but no horribly loud static-electronic vibration this time and no sense of an evil presence. And I felt much less awake and more in a state of lucid dreaming, so it seemed less real.

Dec 23, 2013
by: tony

yeah this humming noise drives me crazy,im writing this at 4,30 am 22nd December 2013 its woke me up again humming in my brain its still humming now as I write this,it makes me feel as if im spaced out as soon as ive awoke,this is not normal most probably to do with HAARP IONOSPHERE HEATERS which they have scattered all over the earth with this and the GEOENGINEERING IE CHEMTRAILING its not natural we are being EXPERIMENTED ON and I for one would like to see the folks who do this in JAIL peace god bless

Jan 01, 2014
by: From Greece

I usually sleep after 3:30 and wake up at 7:15. I 'm sleeping 2 to 4 hours per day for about 3 decades now but not feel tired or something, its my usual. But sometimes when i go to sleep very very tired, i hear a very very loud explosion inside my head, i weak up, first times with fear. I don't think its an ear malfunction or something like this. I think its an REM thing, something like a reset of earing center inside my brain... My brain doing this for its own purposes. No one else can hear this sound, means that sound does not exists, only inside my brain, not in my ears. I also sometimes listen to this explosion at the same time i see a light explosion! I am also sure that this happens when i go to sleep very tired and get to REM immediately after lying to bed... Sorry for my bad English, i tried hard to explain!

Jan 08, 2014
buzzing sound by:shazia
by: Anonymous

yah now i m 19 years old and i experienced this buzzing sound from last two years it was hapen when one night i was sleeping and suddenly i was a awake my one ear was in pilow and i heard that sound then i had asaked to my elder sister is she was hearing that sound she told no sound was coming please let me sleep and from that day i continously heard that buzzing sound when i go for sleep

Jan 09, 2014
This is natural, just be brave and calm in peace
by: Indian

Yeah me too, from one weak !! my heart became so fast, that it is disturbing my sleep, but i am just relaxed and moving my body slowly. Same time i heard ringing bells of some temple or church for 2 to 6 minutes, then everything became calm and normal. And no headaches or stress. I knew that there is no temple or church near by, if so, they all get closed before 10 and same sounds i never heard in day or afternoon time, so i confirmed it very well, as my astral projection is 100% ready and i know some guiders or helpers may be humans or aliens, who ever they are (may be) helping me to fulfill my intention of world & universes visits. But may be or just my-self is realizing it, let it whatever it is, i myself not prepared to do it, so finally its got settled down, in calm manner. And today i browsed the google,(to confirm more and to be prepared of astral travel). i saw many but not accurate, then i got one topic called as "THE BOOKS OF LOBSANG RAMPA", there one can see a subject as "DOCTOR FROM LHASA" and there it is..."Part II, Astral travelling and the force of imagination"..Extract from page 88. Take some time to read that, everything very precisely written there, and be sure to have faith and hope by believing only the SUPREME CREATOR WHICH IS UNKNOWN BUT CREATED EVERYTHING AND THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE WORKING LIKE HEALERS, just like how we work in physical reality on this Earth to help the needed one and love our family. ONE NEED NOT TO BE FIX IN ONE RELIGION OR PRAY FOR IT. You will all get more courage to live PHYSICALLY more, BUT NOT TO SACRIFICE OR DEATH FOR THAT. At present human living with 5 bodies so called "physical, mind, sole, astral and etheric. All are important and must be mastered being ALIVE !! As these are already created by GOD principle means GENERATING-ORGANIZING-DESTROYING principles are fixed by supreme creator for every living beings may be humans or aliens or stars or planets or any masters. So posting again, visit this directly into... (" THE BOOKS OF LOBSANG RAMPA" "DOCTOR FROM LHASA"... next "Part II, Astral travelling and the force of imagination"..Extract from page 88") one can understand that we are living in DIFFERENT FREQUENCIES and FREQUENCIES MATCHES ONLY OF HEALING AND COOPERATING, but not of destroying or hating by any means. So be healthy and proud of your physical body, just be strong by heart and fulfill your dreams physically and be happy always :D

Jan 09, 2014
Same experience, the ring is quiet to painfully loud.
by: jason

I finally decided to look this up. I've experienced this for almost 20 years and am 33 now. It rarely happens anymore, maybe once a year.
Same experience it begins with a quite ring at which point I realize sleep paralysis is happening. I'm forced to snap myself out of it or the ringing gets painfully loud. Every time it happens now, I try to tough out the ringing, but it gets too severe and I have to snap myself out of it.
These posts are frustrating me because nearly everyone is leaving out the plot in a sense when discussing this topic.
Ok we get it, the ringing starts and it gets louder. Why would you leave out the middle man?
at what point does it stop? how do you stop it?

Someone on here claimed once they hear the ringing they can roll with it and get into a dream cycle which they can control. Very cool,but I've tried over and over again and it doesn't seem like an optional thing.
Sleep paralysis happens to me when I'm exhausted and need to get much needed sleep and the last thing I want to do is wake myself up, but the ringing gets too loud. Besides, the overcoming emotion of fear also pushes me to wake myself up. Now in the beginning I assumed the fear was due to the paralysis, which in the beginning it's obviously extremely scary, but that is not where the fear is rooted I have found (for me at least, but I assume it's the same for everyone). I became so used to sleep paralysis that the notion didn't/doesn't scare me at all, but the emotion of fear isn't optional, I am overcome with fear every time it happens and the fear is there upon waking up.
Anyways, I surprisingly didn't come across anyone explaining what their snap out process was like, but I will.
Once I hear the ringing I realize it's sleep paralysis. The ringing gets too loud, until I fight against it and snap out of it. I can only describe it as; it's like I'm trying move or flex every muscle in my body until I snap out of it and completely awaken. With every amount of effort given the quieter the sound gets, every time I ease up the sound will get increasingly louder. I could do this for as long as I want too or as long as it takes, but being in the limbo state isn't desirable (because I'm exhausted and want so badly to get to the next stage of sleep), so essentially there is only one option and that's flexing myself out of sleep paralysis. This only takes me about 5 to 10 seconds now. Upon falling asleep this is likely to re-occur, which is frustrating because I need to get sleep. Eventually I will fall into a normal sleep state.
Anways, is this similar to what happens to other people here? I would love to hear from someone who can proceed to continue past a paralysis episode into the dream state? It seems impossible to me, because of the ringing, not to mention, being overcome with a sense of fear.

Jan 19, 2014
samething happens to me
by: Dameon

This same thing happens to and its very often because when I know its about to start ill hear some low than very loud frequency kinda noise than ill hear everything around me and I tried to see if someone can watch me while.I.sleep to see if I was giving them some sort of signal it was happening but I felt I was doing it but it never seen me do it. Thats why alot of time I try not to sleep bcz the visions I have with it is crazy but they feel so real at the same time. But everytime this about to happen ill hear the frequency noise and sometimes it hard not to go to sleep because your eyes just gets heavier and heavier. I thought I was going crazy

Jan 30, 2014
I get that too but at night time
by: B

why do we have that? I can hear the frequency and then my head starts hurting. What is going on?

Feb 17, 2014
Nothing to worry about
by: Caitlyn

Honestly, I also thought something was wrong with me, but I believe everyone hears it some people hear it more then others, because if you listen closely it's always there, it's just at night when everything is quiet you hear it more, it's nothing to be worried about, but sometimes (like me) it's an extreme humming or buzzing whatever you may call it and it's sometimes painful I usually breath heavily to tune it out. Try sleeping with a light radio on something for your ears to focus on that's all I hope this helps (:


Feb 21, 2014
Can i control it ?
by: Rob shekler

This happened to me last night and my god was it scary ! I remember it felt like i heard a noise and i woke up but i was laying there and could hear a high frequency noise and it got louder and louder, it was that loud it was actually really painful ! And it felt like i could feel a presence of someone in my room in a orange bright colour standing there i couldnt move at all felt like i was inside my body banging on my insides to wake myself up but i was already awake and couldnt move i was trying to scream but my mouth wouldnt open! It was the worst experience of my life! I just want to know if you can control it people say its the gate way to lucid dreaming ! If so how to i begin the lucid dreaming and get rid of the crazy noise/pain in my head !!

Thanks guys * Rob Shekler * Facebook message me if you know any more about this just search my name Rob Shekler ! Thankyou

Feb 24, 2014
Does anyone else get the noise any time of day not related to sleeping or SP ?
by: Glen k

Ortho I have experienced SP a couple of times in my life, Its this noise in my head / body that really effects me!
Sometimes when run down and or tired this noise can take over my body in the middle of the day while sitting at my desk or just talking to my wife as it did 2 nights ago, this was after a couple of nights with only 4 and 5 hrs sleep, (I normally need 9 - 10) But id just under gone some Ozone therapy and was feeling GREAT!,5 hrs sleep and i was still feeling good! But it caught up with me I guess?
I have to continually try to snap my self out of the nose to stop it taking over and getting louder. Its normally an electricity ruining through my entire body buzzing kind of scream, but a couple times it has been triggered by a loud noise, like a loud voice or laugh in my hear that continues to Eco and amplify after.
FB me if you experience anything like this ( Glenkimpton )

Mar 06, 2014
For everyone
by: Case

I have posted here a few times. Very strange things have happened to me, but I do believe this is a spiritual something and not a neurological issue. This video was very helpful in putting some, I repeat, SOME of the puzzle pieces together.

God bless everyone and sleep well!


Mar 06, 2014
weird noise
by: Anonymous

I just wrote a whole post and i diddnt see it show up. ?

Mar 08, 2014
Horrible Images
by: Anonymous

I have had this happen 8-9 times. It is very clear when it happens, and I am usually in bed right before sleep. On more than one occasion I have slipped in and out of the "sleep paralysis" without actually being asleep. I have not had one in probably a year, but as much as I can remember it was more of vibrations like I have never experience before in my life. I would describe it as tingly, vibrations, consuming my body. After I experience the sensations I am generally sucked out of my body into outer darkness. The next thing that happens is evil images and impressions overcome me one after the other until I feel like I am going to be overcome by some evil influence. All I can do at this point is pray to the lord Jesus Christ that I am delivered. The book of Mormon references some thing similar to this by Alma the Younger.

I can't pretend to claim this is of a spiritual nature or purely scientific. For all I know they join in the middle some where. My own theory is that sleep paralysis is the portal to the spiritual realm.

Apr 07, 2014
Painful ear/head vibrations with mild seizures
by: Jennie

I have had this experience 1 to 2 times a month since adolescence.(I'm 33 now) It always happens at night as I fall asleep, or in the rare chance that I take a nap. I feel like I'm still awake, and then a buzzing sound starts to enter my ears. It gets louder and louder, almost like my ears are sucking in a high pitched vibration. Yes, it is painful, but only temporary. This situation always ends up one of two ways: #1 ~ Sleep paralysis. The sound reaches a climax, then silence. I then believe I have awakened from my dream and am lying in bed. Then something happens; my phone rings, someone calls my name, there is an evil presence in the room, something compels me to get out of bed and I experience typical sleep paralysis with shaking/mild seizure. Situation #2: The sound reaches a climax, then silence and I feel a very real sensation of being pulled out of my body, toward the sky. At this point I recognize that I am dreaming and have vivid lucid dreams(dreams you can control). I am not a mystic/new age person that believes in astral projection or OBE's, but holy cats - does it feel so real. Oddly enough, my husband suffers from frequent sleep paralysis, so when the other is having that type of dream, we recognize it and wake each other up. However, I have never met another person who experiences the painful ear vibrations, and I would love to know if there is a scientific explanation for it.

Apr 12, 2014
I just woked up from one
by: Anonymous

I've always had this when I was little. I'm 23 years n I hate the feeling... I was dreaming that I was in the park with my brother playing soccer in a baseball field.. And all of a sudden a bull was inside chasing people with red. My brother had red sweats m he took them off n we started running to an exit... N when we made it to the exit n the bull was behind me THE BUZZ IN MY EAR STARTED.. But I always manage to wake myself up before the paralysis is fully set on me..
Us Latinos call it "EL MUERTO" WHICH means the dead person or spirit...
I know the comments are from 2010 but I read a lot of them n it helped me n made me feel like I'm not the only one... Sorry my name is Alex alvarado I got to excited to write my experience I forgot my name...

Apr 12, 2014
I just woked up from one
by: Anonymous

I've always had this when I was little. I'm 23 years n I hate the feeling... I was dreaming that I was in the park with my brother playing soccer in a baseball field.. And all of a sudden a bull was inside chasing people with red. My brother had red sweats m he took them off n we started running to an exit... N when we made it to the exit n the bull was behind me THE BUZZ IN MY EAR STARTED.. But I always manage to wake myself up before the paralysis is fully set on me..
Us Latinos call it "EL MUERTO" WHICH means the dead person or spirit...
I know the comments are from 2010 but I read a lot of them n it helped me n made me feel like I'm not the only one... Sorry my name is Alex alvarado I got to excited to write my experience I forgot my name...

Apr 14, 2014
I heard a loud sound like a jet with a rain pf super bright particles
by: Rox

Hello! Everyone, I am 31 years old n from India. I remember i was deinking water when i lost my concious n dropped on floor, I don't remember anything after that except a loud sound like a jet plane and a rain of very bright off-white coloured particles inside me. When I got up after almost 2 minutes, I was taken to the specialist neurologists and radiologists, N they examined me through CT scan and otheR tests and ultimately concluded my problem as 'CEREBRAL DYSRYTHMIA'. According to medical sciences it happens when the electric signal of any one or more of the micro veins of our brain interrupts or gets disturbed. But still I couldn't find the answer for that sound and light. I felt like if m flying through a bright tunnel like a jet plane. Can anyone explain.

Apr 22, 2014
Me too
by: Liz

19 year old here, and I too experience the buzzing sound. In fact, I just woke up from a short nap where I experienced it. I can't even take naps during the day anymore. I hear it all of a sudden and think to myself "okay, here we go again..." And then it starts and I get scared but I power through it until I can move again. It feels like my head is on vibrate sometimes. I'm really thankful that I don't have any hallucinations, though. That just sounds terrifying.

Apr 28, 2014
together with the buzzing i get a shaking feeling inside too
by: giselle

i read ur story courtney, i actually just experienced it and got up,for me i have a fear of it being supernatural

May 12, 2014
by: Bark

I have shared my experience several times on here. This sounds almost exactly like my own experiences with this. The only difference is I never fell completely asleep. It was nightmarish, but I wasn't asleep, yet it all still happened.

May 15, 2014
Shadow Person Buzzing
by: Kalin

This has only happened once to me before but I experienced the buzzing while laying in bed one night. For me was like a static crackling sound accompanied by very high pitched tones that would get louder and louder. I had my eyes close at first and I saw a vision of my best friend at the time and a pair of head phones my friend was saying something and it was traveling through the wires and coming out of the head phones that floated right next to my ear. I couldn't tell what he was saying but as soon as his voice got louder I snapped out of the dream state and opened my eyes in my room. I was still hearing the buzzing and tones while being completely paralyzed. I saw a dark featureless figure standing in my doorway to my room. The shadowy figure slowly moved towards me while I struggled to move and scream but couldn't do anything. I was desperately trying to call for my parents in the room next to mine. The figure got right next to my bedside sort of towering over me. As soon as it got really close I seemed to break out of the paralysis just enough to shout, "Who are you!? Go away!!!". As soon as I shouted it was over and I found my self sitting up in my bed in a cold sweat. This was by far the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me and I firmly believe it was something more than just sleep paralysis. I have had lucid dreams before and experienced the fun side of the dream world but this felt different and more real in my own house. It happened so fast and seemed so forced on me i had no options but to just be terrified.

May 28, 2014
humming noises in ears
by: Anonymous

I have had a humming sound, like a train on a railroad track from morning till evening for the last week, it doesn't stop....

Jun 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

Idk i've read a couple of comments but mine is a little different cause i know why i get it! Now that the summer started i realize that for the first time i have bee hives out side my house there little n there is not that many bees but i see them out side n i know they are there nothin serious though. But now i hear the buzzing specially when i go to bed. I need a fan to go to bed i just need the noise or else i cant go to bed so now sometimes since its summer i leave the windows open and any noise outside automatically becomes bee buzzing in my head specially at night even thogh i know bees dont go out at night and i just dont know how to getbrid off this buzzing in my head its frustrating cause i dont like bugs n i know that im being paranoid about it but still i cant make that buzzing stop in my head which always makes me think what if theres is an actual bee and its about to sting me But than again i know im being paranoid about it but it still sucks it wont go away!! And it only happens in my house ofcourse!!

Jun 06, 2014
since I was a child
by: Anonymous0

I've had similar experiences, but somewhat of a combination. Haven't told hardly anyone as I'm afraid of what they'd think. Started for me as a young child, feeling of floating off my bed, weightless. I noticed what I later learned to be a type of vortex at the foot of my bed, that's all I remember as a child. Years later as a teenager I had a different experience that still brings tears to my eyes even as I'm typing this(I'm 34 now). I considered myself an atheis, at the time, for a long time afterward not so much. Now before i get into details i want to stress I'm still not very religious, i believe in a higher power, that's it. Here's what happened...i never had the slowly progressing extremely high frequency, painful noise at the time, but whatever dream type state I was in, I was aware of a being or presence, it was a shadowy figure, I could see it moving its mouth and could hear multiple indistinguishable very fast speaking voices from it. I walked closer but was unable to make it what the figure was, I was too afraid to look. When I was close enough the only thing I could bring myself to look at was its  tongue and the multiple voices became one. The tongue looked like interleaved thorns with the thick ends toward the dudes of the mouth and the pointy parts meeting at the center. The voice was saying "You're never going to get away, you can't escape from me, you can't run", this was said almost as a whisper but still extremely fast paced over and over again. Very shortly after I heard another voice from behind me, I turned to see a white wolf also taking very fast and in whispers, believe it or not, it was saying the lords prayer, the scary thing is I didn't even know the lords prayer when this happened. Shortly after I woke up crying. The reason I'm typing this is I've read a lot of similarities from other posters. Every now and then I get that increasingly high pitched noise, very painful, if I try to control it or myself it gets progressively worse, like I'm being punished for fighting it. Sometimes when I see these apparations (they feel evil), I tell them to leave me alone and it ends shortly after. That's my experience that I've only told a couple of my most trusted friends. I dont know what it means and maybe never will.

Jun 10, 2014
by: Cody

I have experience this too but not after sleeping or before and when it happens to me I also can't see, all I see is white for a few minutes. I am 15 and it has hapened twice and I don't know what to do.

Jun 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

Yes, this all happens to me too... are any of you on Xanax or Klonopin or any other Benzos? I've been researching this and it appears that it is more common in people that take those meds. I'll be asking my dr. about it and see if she can prescribe something else for sleep/anxiety... Because these experiences are terrifying... gives me more anxiety and makes me afraid to go to sleep! The very thing that's supposed to be helping me calm down enough to go to sleep MAY be making me afraid of going to sleep! Just a side note: you cannot quit benzos abruptly... can get some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms from what I read. Anyways, you should always check with your dr. first. Maybe there is something else we can take instead... and see if these experiences stop???

Jun 15, 2014
levels too this sh*t
by: Anonymous

Face ur fear n control that sh*t, im bout to ri now I kno im not suppose to fear it, but this is tha best thing that cud happen too u, u dnt need drugs lmao. Theres levels too it

Jul 05, 2014
Not in my case
by: Anonymous

I don't use drugs. I drink on occasion, but not near enough to experience withdrawals. That's definitely not what it is in my case and my guess is it's not the case for 80-90% of people posting here. There really aren't any good explanations, only the term, "sleep paralysis". You can medically explain all of the symptoms, except for all of the beings that people see. Why are people seeing beings with the same physical characteristics? Old Hag, the tall man or Hat man, demons, aliens...It has been happening for centuries now. I saw the hat man before I had even heard of sleep paralysis.

IMO There's a spiritual realm that exists and because of my experiences, I am completely certain about that. Science can't and won't touch it and I understand why. We are living in a new age of reason. But the scientists of the past, those we consider some of the greatest minds in history, believed and often practiced metaphysics and other sciences that are now considered "pseudo".

Jul 05, 2014
Other realms
by: Miah

I agree with both recent comments. The hypnagogic hallucinations have been described medically, and are often attributed to drugs, times of severe stress, or other emotional/physical turmoil.
Often similar themes are present, which are threatening and frightening.
As far as similar "beings" that is likely, in my opinion, due to the fact that for whatever reason, probably unbeknownst to the person affected, they are in contact with the astral plane. Edgar Cayce described this plane, and it is a well known plane of consciousness is ancient studies. The man in the hat and others are probably dark ones trapped or living on the astral plane.
I believe it is possible to be healed spiritually and prevent further episodes, but it must be done in the right way. Forcing energy to higher chakras, improper meditation, etc., can worsen the situation, or at the very least cause more damage to the etheric body.

Jul 06, 2014
by: Matilda

I have only experienced this once last year, I could hear a faint hum and I know that I was in an Alpha state of sleep. I remember being able to move but was afraid to. I thought there was an alien being (lol) in my room, buzzing around my ear,it was hurting my ear and I remember my ear pulsating and hurting. I could 'see' behind my eye lids a bright white light circling. The humming turned into what sounded like high pitched electricity, similar to the sound of a rattle snake (we don't have those in Australia, only much louder. I wanted to open my eyes but too scared to open them in fear of what I might see. Then all of a sudden it was gone and I stayed in my bed with the feeling that what ever had 'visited' me was still in my house, It was weird and it scared me. I didn't know what it was, which led me to this site. Its comforting to know that I am not the only one... my family think I've lost the plot! :/

Jul 06, 2014
Me too
by: Anonymous

Mine happened almost exactly the same way, Matilda. The only differences being I started out as being awake and looking around the room and the loud noise/electric static type sound seemed to cause me to have an out of body experience that seemed like I fell through my bed and into another place. It felt like I was in a silvery coffin and images were being put into my head. I prayed to Jesus and that got me out of it. I guess we are all crazy. :)

Jul 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

This happens to me quite often. I'm always conscious of it happening. The first time I felt the intense vibrations.. Like a hurricane was blowing in my ear canal,I sensed a presence and heard my bedroom door creak open. I remember communicating with the presence, almost challenging it and telling it In my mind im not scared of you. When I did that the vibrations in my ear became deafening. I came to with a jolt and I was terrified. It happened another Time again
There was a presence on the other side of the bedroom door, this time I floated up toward the ceiling. The first few times I was really scared now I'd like to experiment with it. I'm also an empath and a bit psychic. Before I read anything about it I always thought I was somehow crossing with another dimension.

Aug 27, 2014
WOW! I just read that first pert!
by: Anonymous

And you describe it perfectly! Now I have to read it all and find out what you all know, cos at 40, I've been experiencing this "buzzing" and sleep paralysis (especially during naps) for YEARS and got sick of doctors looking at me sideways when I tried to explain it! So I am not alone?
I'm commenting too quick because I'm excited, I can hardly believe what I just read, I was googling for something else entirely.
What the hell is this thing that happens?
Time for me to read the whole page 😊

Sep 01, 2014
A loud noise
by: Anonymous

Hi I am 24 years old and I been experiencing the same thing over 4 or more years already and as you said when I tell other people about it they think am crazy . What happens to me is like if am just laying in bed watching tv and suddenly my body goes in shut down .. Basically asleep and then I start hearing that noise like electricity or even as I explain it like the noise the machine makes wen someone is dying .. The noise just keeps getting louder and louder the point I feel that if I don't wake up my brain is going to pop! It's very difficult for me to wake up .. I believe it takes me seconds or maybe even minutes to wake up , but when I do I always wake up with a really bad headache..the rest of the night am scared to fall asleep again because I feel that will happen again and there has been times I actually get 2 episodes like that one after the other .The Next day I feel like if I didn't rest at all and continue having the headache through out the day..:/

Sep 09, 2014
Buzzing in my head
by: Jesse

I hear the buzzing in my head after I get home from working graveyard shift and I'm so tired is this nornal

Sep 11, 2014
Sounds like a wasp/bee
by: Anonymous

The buzzing I hear is similar to that of a wasp or bee, and since I have a huge phobia regarding them it can really made for a horrible night. The reason I'm up is that I keep hearing this buzz that sounds like a bee/wasp not too far away. It gets louder if I lay down in bed and go to sleep. It's also what woke me up. Can this really all be in my ears? That this sound isn't really there? I have a history of poor sleeping and today I had a nap in the middle of the day due to have to wake up much earlier than normal.

Sep 26, 2014
Buzzing noise
by: Anonymous

Hi am 24 years old and I been experiencing this buzzing noise over years already .. It starts out of the no where as if my body shuts down but my brain it's still going ..this buzzing kinda electricity wires or something like that keep going in my head and it gets louder and louder , to the point that am scare to not wake up and my brain is going to pop! .. It's crazy because am actually awake I see my self exactly how I was and I know when the noise starts it's like fighting for my life . Last night it happen to me and besides the noises in my head I started to hear voices and felt te presence of someone next to my bed side and if as someone was trying to hold me .. It was very scary and as usual I woke up with a really bad bad headache.

Oct 24, 2014
Had them and still do. NEW
by: Juan

I have also had these, and yes they occur with sleep paralysis most often. I think it's a natural thing, it must be if not then why are we all having it? The only thing is that we don't notice it most of the time because we don't become aware of it because our mind falls asleep before it happens. Anyhow, it can have something to do with lucid dreaming and some say outer body experiences. I have had lucid dreaming, and on one occasion I can truly say that right after hearing the buzzing sound, which is totally scary, I just laid calmly in bed and let it take over, after that in an instant I was in a dream which I could control what I was doing. Anyhow, I'm trying to learn how to get these more often than not, like today I got one but I was so excited I did that I think it didn't turn into a dream in time, plus it was in a nap, so didn't have much time. Anyhow, there are a lot of youtube videos that explain lucid dreaming and outer body experience that explain how this buzzing sound is essential for them. Peace!

Nov 03, 2014
Just had another one NEW
by: Anonymous

I just woke from one, one of many throughout the years. The vibrations and hums used to scare the dickens out of me, at first I thought it evil and maybe at times evil is around, but I got tired ,so tired of being afraid, that I learned to control it, and best described as flying. I learned I can control the flying and although still feels like I am a novice, it is quite fun and liberating/freeing although those words aren't quite right. Hard to explain.... Now when it happens, although unpleasant, I go with it, with a specific goal in mind, to practice flying. Sounds crazy, but either I flipped the script because I was tired of being terrified or simply was a progression, I really don't know. I know for those of you just having these experiences, it will sound crazy, but when you feel it coming on, summon your courage because after all you are in control. Don't wast e years as I have done, so wish I would have confronted much sooner....not near as scary.

Nov 07, 2014
weird things what happen whilst I'm asleep NEW
by: sandy

These weird things what happen to me have been happening for as long as I can remember. I hear a buzzing noise like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz then I think crap its happening again I physically try and get up or scream out but I can't move a muscle or I can't scream out as I am totally paralized I physically try and fight to move or scream but I'm totally unable too then what I can only describe as an electric current runs throughout my whole body and the zzzzzzzzzzzzz noise continues until it has totally past through my whole body. I'm totally freaked out by this happening and have to put lights on and get up etc after the ordeal. Don't know what causes this to happen used to happen very often years ago but just happens a few times a year now just at a loss as to what it could be, for obvious reasons don't tell too many people its just nice to know I'm not the only one thanks for sharing sandy

Nov 10, 2014
similar experience NEW
by: Anonymous

hey courtney, i had the same thing happen to me while falling asleep in the afternoon. i had a like ringing in my ear but it was amplified and sounded like you explained like electricity buzzing. i was trying to wake myself up and my whole body hurt and i could barely move there was so much strain i tried to yell out but i couldnt it felt like i was almost there almost fully awake but i slipped back into sleep again, which lead into a bit of a nightmare, when i awoke i thought it had all been part of the dream until i looked this up!

Nov 30, 2014
weirdest of many NEW
by: Anonymous

I am 44. I started having these experiences in my mid 20s. It starts with a light ringing noise, then changes to a pulsating, buzzing, mechanical sound. I dont really pay attention to my body tingling anymore, but yes, it feels like when ur leg or arm falls asleep, that total relaxed tingling. When I first started having them, I felt a presence or plural, in the room. I was scared, tried to move and scream, but I could only move so much, and my screams came out like I had a bad case of hoarse throat. If I move slowly, I can get up and "float", but The few times I have done that, I went outside and everything was dark and strange. The reason I searched and found this page is cause earlier, after lunch, I took a nap. The ringing started, then the buzzing. In the upoer corner of my room, floating, I saw what looked like a cloud of burnt ash, about 2 feet wide by 1 foot tall, and it was pulsating with the buzzing sound. When I saw this, i noticed a figure/person, dressed in a black robe, below and to the left of the cloud, to the side of my bed. The figure was itself was blurry/out of focus, but I could see my dresser, behind it, sharp and clearly. It slowly moved closer and closer to me. I have never seen anything like this during my sleep paralysis, and was scared. I tried my best to yell, "Go away, in the name of Jesus!", but it got closer, to the point where it was face to face with me, but still I saw no face only dark. At that moment, I woke up completely. I have been thinking about it all day, and I feel that whatever the figure was, it wasnt there to hurt me, it was curious of me and not afraid like I was... This all sounds crazy, but maybe some have had a simular experience...

Dec 23, 2014
I am buzzing while I write this NEW
by: Anonymous

First time I had this. My head is buzzing--Ringing. I woke up to this. It's some what loud and steady, non stopping and had been doing this for 30 minute so far. It is giving me a head ache. I took Advil hoping maybe it would help. I tried to lay back down but that didn't help. I tried cleaning my ears. Not helping. It's been 45 minutes now. I do remember having a dream before I woke up. there were people trying to hurt me and I couldn't fight back. My arms and hands wouldn't work and I couldn't stop what was going on. I woke up with this ringing in my head. Not sure one has any thing to do with the other. I was scarring me but now I am calming down and trying to relax. Ringing is still going. But trying to take control of what's going on. still ringing but not scared now. Before I felt sick a little. it could be electric going threw my head. that could be what i'm feeling not sure. nearing and hour now and I'm going to try laying down and see if i can sleep. Randy in Florida

Dec 23, 2014
Solution NEW
by: Anonymous

Listen everyone. It happened to me so I'll give some tips to help as many as possible. You can loose the buzzing and REM or Sp being sleep paralysis by making sure of the following

1 don't sleep with headphone or any equipment with magnets like laptops near your this can causing buzzing

2. Make sure the your posture is not blocking blood dolly to your brain. During the buzzing thing keep a feel for the blood gushing in ur neck area. If you are turning or creating blockages you will feel your head is colder than the rest of the body. It's feels numb too. This causes buzzing too

Lastly for man with a good other scary dreams and sleep paralysis related things.

Understand that your timing play a very important role in this. During day your body is making a serotonin and during night melatonin So if your sleep timings are odd serotonin can kick in causing you to gain consciousness while the body is trying to sleep. This doesn't not happen when your body is sleeping and producing melatonin since that harmon keeps you sleep
Never sleep facing up you will get nightmares. We don't knw why it happens but gravity plays it's part always sleep on one side

Dec 29, 2014
The Buzzing NEW
by: Elizabeth

It's the same with me. I hear a buzzing and a bright light flashes behind my eyelids. It's usually when I'm about to fall asleep for a day nap, and i get pretty shaken up. I feel frozen for a little while, but since i've moved in with my friends, it's been less stressful and it hasn't happened yet. It's called Exploding Head Disorder.

Dec 29, 2014
The Buzzing NEW
by: Elizabeth

It's the same with me. I hear a buzzing and a bright light flashes behind my eyelids. It's usually when I'm about to fall asleep for a day nap, and i get pretty shaken up. I feel frozen for a little while, but since i've moved in with my friends, it's been less stressful and it hasn't happened yet. It's called Exploding Head Disorder.

Dec 29, 2014
The Buzzing NEW
by: Elizabeth

It's the same with me. I hear a buzzing and a bright light flashes behind my eyelids. It's usually when I'm about to fall asleep for a day nap, and i get pretty shaken up. I feel frozen for a little while, but since i've moved in with my friends, it's been less stressful and it hasn't happened yet. It's called Exploding Head Disorder.

Dec 30, 2014
Same thing here NEW
by: Eduard Razvan

I must say : even if the same thing happens to me, I love it. It happens at night also. When I'm about to fall asleep I feel like in a state between awakeness and sleepness and I can feel falling asleep. I also like not being able to move. Combine that with the abillity to control your dreams (A+ when you know that you are dreaming) and you'll get some very nice experiences.

Jan 02, 2015
Like a tazer NEW
by: Anonymous

My experience was that i was laying in bed and the buzzing started in my lower back center spine. It was buzzing but also like i got hit with a tazer or stun gun. I could not move and it felt as if the voltage was being turned up more powerful. The buzz moved up my spine to my brain and i could hear rapid laughing of one voice. Just laughung but not mean ir malicious. I did not feel the fear many others soeak about but i was more curious and i spoke in my mind "what is this, what does it mean?" I did not try to break free or struggle but it faded quick because i had no fear if it. I hope it happens again so i can study it more.

Feb 16, 2015
you are victim NEW
by: Anonymous

The govt has militirized the suburbs and are fracking people w covert, secret brain experiments. Your feet will tingle. They read minds. You must be highly intelligent....

Feb 19, 2015
had this before NEW
by: Lauris

more or less it starts like normal dream when suddenly this buzzing sound kicks in your brain, it starts quite and then getting loader and loader and it feels like it coming closer, waves by waves. in same time dreadful fear overwhelm your all body, it is so strong that I instantly trying to escape it by trying to wake myself up from sleeping. Usually it helps and I can make me wake up but once I try to "fight it back" by not waking myself but facing it. What I got it from it, was that continuing burning my body by fear that didn't stop, eventually i woke up from it as well.
Over all my 25 years I have experienced this most of my teens years. but still last one was like 2 or 3 years ago, but I can clearly remember as it was like yesterday.

Feb 19, 2015
noise sample NEW
by: Lauris

this is the buzzing noise what kicks in.

its about same 40hz and as I told before it starts quite but then comes loader and loader.

Feb 24, 2015
I wouldn't call mine 'buzzing' NEW

I'd call it a "mechanical noise" at about 40 decibels.. but could be experienced lower sometimes..

And according to one of my friends/associates.. it's Astral related/beings.

Mar 16, 2015
Demonic Dream NEW
by: Mr. Sistrunk

So it was mid-summer (2013,I was in the 6th grade) and I had a dream I was playing a Byond game The Last Conflict where I really was watching the screen. Then suddenly a chat card came up that read " Legion: My god gives me strength", to which I snapped awake only to be paralyzed with the extent of hearing a buzzing sound. I looked over at my computer and saw a woman in a black dress with entirely black hair, a black face and to emphasize my point even more effectively, he had entirely black eyes. After 13 seconds the buzzing stopped and I was able to move again. I looked back over to dining room and saw no one there.

Can someone explain to me if this is a dream, or a demonic encounter?

Mar 17, 2015
Yes, I always hear the buzzing! NEW
by: Lea

Yes, I always hear the buzzing, and my body vibrates violently. It sounds like a really loud dishwasher, and it escalates in volume as it moves toward me. It usually comes around my side of the bed and lingers beside my face, and evil thoughts audibly accompany the buzzing and blend in with it, although no actual English words are spoken by it. I think last time it thought something at me like "We are always present." The thoughts have a mechanical sound as well. At the moment I am able to come awake, the sudden silence and stillness is shocking.

Mar 19, 2015
Some if these descriptions sound like simple seizures NEW
by: Karen

Some of the descriptions here (buzzing with blue, white or red disco lights), not being able to see right away upon waking sound like simple partial seizures. Typically they are caused by lack of sleep, or for some (like me), flashing lights during the day or too much time on the computer. This is a type of mild epilepsy and can be controlled with medication - typically Lamictal. Lamictal is a very safe medication and has helped me greatly. Might want to give it a try.

Apr 09, 2015
Nonstop buzzing for two months NEW
by: Noonmoon

I have had a humming sound in my ears for a couple of months now. It sounds like the sound fluorescent light tubes make in an office. It varies in loudness. It started the day our cat died. I think she is doing it. I have had this before when other pets died but it never lasted more than 2 or 3 days until this time. The sound can be almost painful in a way. I could block it psychically I think but I do not because I really think it is her and if she wants to be here for some reason then I will let her. I had my boyfriend and I each draw a picture of her the night before last night to let her know we think of her and the buzzing sound has been super loud since about half an hour after we drew the pictures. The sound used to stop when we went somewhere but now it comes with me to the store and the movies and so on. I feel like she wants to tell us something but I do not know what.

May 04, 2015
Devilish yell NEW
by: Anonymous

I went through this once while I was stationed in Okinawa Japan back in 2006 I layed down and couldn't move a muscle on the inside I was panicking and then this loud yell or roar was echoing through my ears I thought it was the Devil I was extremely terrified and then I calmed my self and said God help me and snapped out of it immediately yelling and my roommate and friend was looking at me like I was crazy and that was my one and only time ever happing.

May 14, 2015
Solution NEW
by: Anonymous

OK, So the loud buzzing and the sp along with shaking of the couch I was laying on happened to me. I had little trouble ending it though. I have accepted Jesus as my savior and all I had to do was rebuke the being or beings causing this in his name and it stopped. This problem is caused by demonic beings. Science, new agers, fortune tellers, shamans Catholic priest (Catholism is pagan religion in disguise that's why people prey in front of statutes) and others can not stop it nor will they ever figure it out. Although sometimes the demons will play possum to deceive you and act like they are gone after you seek help from the aforementioned. Demons are very real and good at doing evil and they can visit and torment you in your sleep. That's why people even hear voices and even see figures or orbs. They can also affect your everyday life without being detected. We can not defeat them without God and his son Jesus. They may not torment you in your sleep for a period of time or they may even stop or seem to but they do not go away. Demons will take many forms as they have the ability to morph. They could appear as grey aliens (Yes, Aliens are Demons and people are seeing them when awake as well) in your sleep and cause sp and other weird things. They feed on your fear. They can put immoral ideas and opinions in your head when you are awake and even drive insane. They need to do this gain strength. But they were defeated when Jesus paid for our sins at the cross. So all you have to do is ask God to come into your life ask for forgiveness for your sins and next time this happens to you just command them to go away in the name of Jesus and they will flee instantly. Is that simple. God loves you and he cares about you like no one else. Demons are getting stronger and more common as we get closer to the end. The more we accept homosexualism, promiscuity, abortion (which is a form of human sacrifice to them) and we keep kicking God out of our life, more and more people will experience SP and buzzing and much more. The worst is yet to come though. So if you are reading this, your only hope is God. Besides he offers indestructible immortality without a price because he already paid in full on our behalves. And you get power over the tormenters trough Jesus. How can you beat that? Hope this helps. It sure helped me and it felt good.

May 14, 2015
sleep paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have experienced sp since I was 20 yo and what's called old hag syndrome as well, (someone in the room with you). I used to panic thinking it was demonic activity and I would try to move but couldn't. Last night though, for the first time, I heard something buzzing around my ear and dreamed I was trying to raise my hand to shoo it but couldn't move. When I did wake up there was no flys.

May 18, 2015
Fan Noise NEW
by: Anonymous

My experiences have never happened while taking a nap. Only when I go to bed for the night. The latest one was really strange. I dreamt I was riding on a stationary bike in a strange room. There was a buzzing type noise coming from behind me, but I could also feel wind or air behind me as well. The fan was a very large industrial size fan. I felt that the fan was not turned on me, but away from me. The electrical noise of the fan would get louder and louder. As the noise became louder I became more and more unable to move. It was quite terrifying. The noise increased and I recall thinking that maybe I was having a stroke. My face was the last thing that became paralyzed. I sat there on the bike panicking until slowly I awoke out of the dream.

Jun 08, 2015
Shadow people figures followed by ringing in my ears NEW
by: Anonymous

im truly not going mad and this has happened to me about 4 times now each time unique and each time I will never ever forget. The last time I tried to communicate with the figure but it was gone and I was left with righing in my ears.

I can only say we do not know all around us and that there is another life form of some sort made of energy or dimententonal or moves so fast or reflects light in a way that it cant be seen fully. But each time the figure is there or ive gotten tingley sensation on a spot on my arm or legs hair like static as if somthing is touching me then the rigning will appear ive seen unexplained fast moving shadow figures like dark people then also the ringing will appear.

At first I tried to dissmiss is telling myself I was tired but there r times when im not one time I was driving.

Im writing this to say your not alone if you see the shadow figures that move very fast with no sound seems through walls then u get the ringing. I can only feel its a alien or undiscovered life form that is not been discovered yet.

Jun 15, 2015
symptoms of this sleep disorder NEW
by: Anonymous

If you get sleep paralysis and/or hallucinations upon falling asleep or waking up and you also have excessive daytime sleepiness, you may have narcolepsy. FYI: Not everyone with narcolepsy falls over limp (severe cataplexy). Some people have no cataplexy at all.

Jun 28, 2015
Buzzing in left ear NEW
by: Anonymous

I dreamt I was being chased by an electric triangle and circle hovering in the air. It was illuminated and then approaches me with close proximity. I slowly reach my hand towards it then I suddenly wake up. I am neither quite awake or asleep and hear a loud electrical buzzing in my left ear and then shut my eyes again. I then see an alien aircraft hovering above me, I then remembered reading somewhere to fight them with psychic thought and force, so I try to push them away using my mind and that is all I can remember. I awoke and felt strange the following day and felt hugely drained. My pet cats were behaving strangely and refusing to come near me and seemed on edge. In the past I have experienced UFO sightings and didn't believe or understand what these things are until I started looking for explanations and answers. I have seen 3-4 Reptilian males peering in through my window in a lucid dream before. I have dreamt of being aboard a craft and seeing planet earth from the window get smaller and smaller as it ascends further and further away. They want something from us, I think they target certain people. They don't like people with the metagene as we are a threat to them as they target people with certain abilities. They are telepathic and target certain humans and monitor us. I believe through faith and prayer you can stop them from intefering by negating their energy with your own.Stay strong and stay connected to the divine, meditation and prayer are our tools.

Jun 28, 2015
Buzzing in left ear NEW
by: Anonymous

I dreamt I was being chased by an electric triangle and circle hovering in the air. It was illuminated and then approaches me with close proximity. I slowly reach my hand towards it then I suddenly wake up. I am neither quite awake or asleep and hear a loud electrical buzzing in my left ear and then shut my eyes again. I then see an alien aircraft hovering above me, I then remembered reading somewhere to fight them with psychic thought and force, so I try to push them away using my mind and that is all I can remember. I awoke and felt strange the following day and felt hugely drained. My pet cats were behaving strangely and refusing to come near me and seemed on edge. In the past I have experienced UFO sightings and didn't believe or understand what these things are until I started looking for explanations and answers. I have seen 3-4 Reptilian males peering in through my window in a lucid dream before. I have dreamt of being aboard a craft and seeing planet earth from the window get smaller and smaller as it ascends further and further away. They want something from us, I think they target certain people. They don't like people with the metagene as we are a threat to them as they target people with certain abilities. They are telepathic and target certain humans and monitor us. I believe through faith and prayer you can stop them from intefering by negating their energy with your own.Stay strong and stay connected to the divine, meditation and prayer are our tools.

Jul 09, 2015
Sleep paralysis when stressed out NEW
by: Anonymous

It happens to me when i'm on mid terms or final exams. I usually only experience the lack of movement, but yestaday i got so scared i started hearing a buzzing similar to racing cars.

Aug 13, 2015
It's called exploding head syndrome NEW
by: Anonymous

I've had it for years. No it's not aliens/the devil/astral projection. It's called exploding head syndrome. Google it.

Aug 17, 2015
Buzzing and Noises NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi All
For a few years I have had ringing, buzzing etc in my ears and head. I live with it, but some experiences I had recently this year is so weird, I have been to specialist and had MRI and all normal, Well I am woken with a thud, it sounds like(I will describe it this way) Jack and bean stalk, when the giant takes the step and it a thump. Now a grate like heavy metal moving. It woke me and I thought what the ----
Then it has increased to 2 to 3 time till I actually wake. I have noticed its before an earth quake (weird). I also felt like a screw driver embedded in my crown chakra once and then woke speaking a weird language. I can speak it and its exactly same every time. Like a transmitter implanted. Wow I needed an explanation and found that I am not the only person with this gift.Its actualy amazing and my psychic abilities have increased.

Aug 23, 2015
The buzzing. NEW
by: Richard K

Hello, I have just been reading about sleep paralysis and came across this thread. The buzzing is the main feature of my sleep paralysis. i have exactly the same feeling like an intense electrical noise running through my head. I have experienced it about 20+ times and have episodes where it will happen a few times a night for a few nights once or twice a year. The first ten or so times it happened it was a really scary experience where, even though I'm a grown man i tried to call out for my mam hehe. But over the years I have taught myself to be calm and let it pass as I know it will not cause me no harm. The buzzing is what is a clear indication that I am about to experience sleep paralysis and probably the most distressing part of it. The sleep paralysis I've come to terms with but the buzzing still gets to me.

Aug 31, 2015
Horrifying noises NEW
by: Anonymous

It was still fresh in my memory when I last experienced it. I first felt someone just sat on my bed, then these loud noises came in, noises like of the big bugs, I've felt like they have been surrounding me while I was asleep. But I can't see them. I try to fight it, kick my legs, shout and move my arms, but my body was so stiff. Then I reminded myself to stay calm, and I tried to move once again and woke myself scared and horrified, I refused to sleep again afterwards.

Sep 08, 2015
Its spirits NEW
by: Anonymous

Eveone says sleep paralasis...but the truth is we live in a spirit world and when this happens its actuslly a spirit trying to mess with you..i had a out of body experience ..when this happened i felt powerfull and a little evil i floated to my living room and saw the wife watching tv then went back to my body...its in the bible .demons are trying to take over our bodys..but doctors/scientists have to come out with an explanation to sound like they got it under control..but this is the real truth..!

Sep 15, 2015
I hear it NEW
by: Anonymous

This sometimes happens to me except it only happens at night. I was about to sleep when I hear a buzzing sound although its not that loud. When I do sleep, the buzzing sound gets louder and I can't even move. I panicked (<--plsspell) and tried to move really hard but it made the buzz sound louder. I only panicked (<--howtospell) when this happened the 1st to 4th time.

Oct 06, 2015
Buzzing and Tingling Galore NEW
by: Maria McMahon

I first started experiencing the 'buzzing' about 2 years ago, and it was after a very stressful but short-lived event. However, it's never scary - in fact, I quite enjoy it and have been having 'body buzzing' episodes 2 or 3 times a month every since; sometimes more frequently, like this morning; I woke at 5pm and then fell back to sleep about 7am, and it was during that time that I had 2 episodes. They do often occur if I've had interrupted sleep like this, but not always. I'm trying to find out what is causing this to happen - the sensations are so real! My whole body is buzzing like I've been plugged into the Burg Khalifa! But it's not painful, and I am always consciously aware that it's about to happen. It always starts with what's best described as a strong feeling of goosebumps, always at my sides... and then it's game on! I do sympathise with those who have the scary monsters in their midst and can imagine how terrifying that must be. I watch the film 'Nightmare' recently to learn more about SP. I also read Erin Pavlina's book about Astral Projection and that seemed to fit my experience more than anything else. This morning, I was aware that part of the sheet was over my left ear, and the buzzing was even louder and more concentrated in that area... I could swear I felt the sheet vibrating! As a hypnotherapist and brainwave entrainment aficionado, I'm very interested in brain science. I'll be visiting this site a lot more now that I've found it - it's a fantastic resource!
Maria McMahon
BSc (Hons) Psychology, Dip. H.E. Hyp/NLP.

Oct 13, 2015
creeped me out NEW
by: Anonymous

Myself, like all of you, have experienced the buzzing. It only happened once about 2 years ago. I was sleeping when this extremely loud buzzing took place. I have never experienced anything like that before. When I try to explain it I call it more of an electrical shock. My entire body is vibrating with electricity and my head is filled with this buzzing sound. I remember not being able to move and calling out for my daughter. I also felt and heard people in the room with me. I know that sounds weird but that's the only way I can explain it. I felt like I was awake the entire time but 10 - 15 seconds later I remember looking around the room and it was like it never happened. If I was calling out at 2am my daughter or even the dogs would have heard me but the house was completely quiet. I don't know what it is but it scared the crap out of me and I don't want it to happen again. AB

Oct 19, 2015
electrical style buzzing during sleep. NEW
by: chinook1410

I've had the buzzing in my head, it's always sleep related for me. It starts like a distant electrical hum or buzz that seems to get closer and louder in much the same way a truck or train does. It builds to a frightening but exhilarating crescendo. Then it's gone in the same way you would turn a very loud stereo off with the power button. Gone,stopped, silence. I look around the bedroom at the walls, my wife, the windows, all normal. I can't help feeling that the experience is kinda cool and exhilarating,but very scarey at the same time. I'm not sure what it is or why it happens to me but I find it very interesting.

Nov 01, 2015
Maybe something else? NEW
by: Diva

I have had this on and off for several months. It starts with a buzzing then I feel like there is something that is inside me. I feel like I'm floating underwater. It's very hard to describe. But it all starts out with a ringing buzzing sound. I feel like I can wake myself out of it but I just lay there and wonder if it's my Dad who recently died somehow trying to communicate with me. It isn't painful. It feels like some sort of energy.

Nov 01, 2015
Maybe something else? NEW
by: Diva

I have had this on and off for several months. It starts with a buzzing then I feel like there is something that is inside me. I feel like I'm floating underwater. It's very hard to describe. But it all starts out with a ringing buzzing sound. I feel like I can wake myself out of it but I just lay there and wonder if it's my Dad who recently died somehow trying to communicate with me. It isn't painful. It feels like some sort of energy.

Nov 06, 2015
Scary Buzzing NEW
by: Jess

Hey I'm 20 and you're not alone! I hear a pulsating buzzing noise in my brain that starts off quiet like a warning so I know what's about to happen and there's nothing I can do! If I try really hard, I can will my arm or something to move when the buzzing is in its early stages which snaps me out of the sleep paralysis. Otherwise it runs its full course, sometimes to the point where I feel like my whole body is having an electricity-fuelled spasm, often being so vivid it hurts! The feeling is so real and somehow so sinister! I do not hear voices or see figures but I do have the feeling of being pressed down into my bed. Such a relief when I wake up!

Nov 06, 2015
weird NEW
by: Anonymous

Is it supposed to sound like television static

Nov 09, 2015
asd NEW
by: Anonymous

damn it my brother always experience s.p and i just laugh at him saying that it's ok you'll get use to it until today im at work my lunch break took my lunch at the 1st 15 mins i feel my teeth is grinding then suddenly hear a loud buzz on my left ear and i open my eye the scenery is different what i supposed to see then i feel that my body is moving i feel like someone is pulling me from the bed then a weird creature is slowly approaching me and try to get me on the back but but i know i have to relax then i'm ok but i dont want to experience it again it's terrifying really

Nov 12, 2015
Stupid noise NEW
by: Phil

I have had this buzzing noise in my head/ear for the last 5 yrs its so annoying........i could have the noise all week then it,ll die off where its beareable to cope with.....then i,ll have a sleep an wake up an BANG......!!!!! theres the noise back again............

Nov 20, 2015
buzz.. buzzz.. cause by naps and bad sleep NEW
by: Anonymous

im in my 50s, first started a couple years ago... took me a long time to figure out a pattern.. just thought I had hearing issues.
As it stands now, 100% of the time if I take a nap.. or just fall asleep watching tv.. wake up, buzzing in the ears.. that will last until I get a good sleep. also at night if I get a bad night sleep( like get woken up in the middle of the night, im a firefighter so happens)... boom its back... occasionally if I can get back to sleep for at least an hour.. its gone!
Figuring it out has made it so much tolerable.... as I don't take naps (unless like its raining and the days shot already...) and I know if I get it from waking up in the night.. I can either try to take the time to sleep some more, or just wait it out till the next day because most of the time it will be gone. unfortunately means I have it probably 50 % of the time, but like I say figuring it out makes it tolerable. hope this helps someone.

Nov 22, 2015
UK resident going mad over humming sound NEW
by: Anonymous Turd

Interesting article that made the press

Nov 22, 2015
I guess I have a unique gift I don't want NEW
by: Toby

Well, I have not found what my problem is. So far there are no discoveries that conclude to my unique condition. I find it difficult to explain, but I would say simply "I am not allowed to have nightmares". But what are the relationships between having a strict mind of what dreams I can have, and what I cannot have. You might say that I may be blessed for not having nightmares. That may be true, but the process is strange, and I would like to know how it works. Although I have never had nightmares, I do not want to be left in suspense of the condition I have. The relation I was looking for with buzzing noise is similar to the process I go through. Usually, in the beginning of a nightmare, (so I call it yet nothing wrong is yet to happen) I do not know I am dreaming. I dream for what seems like days, it is until I get closer to what I am guessing is the danger of the dream that I become more conscious of what is real. It is until minutes(after days of dreaming) before the danger that I am in a state of lucid dream. I am completely conscious, but I cannot change the surroundings like I can in a normal, so nightmares are very different. I am for some reason able to sense something very dangerous that is to happen. Once it does get to the point in (I guess dream time) right at the second the horrible thing is suppose to happen( I know because I can sense it) I feel my brain vibrate. The shaking of my brain is very painful, I have not tested the full extent of how hard my brain can vibrate, because I dont know if it can kill me. The reason I mention it possibility of being deadly, is because it vibrates stronger as I let it go on continuously if I try to stay asleep. I can hear the sound inside, it is loud but not as loud as they say it would be if it were exploding mind syndrome. I think it could get loud but it gets more painful the stronger my brain shakes. I don't know if it is my whole brain, but I doubt it because I remain conscious in the state, so it may be a part of my mind that shakes even though it feels like the whole mind is vibrating. Any ways in the dream, when I sense danger I don't fear, I never undergone anxiety when I dream, or any negative emotion, In fact I am not sure I undergo any emotion, but there are dreams, rarely with positive emotion, and I hate getting woken up in those. But I usually feel nothing, and when I lucid dream in my emotionless dream all my emotions restore and my dream is strange and always experimental, I experiment because there seems to be scientific laws in these dreams that were suppose to be emotionless not physics but dreams, almost computational,(inputs and outputs, or consequences none of which are negative. In my dreams that are suppose to be nightmares, I always lucid dream in the end, and am not fully conscious in the beginning, I think this applies to everyone,(in nightmares they only become conscious when the bad things happen). One time I dreamt a kid puts on a toy futuristic mask for children, and a teen girl said "take that off!, that's psychological ) and My brain vibrated, another time I was in a history clas and a ancient doll older than any of our finds, I think it was time travel but they believed it was ancient people, the history teacher was describing how mocking it's stare was( the doll's ) and when something bad was to happen my mind vibrated. There are even times that as soon as I sleep my mind vibrates and as soon as I close my eyes again my brain vibrates again as If there is already a nightmare waiting for me. Bit I guess I will find out its cause later, or maybe I am not unique and this really is a normal thing and I am not researching the wrong thing, either way, I don't like the suspense

Nov 23, 2015
by: Toby

Sorry about the errors if this is difficult to read.

Nov 30, 2015
by: Ben Kruger

The same thing happens to me. This buzzing noise.
I heard that it could be sugar levels in your blood. Bloody irritating. Can anybody help. PLEASE !!!!!!

Dec 06, 2015
Unbearable buzzing NEW
by: Emili

Hi, I am so glad I am not the only person undergoing this crazy episode in my life. It is a truly terrifying experience. Just recently, for the first time, I was woken up by a faint buzzing noise in my brain. The more I fought the sound, the louder it became, until the volume level because unbearable. As I wake up, I am unable to move, scream, or even shut my eyes again. When the noise is at full volume, I painfully begin to feel what seems like electricity coming from the buzzing, through my entire body. It is horrifying and something I wish I never go through again. To add to the craziness of my experience, a red light is orbiting at the end of my room. It is a huge relief to read all of your comments and know I am not the only one that has lived this nightmare. I wish you all luck in the future, and hope you are all able to control this problem, or completely stop it from occurring.

Dec 22, 2015
Cracking NEW
by: Rose

The first time I heard the electricity I was really tired and had just laid down, when all the sudden I had the buzzing, lost vision for about 30 seconds and paralyzed for about 2 minutes. Now i hear cracking and sizzling like a down power line.

Dec 23, 2015
What's wrong with me? NEW
by: KJ

I just turned 16, but for a few years now I've been hearing noises. I hear someone breathing very heavily in my ear, quiet screaming, and a loud buzzing/ringing. I hear these things anytime it's quiet. Please tell me how to fix it or to get help. The noises induce panic attacks and night terrors (which induce panic attacks upon awaking).

Jan 02, 2016
Not alone NEW
by: Anonymous

I have recently experienced this buzzing sound that I could only describe as demonic along with hearing voices and it's very scary! I call out to Jesus and rebuke and either I wake up or it just goes away...I find if I can pull myself up when i first feel and hear it coming on and get up and walk around the room it won't come back if I go back to sleep, so hard because usually happens when exhausted! It feels like a seizure because your body and mind are fighting so hard! I also find when you tell yourself to relax and fully trust and give it to God and not give into freaking out it goes away. Good to hear I'm not the only one to experience this, all I could think of when it first happened to me was the Amityville horror movie with all the bees at the window during exorcism, God bless and he is in control!

Jan 08, 2016
sleep buzzing and electric NEW
by: janet

Sleep I'm 60 years old and I've been putting up this siince I was in my early teens. iI went to a drDr in my early 30s he laughed me out of his office. I never brought it up after that. I have 2 or 3 a year some times it gets very painful.

Jan 16, 2016
spirit people NEW
by: Anonymous

hi there my brother had buzzing and says 4 spirits lisa miranda pete and paul are annoying him day and ,night they say you can watch tv next minute no you cant watch tv they repeat over and over agai wolverhampton birmingham new street or we are leaving over and over again day and night he tries to sleep then they startbuzzing one ear then the next and the back of the head,when they stop buzzing he feels the blood rushing back down the back of his head but they seem to be tapeing all he does then playing it back to him! He has prayed in church to god for itto go away and had a priest up to him at his home and these insane spirits still dont go away for good.we have both been to mediams it still wont go away please has anyone got an answer! We have also beenripped off by fake mediums! Thanks for any help.

Jan 16, 2016
spirit people NEW
by: Anonymous

hi there my brother had buzzing and says 4 spirits lisa miranda pete and paul are annoying him day and ,night they say you can watch tv next minute no you cant watch tv they repeat over and over agai wolverhampton birmingham new street or we are leaving over and over again day and night he tries to sleep then they startbuzzing one ear then the next and the back of the head,when they stop buzzing he feels the blood rushing back down the back of his head but they seem to be tapeing all he does then playing it back to him! He has prayed in church to god for itto go away and had a priest up to him at his home and these insane spirits still dont go away for good.we have both been to mediams it still wont go away please has anyone got an answer! We have also beenripped off by fake mediums! Thanks for any help.

Jan 26, 2016
You are being lied to NEW
by: Secret squirrel

Sleep paralysis or SP is not a result of what they are telling us. We are being abducted by alien beings and experimented on. Read some of the comments. People are hearing voices and also seeing things. I've heard voices telling me to relax and everything is going to be ok. I do not believe for a second that this is a hallucination or my imagination and so shouldn't you. This is all an elaborate cover up to quell panic and fear by giving us a logical medical reason for it occurring.

Jan 26, 2016
Read NEW
by: Anonymous

Just had my first experience today. For some reason, I hear a loud pitch while not being able to move. I'm reading comments of people saying that they can hear or talk to the dead. I'm not really a great listener, but i for some reason the song 'Kansas - Carry on wayward son' at 1:08 describes it well.

Jan 29, 2016
I can relate NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been experiencing this for about ten years now. Always starts with buzzing, or at times it has sounded like something was flapping around inside my ear. I usually have some kind of visuals involving energy patterns moving in circles or solid orb objects buzzing and sometimes even glowing. Other times this happens I can see the whole room I am in and even walk around and look outside of the room and how I observe my surroundings in the dream is how they look when I awake.
The whole time this is happening I feel like I am trying to wake up out of a deep sleep and become very uncomfortable and annoyed. Over the years I have been able to catch these episodes right before they happen and have found that if you relax and observe these states you can use them to meditate and to lucid dream in. A whole new side of your psychology can be revealed. The whole thing is fascinating yet uncomfortable and sometimes just plain "weird." There is something to it though...

Feb 02, 2016
Help NEW
by: Anonymous

I hear like a humming sound and it feels like the bed is vibrating and am up typing this and still hearing and feeling it plz help

Feb 07, 2016
I keep hearing it too NEW
by: Roberta

Yes, I hear it too. When I'm trying to sleep I can hear it and feel ot when I close my eyes. Like that static is moving around the room. I usually feel it at 2 am. It's really creepy. I thought it was a supernatural problem once. But I figured it wasn't.

Feb 20, 2016
Yes I hear and feel it too. NEW
by: Anonymous

I hear and even feel it right before I have sp and even before I come out of it. I feel the vibration in my head and seem to feel like I'm spinning as if I'm drunk. I have to say that the buzzing is the worst part! I can handle the weird creepy music,sounds,and hallucinations but, the buzzing is what really gets to me because sometimes I can't get out of it. I'm agnostic and when I have w SP episode I tend to pray to good when it gets bad and I come right out of it, strange but true.

Feb 22, 2016
it. just. happened. NEW
by: Kc

Hi, alright so, I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I always know when I'm going to fall into SP because of the noise (buzzing is probably the most accurate word to describe it) I hear fading in as I start to close my eyes. The thing is, once I realize this is happening I can try to fight it and kind of shake myself out of it. Since it typically happens when I'm most exhausted, sometimes it can be hard to will myself to fight to stay conscious, but the sound always gets more intense when my eyes shut completely, and grows intense the longer I allow my eyes to rest between each blink. It's like my mind is warning me to do something about it before it takes over, so if I have the strength I usually have to physically shake my head and switch positions or sit up and distract myself (as I am doing now by seeking solace in the fact that you can relate)
I'm just hoping I can find a way to prevent it from happening when I try to sleep again ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Feb 22, 2016
it. just. happened. NEW
by: Kc

Hi, alright so, I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but I always know when I'm going to fall into SP because of the noise (buzzing is probably the most accurate word to describe it) I hear fading in as I start to close my eyes. The thing is, once I realize this is happening I can try to fight it and kind of shake myself out of it. Since it typically happens when I'm most exhausted, sometimes it can be hard to will myself to fight to stay conscious, but the sound always gets more intense when my eyes shut completely, and grows intense the longer I allow my eyes to rest between each blink. It's like my mind is warning me to do something about it before it takes over, so if I have the strength I usually have to physically shake my head and switch positions or sit up and distract myself (as I am doing now by seeking solace in the fact that you can relate)
I'm just hoping I can find a way to prevent it from happening when I try to sleep again ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Mar 07, 2016
Just happened last night! NEW
by: Anonymous

I just a dream/ paralysis thing where i wAs in my room Nd i heard my clock saying something like " swo-shing in the mouth a-round and a-round" and some other stuff it woke me up and i looked around and tried to sit up to turn off my clock but i heRd the loud ringing and paralysis so i fought through it and sat up and grabbed the clock and pressed some random button on it to stop it, i wasnt scared or anything, it was just like a weird thing, and idk if it was dream or not cuz if was my room where i was sleeping exactly

Mar 18, 2016
Just googled this at 4AM... Saved me from freaking out. NEW
by: Pierce

Although the buzzing and s.p. scares the crap out of me, I'm glad I'm not alone. It really is a terrifying this as it feels like you're descending somewhere and you don't know where and you can't stop it.

Mar 20, 2016
Buzzing NEW
by: Mandy

I get the buzzing sensation at least once a week. It's usually when I wake up at night always around 3 am. I can feel the vibrational buzzing/ringing coming as it starts out quietly and slowly progresses into an extremely intense vibrational sensation felt throughout my entire boy. It started when I was 15 and at first I thought something was trying to possess me. I have learned shielding techniques and visualization techniques to raise my vibration and protect myself when this occurs. It takes every ounce of my focus and energy to fight off this buzzing low vibrational sensation when it happens. I still don't know exactly why it happens but I, too suffer from sleep paralysis. As I've been learning to raise my vibration I no longer have paralysis most of the time, just the extreme buzzing that will take over my entire body unless I fight it. I think that because it always happens around 3 am, it's some kind of entity or force trying to anduct my body without my permission. You are not alone.

Mar 21, 2016
electrical sound NEW
by: gr

Im glad to have found this topic.

Im 27 and it happened to me a few hours ago for the first time in my life. I had never heard of this before nor have i had anyone tell me about it.

I work only by night, and i sleep by day. I usually sleep 5 hours by day and another 2-3 by evening right before i go to work. I am always tired because of my lifestyle.

A few hours ago, around 11pm i suddenly woke up by the sound of my door unlocking and closing, i could hear my neighbour downstairs working on something or cleaning his house, i was worried with sound of my door unlocking, i was home alone, i suddenly realized that i couldnt move, then an electrical pulsating sound came through my brain from the right side, it didnt go to he left side of my head as the left side was touching my pillow, my eyes were closed, and i couldnt open them. I then felt a presense behind me, sitting on my bed, i felt that it was trying to either make me fall asleep or tune me in another frequeny, the sound got louder and my eyes started getting heavier, the more i tried to open them the harder it got, i was about to give in and let the presense control me, my last thought was that if i give in i ll die, my heart was feeling heavier than usual. I tried to open my eyes for one last time, and i succeeded. Obviously there was no one there, i felt weird, i checked my door and it was locked. When i went to bed again i immediately fell asleep.

I really do hope this never happens again.

My own theory is that if i had given in to that electrical rythmic wave, i would probably go into lucid dreaming. Although as i said, at the time it just felt like i was dying. The lucid dream theory came to me after i googled " electrical sound not being able to move in bed".

I thank everyone for their input.

Mar 21, 2016
sound NEW
by: gr gr

Im glad to have found this topic.

Im 27 and it happened to me a few hours ago for the first time in my life. I had never heard of this before nor have i had anyone tell me about it.

I work only by night, and i sleep by day. I usually sleep 5 hours by day and another 2-3 by evening right before i go to work. I am always tired because of my lifestyle.

A few hours ago, around 11pm i suddenly woke up by the sound of my door unlocking and closing, i could hear my neighbour downstairs working on something or cleaning his house, i was worried with sound of my door unlocking, i was home alone, i suddenly realized that i couldnt move, then an electrical pulsating sound came through my brain from the right side, it didnt go to he left side of my head as the left side was touching my pillow, my eyes were closed, and i couldnt open them. I then felt a presense behind me, sitting on my bed, i felt that it was trying to either make me fall asleep or tune me in another frequeny, the sound got louder and my eyes started getting heavier, the more i tried to open them the harder it got, i was about to give in and let the presense control me, my last thought was that if i give in i ll die, my heart was feeling heavier than usual. I tried to open my eyes for one last time, and i succeeded. Obviously there was no one there, i felt weird, i checked my door and it was locked. When i went to bed again i immediately fell asleep.

I really do hope this never happens again.

My own theory is that if i had given in to that electrical rythmic wave, i would probably go into lucid dreaming. Although as i said, at the time it just felt like i was dying. The lucid dream theory came to me after i googled " electrical sound not being able to move in bed".

I thank everyone for their input.

Mar 22, 2016
Results in Lucid dream NEW
by: Andrew J

Awhile back I was pretty depressed and instead of trying to jolt myself awake like I normally do when the event transpired, I instead embraced the ringing/buzzing/white-noise/static/popping sensation. Since then after a brief moment I have gotten everything from shadowy gray-aliens to random sounds of gibberish. There have been times where I have heard what sounded like radio news broadcasts of nonsensical gibberish. At one time there was a voice of a little girl that said: "I wonder what your wife tastes like." Now when these events occur, I simply imagine a black-hole portal just above my right shoulder or just below my right side(depending on where I am on the bed) where I jump in. When it works, the result is a full control of a Lucid dream that seems to last a very long time.

Mar 27, 2016
Always had this since i was born NEW
by: Frost

Just what the person above me said (sorry i forgot to read your name and can't view it while writing)

Haven't tried the black hole thing but will try tonight..

First time i remembered having this is when im very little, and i would curl up against my father or mother.

Got worse 1st year college, (i actually hear somebody/something calling me in a mocking voice, right after my room shifts after the buzzing starts)

Ends a bit when I shouted at him (the jester voice) because i was too tired and don't want to be bothered.

Usually got the hang of it during my pre-teens, pretty cool and you get to experience new things.


In reality, nothing can really harm you, if you don't want it that is. ;)

Have fun!

Mar 28, 2016
Ebrace the buzzing NEW
by: Michael

I'm 47 and I've had this for years. I was afraid to tell anyone for a long time because I thought I was being stalked by an evil demon/spirit or something (I am a Christian). Several years ago I learned about SP after goggling what I was experiencing and was relieved I wasn't crazy. I've experienced every scary part of SP including the onset Buzzing sound that starts up and gets louder.

**I was hearing loud clear voices, sometimes many at the same time like being in a loud cafeteria. Scary whispers in my ear.

**Floating sensation, my blanket being slowly pulled off of me.

**Footsteps coming closer and an evil presence.

believe me. Everything for years! I was absolutely terrified of it but became tired of being afraid.

I just read "Sleep Paralysis, a Guide to Hypnagogic Visions & Visitors of the Night" by Ryan Hurd.

I learned how to turn SP into the most incredible vivid lucid dreams I've ever had. Please try this! When the Buzzing starts..just go with it and let it take you! You will float out of bed through walls and floors into other colorful places. You will fly and be able to have control. I try something new each time. It's awesome!

I had three lucid dreams last night and I was actually excited when I started to hear the buzzing start. It's scary when you first try it because of your past experiences, but let me tell you it is an absolutely mind blowing when you master it! Good luck!


Mar 28, 2016
fuzzy dreams NEW
by: spencer

I. Occasionally get the same thing. It usually only happens when I am about to fall asleep while taking a nap. I will hear this over powering fuzzy like buzzing in my head. Every time I emedietly know its coming and always desperately try to force myself to wake up. I can not speak nor open my eyes. One time this happened, i heard a voice of a little girl directly in my left ear that said "I'm here with you" cuasing me to jump out of my sleep gasping for beath. I literally jumped to. This is why I try to avoid naps but do my resentless schedule of working full time, going to school full time, and spending nearly all my spare time working with my youth group, i only average 3-4 hours of sleep per night. Just today, I eperienced this but diffrently. The best way I can desricbe it was I was naping in my car trying to wake myself up, then just kept jumping from one place to another in a diffrent environment. Several of which, I had someone talking to me but there sound was overpowered by the buzzing sound. It almost seemed like i was jumping from one body to another but my logic say no I'm being silly. I have no idea what is going on but i hate these weird dream like states where I can see myself sleeping...

Apr 03, 2016
I hear and see during the day and exspiriance this at night NEW
by: Rosie fry

Hi I alway get this last night I was lying in bed I just shut my eyes all of a sudden I could hear bells chiming and whispering I opened my eyes I couldn't move I tried to shout for help I couldn't speak I managed to move my right arm my sheets are cotton I put my arm down on my bed I could feel a velvet cloth like thing I panicked moved my arm Back then couldn't move it again then all of a sudden it's like something left I gasped for air then was ok what is this

Apr 04, 2016
RE: Embrace the buzzing by Michael (2016-03-28) NEW
by: Greg

This comment might contain typos. Sorry but I am trying to regain more facts from a current experience while writing this and might not be able to focus on grammar too much.

I read the fist 10 - 13 comments and wondered if anyone actually had anything positive to say about this.

I agree with Michael (Embrace the buzzing) who wrote a comment just a few days ago.

It can be very hard to take control over this sensation and IMHO this is where the problem starts to happen.

We feel awake, aware of our surrounding, sometimes it is dark sometimes we appear to be un our bed but in any case we "feel" awake but cannot move. it is very obvious that this will scare the person experiencing this sensation.

What you are experiencing could actually be something very positive. Some people tend to have SP or similar sleep disorders while stressed, others without any reason.

The experience is very similar to the effects people seem to have, when taking ayahuasca a plant containing DMT (just google for "DMT the spirit molecule"). This plant is used by shamans to heal people from their spiritual illness.

I have never taken DMT myself so please don't quote me on this.

I have had SP several times and always fought it. I use my right shoulder, since I can regain control over that part of my body the fastest. I then throw my arm over myself and usually wake up (still lying on my back as I fell asleep).

About a year ago I started meditating to force myself into SP. I watched the documentary on DMT and read several articles about gaining access to the same experience through lucid dreaming, meditating and other methods. I have a couple of problems that I need to understand. I am pretty sure these problems trigger my SP since I inly get it when very unhappy, stressed or extremely tired.

Since then I have tried

to stay calm, to go with it when it happens,
to try to push myself into this state of conscience every night
and to explore whatever will happen.

It is a lot harder than one would imagine. Through my meditation I no longer need to focus on body parts. I just wake up like that if I feel scared. The hard part is to stay asleep while being conscious and accept that you are at all times in a safe place. Forget who you are and especially where you are but keep in mind that you are safe. Just repeating the word "safe" can help do the trick. If you cannot say it while in SP, say it before you fall asleep and remember that word. There are endless methods and while this might not work for you another method will. It is really just a simple thought that you need to trigger while in SP.

A few days ago I was very tired I knew that I could easily fall into a lucid dream, though I was pretty sure it would fade before I could enjoy it.

This was actually the first time I heard "the buzzing" while it was more like a crackling irregular but consistent sound. It went on for a while and I immediately realized what was happening. The sound was actually what calmed me down. Instead of the fright I would get from the shadows hovering me I knew exactly what to do. I meditated or at least that was what I thought I was doing.
I focused on my "third eye" and immediately felt the trance I get from meditating. I could feel my body, but it did not exist. It was very strange because everything just consisted of colors. I have experienced a lot of orange peachy colors during meditation. Sometimes I could feel myself trying to leave my body (very common for lucid dreams or astral projections).
This was different though, a lot stronger. I experienced my own presence in this sea of color. Not as a body but as energy. I felt the usual pressure but instead of pushing me down it surrounded me and exposed a vibrating feeling. I tried to forget about it since I did not want to wake up and once I lost focus I was pulled by some kind of force.
I saw a lot of patterns, fractals and colors, I was amazed and it was very hard to not focus on it too much. I wanted to stay in this state, after all I was a visitor, I hate to say this now that I think of it but I was a tourist at that moment and I guess I tried to stay unnoticed. (Please keep in mind that I am still realizing new facts while writing this)
I experienced a few more visuals waiting to be taken to what I believed was going to come, a trip to my origin and the explanation to myself. That golden experience that we could all have if we just let go and trusted in ourselves.

Apr 04, 2016
RE: Michael (Embrace the buzzing) NEW
by: Anonymous

This comment might contain typos. Sorry but I am trying to regain more facts from a current experience while writing this and might not be able to focus on grammar too much.

I read the fist 10 - 13 comments and wondered if anyone actually had anything positive to say about this.

I agree with Michael (Embrace the buzzing) who wrote a comment just a few days ago.

It can be very hard to take control over this sensation and IMHO this is where the problem starts to happen.

We feel awake, aware of our surrounding, sometimes it is dark sometimes we appear to be un our bed but in any case we "feel" awake but cannot move. it is very obvious that this will scare the person experiencing this sensation.

What you are experiencing could actually be something very positive. Some people tend to have SP or similar sleep disorders while stressed, others without any reason.

The experience is very similar to the effects people seem to have, when taking ayahuasca a plant containing DMT (just google for "DMT the spirit molecule"). This plant is used by shamans to heal people from their spiritual illness.

I have never taken DMT myself so please don't quote me on this.

I have had SP several times and always fought it. I use my right shoulder, since I can regain control over that part of my body the fastest. I then throw my arm over myself and usually wake up (still lying on my back as I fell asleep).

About a year ago I started meditating to force myself into SP. I watched the documentary on DMT and read several articles about gaining access to the same experience through lucid dreaming, meditating and other methods. I have a couple of problems that I need to understand. I am pretty sure these problems trigger my SP since I inly get it when very unhappy, stressed or extremely tired.

Since then I have tried

to stay calm, to go with it when it happens,
to try to push myself into this state of conscience every night
and to explore whatever will happen.

It is a lot harder than one would imagine. Through my meditation I no longer need to focus on body parts. I just wake up like that if I feel scared. The hard part is to stay asleep while being conscious and accept that you are at all times in a safe place. Forget who you are and especially where you are but keep in mind that you are safe. Just repeating the word "safe" can help do the trick. If you cannot say it while in SP, say it before you fall asleep and remember that word. There are endless methods and while this might not work for you another method will. It is really just a simple thought that you need to trigger while in SP.

A few days ago I was very tired I knew that I could easily fall into a lucid dream, though I was pretty sure it would fade before I could enjoy it.

This was actually the first time I heard "the buzzing" while it was more like a crackling irregular but consistent sound. It went on for a while and I immediately realized what was happening. The sound was actually what calmed me down. Instead of the fright I would get from the shadows hovering me I knew exactly what to do. I meditated or at least that was what I thought I was doing.
I focused on my "third eye" and immediately felt the trance I get from meditating. I could feel my body, but it did not exist. It was very strange because everything just consisted of colors. I have experienced a lot of orange peachy colors during meditation. Sometimes I could feel myself trying to leave my body (very common for lucid dreams or astral projections).
This was different though, a lot stronger. I experienced my own presence in this sea of color. Not as a body but as energy. I felt the usual pressure but instead of pushing me down it surrounded me and exposed a vibrating feeling. I tried to forget about it since I did not want to wake up and once I lost focus I was pulled by some kind of force.
I saw a lot of patterns, fractals and colors, I was amazed and it was very hard to not focus on it too much. I wanted to stay in this state, after all I was a visitor, I hate to say this now that I think of it but I was a tourist at that moment and I guess I tried to stay unnoticed. (Please keep in mind that I am still realizing new facts while writing this)
I experienced a few more visuals waiting to be taken to what I believed was going to come, a trip to my origin and the explanation to myself. That golden experience that we could all have if we just let go and trusted in ourselves.

Apr 04, 2016
RE: Michael (Embrace the buzzing) NEW
by: Anonymous

This comment might contain typos. Sorry but I am trying to regain more facts from a current experience while writing this and might not be able to focus on grammar too much.

I read the fist 10 - 13 comments and wondered if anyone actually had anything positive to say about this.

I agree with Michael (Embrace the buzzing) who wrote a comment just a few days ago.

It can be very hard to take control over this sensation and IMHO this is where the problem starts to happen.

We feel awake, aware of our surrounding, sometimes it is dark sometimes we appear to be un our bed but in any case we "feel" awake but cannot move. it is very obvious that this will scare the person experiencing this sensation.

What you are experiencing could actually be something very positive. Some people tend to have SP or similar sleep disorders while stressed, others without any reason.

The experience is very similar to the effects people seem to have, when taking ayahuasca a plant containing DMT (just google for "DMT the spirit molecule"). This plant is used by shamans to heal people from their spiritual illness.

I have never taken DMT myself so please don't quote me on this.

I have had SP several times and always fought it. I use my right shoulder, since I can regain control over that part of my body the fastest. I then throw my arm over myself and usually wake up (still lying on my back as I fell asleep).

About a year ago I started meditating to force myself into SP. I watched the documentary on DMT and read several articles about gaining access to the same experience through lucid dreaming, meditating and other methods. I have a couple of problems that I need to understand. I am pretty sure these problems trigger my SP since I inly get it when very unhappy, stressed or extremely tired.

Since then I have tried

to stay calm, to go with it when it happens,
to try to push myself into this state of conscience every night
and to explore whatever will happen.

It is a lot harder than one would imagine. Through my meditation I no longer need to focus on body parts. I just wake up like that if I feel scared. The hard part is to stay asleep while being conscious and accept that you are at all times in a safe place. Forget who you are and especially where you are but keep in mind that you are safe. Just repeating the word "safe" can help do the trick. If you cannot say it while in SP, say it before you fall asleep and remember that word. There are endless methods and while this might not work for you another method will. It is really just a simple thought that you need to trigger while in SP.

A few days ago I was very tired I knew that I could easily fall into a lucid dream, though I was pretty sure it would fade before I could enjoy it.

This was actually the first time I heard "the buzzing" while it was more like a crackling irregular but consistent sound. It went on for a while and I immediately realized what was happening. The sound was actually what calmed me down. Instead of the fright I would get from the shadows hovering me I knew exactly what to do. I meditated or at least that was what I thought I was doing.
I focused on my "third eye" and immediately felt the trance I get from meditating. I could feel my body, but it did not exist. It was very strange because everything just consisted of colors. I have experienced a lot of orange peachy colors during meditation. Sometimes I could feel myself trying to leave my body (very common for lucid dreams or astral projections).
This was different though, a lot stronger. I experienced my own presence in this sea of color. Not as a body but as energy. I felt the usual pressure but instead of pushing me down it surrounded me and exposed a vibrating feeling. I tried to forget about it since I did not want to wake up and once I lost focus I was pulled by some kind of force.
I saw a lot of patterns, fractals and colors, I was amazed and it was very hard to not focus on it too much. I wanted to stay in this state, after all I was a visitor, I hate to say this now that I think of it but I was a tourist at that moment and I guess I tried to stay unnoticed. (Please keep in mind that I am still realizing new facts while writing this)
I experienced a few more visuals waiting to be taken to what I believed was going to come, a trip to my origin and the explanation to myself. That golden experience that we could all have if we just let go and trusted in ourselves.

Apr 10, 2016
21yrs old first time happening NEW
by: Anonymous

got my first episode 2 days ago, got woke up by it like 4-5 hours into sleep. Tv like/electrical sound getting louder and louder. It got less loud by being calm and moving slowly. I went back to sleep and it started again. then I woke up and realised I was dreaming this time. One helluva mindfuck

I didn't have paralysis it seems but I was definitly heavy,

Scary shit, for the people mentioning DMT ,myself having lot of experience with it (over 50 blastoff) it has some similarities but it's hella different at the same time. Really doubt it has something to do with it.

Now it seems I can ear the buzzin when I concentrate in a certain way even in the day when I'm just relax in a chair or sofa but it doesn't get much louder

Weird shit,

Apr 11, 2016
Loud buzzing in ears and had one hour of asleep NEW
by: Anonymous

Is just happened today I was really tired during the day like I always listen to the music on my ipod loud music or medium.
I went to sleep during the late afternoon.
I decided go to bed at 2.25 am everything was alright. I woke up at 3.45 with huge headache. I heard explosion in my ears that made me unable to move or do anything to shake off. I only remember lodge explosion in my ears.
My head still is killing me. I feel like half vampire without appropriate sleep.
I am bit scared to fall asleep again that will happen again.
Is anyone experience anything that made u wake up during the night? .
I also felt like I was holding against my will like something or someone was here. I am not sure of it

Apr 13, 2016
I hear them too (buzzing) NEW
by: Anonymous

All of your experiences seem nice compared to mine. Usually I'm a very logical person whose not very religious, but at night when I'm in a dream-like state and not very logical, I hear buzzing noises get louder and louder. I think that I'm already awake, but I'm not and I just imagine that I'm vulnerable and Satan is slowly corrupting me. As the buzzing gets louder I get images of a distant red face staring at me in pitch-black surroundings and that I can't blink because if I do, when I reopen my eyes it'll be right in front of my face (I wrote these down in a journal). I could be having the greatest dream, as if the love of my life finally agreed to go out with me, and as soon as the buzzing starts I'm in the gaze of Satan.

Apr 13, 2016
I hear buzzing too NEW
by: Anonymous

All of your experiences seem nice compared to mine. Usually I'm a very logical person whose not very religious, but at night when I'm in a dream-like state and not very logical, I hear buzzing noises get louder and louder. I think that I'm already awake, but I'm not and I just imagine that I'm vulnerable and Satan is slowly corrupting me. As the buzzing gets louder I get images of a distant red face staring at me in pitch-black surroundings and that I can't blink because if I do, when I reopen my eyes it'll be right in front of my face (I wrote these down in a journal). I could be having the greatest dream, as if the love of my life finally agreed to go out with me, and as soon as the buzzing starts I'm in the gaze of Satan.

Apr 13, 2016
Buzzing means get out of jail free card NEW
by: Anonymous

When I hear the buzz in go can feel SP ramping up to do its thing, but instead I shout abruptly to wake myself entirely and then try sleeping again. This way I avoid the creepy feeling that comes with SP, the tight chest, the impression that someone is in room., etc. Works well for me.

Apr 13, 2016
Buzzing means get out of jail free card NEW
by: Anonymous

When I hear the buzz in go can feel SP ramping up to do its thing, but instead I shout abruptly to wake myself entirely and then try sleeping again. This way I avoid the creepy feeling that comes with SP, the tight chest, the impression that someone is in room., etc. Works well for me.

Apr 14, 2016
Description of sound? NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone experience a sound that's both a deep vibrating synth like tone and a higher pitched 'crackly' electric sound?

Apr 30, 2016
An intensive frequency NEW
by: From nepal

Look I'm so happy to read this article. Same thing happens to me almost always, the 1st time it happened i was very afraid and i though i will die and i got out of bed.. but the point is it never stops never ever... this happens especially if i gry to sleep earlier or during day.. sometime i see nightmares and when i come back to my consciousness this strange phenomena had already kept me occupied... I'm so afraid that it may cause me harm.. and even sometimes i her big explosion tremendously big i just can open my eyes and move my body but it is all happening so real and many time i even suffocated.. this thing just grows grows increases if i try to move my body... this intensive sound never stops i can't do anything about it neither i can explain.. i want to get a solution thank you.

May 01, 2016
I am not the only one... NEW
by: Anni

I thought i am the only one person who have hear the buzzing in dreams....its really unbearable sound. I have this problem since last 4 years, don't know what is it..

May 07, 2016
It hurt me this time NEW
by: Bruce

i hear the ringing. i had these dreams seince i was in middle school but the ringing started about a yea ago tonight the ring forced my eyes shut i finaly am able to fight the peralisis. i can mone but it feels like im being held down but i can move around but very slowly its super painfull and if i stop trying to move i get droped to the ground i woke up with the worse headache p.s. the roumer that this thing can be passed on by describing it its true it passed to my friend in the same night i told her about it i dont see demonds or shadows but she did my bad i guess but at least i can move now

May 10, 2016
isaiah NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey that happens to me also i get scared to sleep in the morning cause if that and when it happens i see my self rotating and i dont know but thank you for sharing because your not alone.... I thought it was aliens or something

May 12, 2016
thaat buzzziinngggg NEW
by: Anonymous

Hii ive read your story it happened to me but in a weird way . i would wake up in middle of the night to a buzzing .the buzzing was so loud it drove me crazy , note that i was nt paralyzed i know it was not a dream w may be it was .anyway i starting searching for that buzz though that i was coming under my bed or from the drawers next to my i freaked out and started pulling the drawers eventually my dad woke up and saw me in the state i was in . he tried to convince me that there was no buzzing . and whatever was buzzing stopped the buzzing when me dad was in my room .he told me it jst nothin calm down and try to sleep. As soon as he left that buzzing return and i started to act as if im not hearing it anymore till i fell asleep . till this day i didnt know what was that all about

May 12, 2016
thaat buzzziinngggg NEW
by: Anonymous

Hii ive read your story it happened to me but in a weird way . i would wake up in middle of the night to a buzzing .the buzzing was so loud it drove me crazy , note that i was nt paralyzed i know it was not a dream w may be it was .anyway i starting searching for that buzz though that i was coming under my bed or from the drawers next to my i freaked out and started pulling the drawers eventually my dad woke up and saw me in the state i was in . he tried to convince me that there was no buzzing . and whatever was buzzing stopped the buzzing when me dad was in my room .he told me it jst nothin calm down and try to sleep. As soon as he left that buzzing return and i started to act as if im not hearing it anymore till i fell asleep . till this day i didnt know what was that all about

May 12, 2016
Just happened to me. NEW
by: Anonymous

This is about the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. First time, in my 20s and 2nd time in my 30s, the feeling of something holding you down, evil sense. About a year ago I had a feeling of being taken out of my bed by my foot like I was being drugged around but sensed floating also. I'm In 50s now. This time, I woke up for just a second turned over on my side, felt the sensation of like a electrical probe touch my foot, go up my spine, and consume my brain, like I was being programmed, reprogrammed, shock therapy??? I always believed in God, each time it feels like something evil is messing with me. Do not hear buzzing, do not hear weird voices thank God. But not pleasant experience. When I felt like floating being drug around I tried to embrace it, as sense of being drug to hell/heaven. Kept praying, but it just stopped. All times I am praying to Jesus to control the situation. It's scary, so the praying calms me. . Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Trying not to fear falling asleep.

May 22, 2016
Well This Is Weird NEW
by: Anonymous

I basically have had the same experience as everyone else here except today, this happened and it felt like something was pulling me into sleep like I couldn't fight it. So I tried letting it happen, I was laying on my side (the same side I lay on when this always happens) and all of a sudden I felt like I was on fire, and I was falling. I tried to move but obviously that didn't work. I tried to scream, nothing. This lasted for about 5 minutes until I was able to move my foot and pull myself out of whatever state I was in...

May 22, 2016
Kundalini NEW
by: Anonymous

Many people attribute inner sounds such as a freight train in the distance to spiritual awakening or kundalini energy. Other sounds can be the chirping of birds, a flute, etc. I have personally heard birds chirping and the rushing sound of a freight train off in the distance. These sounds for me have most definitely NOT been tinnitus or auditory hallucinations. I have a small degree of tininitus from playing electric guitar too loudly so I know the difference. The sounds seem to be originating just inside the eardrum. They are not coming from the external environment as the physical sensation of the eardrum oscillating is absent.

May 24, 2016
Me too! NEW
by: Jordyn Lovett

I'm only 12 years old and j just searched this up at 5:00 AM after a very long nap. It has happened to me every now and then, but tonight it just happened to me 3 times in a row. I tried to sleep, but then this loud noise appears and starts getting louder. Then I can't move or open my eyes or make any noise. I try yelling for help but nothing happens. Also, the only way I can move is by breathing really hard and only sometimes does that make my hand do the slightest movement. When this happens I usually see scary images in my head and I freak out whenever I wake up, dealing with a bad case of paranoia. Tonight however, I tried to imagine an angel (since that isn't scary). It kind of helped but not really. Thanks everyone for telling me what it is! But I am to scared to go to sleep now.

May 24, 2016
Me too! NEW
by: Jordyn Lovett

I'm only 12 years old and j just searched this up at 5:00 AM after a very long nap. It has happened to me every now and then, but tonight it just happened to me 3 times in a row. I tried to sleep, but then this loud noise appears and starts getting louder. Then I can't move or open my eyes or make any noise. I try yelling for help but nothing happens. Also, the only way I can move is by breathing really hard and only sometimes does that make my hand do the slightest movement. When this happens I usually see scary images in my head and I freak out whenever I wake up, dealing with a bad case of paranoia. Tonight however, I tried to imagine an angel (since that isn't scary). It kind of helped but not really. Thanks everyone for telling me what it is! But I am to scared to go to sleep now.

May 24, 2016
Me too! NEW
by: Jordyn Lovett

I'm only 12 years old and j just searched this up at 5:00 AM after a very long nap. It has happened to me every now and then, but tonight it just happened to me 3 times in a row. I tried to sleep, but then this loud noise appears and starts getting louder. Then I can't move or open my eyes or make any noise. I try yelling for help but nothing happens. Also, the only way I can move is by breathing really hard and only sometimes does that make my hand do the slightest movement. When this happens I usually see scary images in my head and I freak out whenever I wake up, dealing with a bad case of paranoia. Tonight however, I tried to imagine an angel (since that isn't scary). It kind of helped but not really. Thanks everyone for telling me what it is! But I am to scared to go to sleep now.

May 24, 2016
Me too! NEW
by: Jordyn Lovett

I'm only 12 years old and j just searched this up at 5:00 AM after a very long nap. It has happened to me every now and then, but tonight it just happened to me 3 times in a row. I tried to sleep, but then this loud noise appears and starts getting louder. Then I can't move or open my eyes or make any noise. I try yelling for help but nothing happens. Also, the only way I can move is by breathing really hard and only sometimes does that make my hand do the slightest movement. When this happens I usually see scary images in my head and I freak out whenever I wake up, dealing with a bad case of paranoia. Tonight however, I tried to imagine an angel (since that isn't scary). It kind of helped but not really. Thanks everyone for telling me what it is! But I am to scared to go to sleep now.

May 24, 2016
Me too! NEW
by: Jordyn Lovett

I'm only 12 years old and j just searched this up at 5:00 AM after a very long nap. It has happened to me every now and then, but tonight it just happened to me 3 times in a row. I tried to sleep, but then this loud noise appears and starts getting louder. Then I can't move or open my eyes or make any noise. I try yelling for help but nothing happens. Also, the only way I can move is by breathing really hard and only sometimes does that make my hand do the slightest movement. When this happens I usually see scary images in my head and I freak out whenever I wake up, dealing with a bad case of paranoia. Tonight however, I tried to imagine an angel (since that isn't scary). It kind of helped but not really. Thanks everyone for telling me what it is! But I am to scared to go to sleep now.

May 28, 2016
Same and I'm in my teens NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been having a lot of S.P. lately and it's scaring me very much. I feel like I'm going to go deaf with the loud ringing. But the first time I witnessed S.P. I felt like my body was on fire, and my lower back was hurting so much. And I tried to move but then the ringing would get so loud I'd get too scared to move anymore and it eventually passes.
Earlier however, was even more frightening. I felt as if someone was stepping on my back and pressing so hard I couldn't breathe. And what horrified me the most was that I felt like I was being watched and that someone was behind me. An actual person. And I could've sworn I saw someone... It didn't even look human either...

May 28, 2016
I can relate NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been having a lot of S.P. lately and it's scaring me very much. I feel like I'm going to go deaf with the loud ringing. But the first time I witnessed S.P. I felt like my body was on fire, and my lower back was hurting so much. And I tried to move but then the ringing would get so loud I'd get too scared to move anymore and it eventually passes.
Earlier however, was even more frightening. I felt as if someone was stepping on my back and pressing so hard I couldn't breathe. And what horrified me the most was that I felt like I was being watched and that someone was behind me. An actual person. And I could've sworn I saw someone... It didn't even look human either...

Jun 01, 2016
Why? NEW
by: Lisa

This always happens to me, I could usually shake myself out of it, but....
Last night, Mild buzzing, then I felt like I was in another dimension. Buzzing got louder. I was scared stated screaming but no one could hear me. I was shaking, and then I saw a tunnel, with a light at the end barely visable. I then felt someone hold me tight and say "I Love You", but I was still scared. It lasted longer then it ever has. Should I contact Stephen King? I don't want to ever experience that again. My other half thinks I'm crazy!

Jun 01, 2016
Why? NEW
by: Lisa

This always happens to me, I could usually shake myself out of it, but....
Last night, Mild buzzing, then I felt like I was in another dimension. Buzzing got louder. I was scared stated screaming but no one could hear me. I was shaking, and then I saw a tunnel, with a light at the end barely visable. I then felt someone hold me tight and say "I Love You", but I was still scared. It lasted longer then it ever has. Should I contact Stephen King? I don't want to ever experience that again. My other half thinks I'm crazy!

Jun 02, 2016
astral projection NEW
by: jeniffer smith

You all are all making me smile because so many of you have an amazing gift and you don't even realize what it is. Don't be afraid. It's amazing. It's called astral projection. It's the greatest gift you could have ever been given. The loud noises you hear, the buzzing, your body vibrating, are all symptoms your soul is about to leave your body and travel. You can control it so there is no need to be afraid. A lot of you have already left your body and you just thought you were awake. The images you are seeing are real. Everyone has a spirit guide so if you see a dark figure, it's your spirit guide. They will help you. Ask them for help. It'll all be okay. Talk to your spirit guides every night. Tell them what you want from your experience.

Best of wishes, I'm so glad there's so many of you who can do this.

Jun 03, 2016
Buzzing without SP NEW
by: Hmmm

So heard a buzzing last night, like high tension electrical lines, but no lines anywhere near us, no transformers, nothing that could make that loud noise buzzing. It woke me up, I was awake, I could move, talk, the noise was there, seemed like it was moving a bit, getting closer then farther, probably there for 10-15 minutes before it stop. Perhaps I was still in some hold over of REM sleep, but hard to imagine when I could move just fine and talk. Coincidently, the local power company was doing maintenance on the sub-station (about 5 miles away), and so the power was out in the whole area, so no possible source anywhere near me for electrical noise. So, any explination, doesn't seem like SP to me?

Jun 03, 2016
One more thing NEW
by: hmmm

It seems like people think, problem solved, no big deal it's "sleep paralysis". I don't know if lumping all of these odd sleeping sometimes waking experiences into a single catch all condition is really a satisfactory explination. Does SP mean it's all just halucinations of some sort, no one can say for sure. Perhaps it's a window to a spiritual state, perhaps some people are being visited by ..., or maybe it all is just halucinations due to brain misfires, nutritional imbalances, or just being half awake. My point is, there may be truth to all of it. The visitors at night may be halucinations due to ??? or they may actually be visitors you can't always see. One does not preclude the other. One mans halucination may in fact be anothers reality. It's only by careful examination, experimentation, and evidence that we can say for sure. My advice, relax, see what happens, nothing to fear but fear itself, it's going to happen if it's going to happen. See what it is, don't let your fear drive the experience into something it's not. If I have a buzzing experience again, that's what I will do. Same as I did when it happened the first time, listen, examine, see what happens. I will report back if I have another one. But again, buzzing with no paralysis, zero, none, so hard to say it's SP.

Jun 14, 2016
3:17 A.M I'm a 15yr old NEW
by: Anonymous

I literally just woke up experiencing the same thing everyone of you guys have said, this is the first time it's ever happened to me and it scared me to death, I had a buzz couldn't move, felt like someone was in the room with me, I really don't know why this has happened but I don't want it to happen again. I fear that it will though. Before I went to bed to try to sleep around 12:30 I recall feeling really bad and having a bad headache. Though I took some ibuprofen for it, done nothing out of the ordinary and I need answers someone help me.

Jun 14, 2016
3:17 A.M I'm a 15yr old NEW
by: Anonymous

I literally just woke up experiencing the same thing everyone of you guys have said, this is the first time it's ever happened to me and it scared me to death, I had a buzz couldn't move, felt like someone was in the room with me, I really don't know why this has happened but I don't want it to happen again. I fear that it will though. Before I went to bed to try to sleep around 12:30 I recall feeling really bad and having a bad headache. Though I took some ibuprofen for it, done nothing out of the ordinary and I need answers someone help me.I also recall while I was trying to sleep it felt like bugs where biting the soles of my feet.

Jun 21, 2016
used to experience the buzzing NEW
by: ex-Sleep Paralysis boy

I used to get this as a kid pretty badly, and then it mysteriously stopped and never returned. In my case it was always an unfortunate harbinger of the most terrifying sleep paralysis episodes I ever had (which at the time I didn't know were called that, they just seemed to be ultra-scary nightmares where I thought I was dying and could not wake up from. The buzzing seemed to start as soon as things in the dream indicated something bad was about to happen and I wanted to "get the heck out of there" by fleeing in the dream or waking up.

The buzz would start as a low hum that would begin as I started to feel a sense of dread come over me, like my heart sinking at a loss of all hope, and I'd feel like a heavy blanket was on top of me and getting heavier. I always thought if only I could wake up BEFORE this happened then I could escape it, but I was always too late, and as soon as I tried to struggle free to wake up I felt the invisible powerful force increase, like it was pressing me into the bed like extra weight or gravity, or that I was glued to the bed or being sucked into it. It was TERRIFYING! And of course I could not move a muscle. I never saw any demons but also part of my condition was that my eyes were glued shut, unable to open and allow me access to the waking world, like they were sealing me into my nightmare.!

Along with the buzzing, which intensified, was the feeling of waves of electricity or vibrations flowing through my body, and I could not breathe either, thinking I would die. I'd try to scream for help but could not. Only after enduring this hell for a while did a single powerful explosion of mental and muscle effort seem to break me free to being awake! Another thing, I'd notice that the buzzing and everything else was more intense and somehow EVIL when I slept on my back vs. on my side or stomach, so that became part of my strategy to defeat or avoid it.

Jun 29, 2016
Yes I hear the buzzing NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes, I have heard the buzzing and I then know that I will experience sleep paralysis. I also sometimes have bright lights and the same happens.

The more it happens, the more I know that it is only temporary and I will come out of it but I still try to make my body move. It feels that I make my body jump to wake up but my missus tells me that I just wake up normally. Strange.

Jul 03, 2016
careful folks NEW
by: brian mackenzie

I just want to tell and warn you about what happened to me last night. True story btw,I lucid dreamed 10 times last night, was my 1st exp of it. I now find I've got quite blurred vision in my usually perfect eyesight but I hear mad things, think Ive blown something in my brain because of all the mad and sexy escapades while lucid. Seriously, many normal cars now all sound like cop sirens, lawnmowers sound like alarm clocks loads of different things sound like something completely different, mad things strange voices for mechanical objects, or a old macdonalds farm for a dog bark. Counted at least 50 so far. Think its permanent too. Going to docs tommorow. Told mother she thinks Im full of crap. I had a monster hangover at time and hadnt slept for 4 days because of fighting buzz, gave in to it 5th night. Music was fab. Could lucify in less than 5min. Regretting it now. Will fight buzz if it happens tonight.

Jul 06, 2016
My fan sounds like it's going out,that's my warning NEW
by: Anonymous

My fan starts making this noise like it's going out,that's how I know it's about to happen,first time ever from taking a nap today,it's been off and on since I was 20 in California right before a earthquake It felt like someone was on top of me this was 1987,I have felt and heard something crawling on top of me,my comforter crunching as it crawled and held me down I managed to get my leg off of the bed one time and something pushed it back on the bed, I'm very sick of this but my box and warns me,3 different fans,I hear the noise from the fan and here it happens,how do I make it stop? It happened 3 times in one night 3 weeks ago for the first time ever,I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight , I have never told my doctor in fear of him thinking I'm nuts.I just want it to go away.

Jul 15, 2016
by: Adam23

Hey have had this same thing happen ive had the buzzing sounds and paralysis and to be honest it scared the shit out of me the first time it hapend the next night it happend 3 times in a row i thaught it was demonic or somthing along them lines i found myself looking at the top corner of my room cant move when i scream no one can hear me n the buzzing sound gets louder n louder like somthings commin to get me ive fought it every time so far but it feels like my souls getting pulled out n every time i lay on my back this happends n i was wondering if i should not fight it next time as its got somthing to do with astro projection correct me if im wrong.a I would like to chat with some one about this who has not fought through paralysis.

Jul 15, 2016
One other thing NEW
by: Adam23

This happends while im awake just laying on my back i go in a state where im not thinking about nothing

Aug 04, 2016
Heard it and felt it forever NEW
by: JJ

I have had this since I was 12 yrs old, I now understand it much more. Used to be when this started to occur I knew something awful was going to happen, always saw a figure trying to attack me. But lately I have had this same feeling but it is different, the figure is not evil at all, he is always behind me so I cannot see him but he is there. It only happens when I have the buzzing in my head. I know that I have sleep paralysis and I know why they say people that have this sleep disorder have these nightmares but why now am I having this same person in every incident. Is the buzzing feeling triggering something? I would love to sit with others that have this and find out their stories and what they have discovered due to this sleep disorder. It is simply an amazing feeling and yet so scary.

Aug 05, 2016
Yes. I feel it. NEW
by: Kirty

Hi, I know you actually wrote this many years ago, but I have suffered SP since I was 16, or even younger if I really think about it. I am now going on 42.
I have read so many articles on SP, and always seem to google it after I've had an episode.
I originally typed in to google today, "buzzing sound in head, before Sleep Paralysis, and come across this forum.
I GET THE BUZZING SOUND!! and feel so relieved to know that many others do too. It's like my warning that I will soon be experiencing it, but I'm far too tired to wake myself to "stop" it from occurring.
Tonight's episode was frightening, and for some reason, I woke with the biggest sense of foreboding.
I was scared, like a little girl. I went and jumped in the foot of the bed with my teenage daughter. I was that scared, that I was crying. I felt like I was almost still in my dream.
If there is noise or activity present whilst I am dreaming, it's like I take it onboard with me, and tonight I was dreaming of ghosts, and feeling their presence. I know that's me having an episode, but it was so different this time. I've woken before "scared", and usually take something to ease it, but tonight I put relaxation music on, and settled back to sleep.
I don't know about you, but SP leaves me physically and mentally drained, for the whole day, and then I'm scared to fall asleep.
I've had it three nights in a row now. It's a phenomena I hate, but, I know this might sound crazy, it's the only time I can vividly hear my deceased fathers voice, as clear as day, as if he were in the room having a conversation with me.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I am comforted to know there are people all over the world sharing their stories.
I also thank Google, because for many, many years, I thought I was being "attacked" by a demonic presence, and was too afraid to tell anyone.
Many family members, and extended family members all suffer SP as well. I just wish I wasn't one of them.

Aug 05, 2016
I too hear the buzz NEW
by: Kirty

Firstly I would just like to thank everyone for sharing their stories. You have all literally saved my sanity.
I have suffered SP for many years. I can recall having it from as early as 11, and I am now going on 42.
After an episode, I always find myself here, at one of these forums, reading through people's stories, and just how much I relate to each and everyone of them. I don't have to tell you that when I was younger having an episode, and not having Google to "research" my symptoms, had a real mental toll on my health. I suffered panic, and anxiety attacks because of it, too scared to tell anyone what was happening to me, afraid they would think I was crazy.
I can honestly tell you that I thought I was being "attacked" by a demonic presence.
So, I'll tell you what brought me here today. I too suffer the "buzzing sound" in my head before an episode, but by the time it sets in, I am far too tired to wake myself, and stop it occurring.
My google search today? "Buzzing sound in head before sleep paralysis episode", and this is where I clicked on, and can't tell you just how thankful I am that I did.
I've had SP for the past few nights now, and so in turn, I am too scared to fall asleep, and makes me more vulnerable, and likely to occur again.
But something was different this time round. I had the buzzing, and went into my SP episode, and I have learned to move my toes, or fingers to "release" myself from the hold of terror I am in. This time I woke with the biggest sense of foreboding, so much so, that I went and jumped in at the foot of a friends bed, because I was terrorfied. I have racked my mind this morning trying to figure out if it has happened before, and I just cannot remember. Sometimes when I do feel anxious before bed, I'll have something to calm myself.
The only way I could fall back asleep, and rid myself of this feeling, was to put relaxing music on softly in my ear.
I'm not sure about you guys, but after an episode, I am left feeling mentally, and physically drained for the remainder of the day.
I have found triggers as well, for instance, a sound that may be present, will enter my dream, and become part of my SP episode. I can't explain it.
I can tell you this though. SP is the only time I can vividly hear my deceased fathers voice, as if he were there settling me.
Thank you for reading, and thank you all again for sharing.

Aug 05, 2016
by: Heard it and felt it forever

Not glad for what we go through, but so glad to have others that understand, experience and share this bizarre thing that we don't get. It has frightened me for almost 30 yrs. It occurs when I am very tired but also when I am very relaxed. I began to understand when the buzz starts that I am going there. I fought it and then I would go back to sleep but go right back there. So after all these years I found out I had to get out of bed, get a glass of water..something and it would stop. But as I said this scary monsters thing stopped...there is someone now coming into this state of mind. The same person. It scared me and I told my husband (patience of a saint for dealing w/my sleep issues). One instance I felt his hands pulling me away and I was able to squeeze his thumbs against my waist. I knew it wasn't real but yet it was to me. I, as always couldn't scream or do anything. Broke out of the moment & nothing there. It wasn't but a week later I had an episode again but what happened had no explanation...he was there behind me and he grabbed my thumbs and squeezed them so I couldn't move. I can't explain this. Last week I actually felt that buzz and I let it happen and he was there. What is this about?? I am not scared like I used to be but I can't explain this??? For all of you here, try to relax and see what comes. I don't want to sound crazy but I feel that this is a different world. Do any of you?

Aug 08, 2016
Never knew so can't quit talking NEW
by: Heard it and felt it forever

Each of you and I have something that no one understands. I wondered when I found this page if it would end in the year it was started but it keeps on because we all keep looking for a reason that this sleep disorder takes us to places that we don't understand. I have read some of the other entries but not really read them. I want to understand if we have something that we can attribute to the start of our SP. I talked to a neurologist years ago that was very eager to study me and also told me that my problem was due to a lack of potassium. I hope that we all can help each other and support one another. Maybe together we can find an answer to each and every one of our mysteries.

Aug 14, 2016
First Sleep Paralysis NEW
by: Anonymous

Yesterday i experienced "Sleep Paralysis" for the first time. Luckily i've researched it quite a bit before, so almost instantly i knew what was going on.
I was just trying to fall asleep, when it suddenly felt like something was touching/moving my hand. I tried to move, but nothing happened. I started seeing hypnosis like images, those white spirally things, even though i had my eyes closed. It felt like my body was being pushed over.
I kept calm though, because i remembered that i read not to panic, whilst experiencing this, because if you do it'll only get worse. So i kept calm and tried to move my fingers and toes, it worked and i instantly woke up.
It was both a bit scary, but also exciting... i still hope it never happens again.

Aug 17, 2016
What a night NEW
by: Anonymous

I heard it as soon as I laid down the other night . It started low then kept getting louder , sounded like electricity humming and when it got the loudest it felt like someone got in bed with me and pressed against my back and felt like an arm wrapped around my waist ! As soon as I sat up to look around the room the whirring noise stopped !

Aug 19, 2016
Scary NEW
by: Anonymous

This is very brief but I get the buzzing then someone/thing comes in I can hear can't open my eyes can't move my body!very scary! Then sometimes it holds me down I can't shout move or open my eyes! Anyone else have this??

Aug 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

I hear the buzz too but I've never experienced sleep paralysis before.

Aug 25, 2016
Relax and Just Breathe!!! NEW
by: Jim

Dear All,

It's really interesting to know that I'm not the only one hearing this loud humming sound while asleep. I've been experiencing this almost twice a week. I can't say that I'm an expert, at least it works for me. I know completely how to react and not worry at all.

I've found out the reasons why we are experiencing this and how we should counter it. One reason is due to our sleeping pattern (Time) if your daily sleeping time is set at around 10pm but you slept at say 7pm instead and woke up at 9pm, for whatever reason..means you rested for 2hrs. You then went back to sleep at 10pm. (Force yourself to sleep as you know you're going to work/school early morning) Good luck that the chances you will experience hearing the Humming sound with SP is very high! Coz you've completely messed up with your Bio Clock. Your daily REM should be at around 3am-4am however due to the 2 hours nap or rest you've had at 7pm to 9pm. your REM delayed to maybe 5am-6am. Now you will be asking what's the big deal in the delay??? Its because of your breathing habit...don't forget that while we are asleep, our Heart rate will slow down and its closely related to our breathing patterns be it long or short.(Our body will adjust for us while we sleep everyday)but now due to the delay of deep sleep/ disrupted REM our Bio clock couldn't recognise such a change due to the lapse. Therefore leading to shallow breathe at times not even breathing....HERE COMES THE HUMMING SOUND.. One thing I'm sure is whenever I'm experiencing the Humming sound and pain pressure, I'm actually not breathing at all, but for how long...I'm not sure. (Lack of oxygen)i,m not able to move, talk,etc. As i've mentioned that I've always experience this disgusting feeling. I need to find a way to catch my breathe usually not through my nose coz sometimes I have flu nose block.'re right through your mouth!!!!...Don't even bother trying to force open your mouth it will not work as your whole body is not even able to move, not even your jaw. Just tell yourself "HAHA im hearing this Humming sound with the electric feeling again...just Gently open my lips get some oxygen in and start breathing. (even a small gap will do)" Main objective is OXYGEN that's all I need to get rid of this crap feeling right away. you will feel blood circulating with normal heart rate. you will be awake by then. No worries...its perfectly fine. There are also other reasons leading to this: When you're travelling, you're extremely tired and fatigue, when you can't adapt to new environment maybe Hotel (Here's what everybody says that they experience spirit suffocating them etc..the hotel is haunted...blah blah blah...c'mon its your pillow too low or too high..what's the hardness of the bed? I'm sure its not as comfortable as your own bed. You will again lack of oxygen because you're so used to your own pillow level. Unknowingly your position of sleep changes example to Starfish or soldier position, these are poor sleeping position leading to shortness of breath.

Dear worries try to experience it. There is nothing to fear about. All you need is to just relax and start breathing.

Take care and continue sharing. :)

Aug 25, 2016
Thank you NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you for that info, sounds logical, I will pay question to my breathing. I had a horrible episode last night cause I was woken and forced myself back to bed, seems that is when it happens. I have to force myself out of the bed and walk around to stop it but I'm completely exhasted doing it, gonna try and pay attention to my breathing, appreciate advice :)

Sep 04, 2016
buzzing not dmt (reply to anonymous..) NEW
by: Ami

in reply to anonymous Dec 17, 2012 -Make up your own mind - dmt

i have experienced sleep paralysis since i was 19 am now 33. while dmt may be involved, sp isn't simply the result of dmt being released in the brain. i have smoked dmt and drunk ayahuasca and the experience was not at all similar.

interestingly i first started experiencing sp a couple of days after first taking MDMA, as did a friend of mine and a couple of accounts i have read on the internet make the same links. maybe it has something to do with serotonin?

i have written about my experience of the buzzing on here before, which was the most notable symptom i experienced, but looking back there are a few things that stand out to me now (i now only have a couple of episodes a year - i used to have it almost every night)

the electrical /buzzing noise/feeling was definitely internal - it felt like it was emanating from the base of my skull and was accompanied by tingling/vibration feelings in my temples. after an episode i would be left with a foggy 'cotton wool' feeling in my head and a feeling of nausea. i once described the buzzing to a doctor as the sound/feeling of someone waving a light saber behind my head (she looked at me like i was nuts, and like she had never seen star wars and had no idea what a light saber was) the reason i used this in my description was because it sounded/felt ELECTRICAL and it was pulsing/ oscillating. it was an overwhelmingly loud/strong sensation.

i got sent for sleep studies when it first started happening (apparently my dr had never heard of sp) and had an eeg during a sleep study with electrodes attached to my scalp - sadly i never got to see the results was just told i was fine - but right at the end of the test they did a strobe light test for epilepsy. when the strobe hit a certain frequency my eyes went crossed uncontrollably and my neck/ head 'locked' - the eyes crossed thing is weird and i have no idea why that happened but the neck 'locking' thing is what happens when the buzzing sets in.

apart from the buzzing there are a couple more things i can remember about my sp experiences -

one time i experienced being 'out of body' - the feeling of sheer terror that would accompany my attacks was probably the most unpleasant part - i used to want to turn the light in my bedroom on so badly that i once struggled out of bed like i was walking through glue, heaved myself across the room to the light switch, reached out to try and push the switch and realised my hand wasn't there and instantly my consciousness pinged back to my body like it was on a piece of elastic.

the weirdest experience happened when i was staying at my dads house sleeping on the sofa when i was around 19. my sp always used to happen at around 3am and then i would loll in and out of sleep and sp for the next few hours. so i woke up paralysed buzzing sensations, terror etc. this one seemed to go on for ages then i started to hear lots of tiny pattering footsteps running around the room, then after many successive sickening episodes in the next couple of hours, around 5am the cd player that i had left in the hallway turned itself on and started blasting out the smiths 'the queen is dead' at full volume. it went through the whole cd and then stopped. i was unable to turn it off through sp attacks not letting me move and then terror at who the f**k had turned it on! the next day i mentioned it to my dad and he thought i had played it on purpose and was being really inconsiderate!

also another time sleeping in that room the tv turned itself on at around 3am... have not got a clue what was happening in that house. i don't disbelieve in ghosts and paranormal stuff but find it interesting that the tv cd player were both electrical things... i don't know.... anyway, sorry for rambling!

Sep 04, 2016
Buzzing - finally someone understands NEW
by: Scott


I go through the same thing. I hate taking naps because the buzzing comes on strong and can last for a couple of days. If my sleep is disturbed during the night the same thing can happen. My story starts out a bit different though, I was on ambien for 6 years and it was a sudden change, I had a stressful period in my life and was put on effexor at the same time. I also have 32 AHI severe sleep apnea. Now, I am on a cpap machine and taking unisom and lunesta trying slowly to wean myself to just the unisom and eventually just the cpap. I have had a thorough medical screening an no doctor understands and trying to explain to family is difficult. Looking for an easy fix, but realize this is a long road and battle back to normal, also looking for success stories. Scott

Sep 11, 2016
by: Professor Wilhelm Boehmberg

During my first and last "paralysis" in my childhood, few decades ago, was briefly told me by "the inner voice" that the whole process is called "Reticulation" I think it has something common with "Reticular activating system"

-Try to stay calm during this biological process

-Fighting is useless and its getting worse

-This process requires your body calm and paralysed, and also needs special frequency of your brain. So its forcing you to not move by the buzzing sound which is the audiovisualization of your brain frequency. That means if you start to panic or move by your body, its all increasing your brain frequency which is getting louder and much worse. I cant explain the reason of freaky visual hallucinations. My was different. Not any old hags or black shadows standing around my bed. My personal hallucination during sleep paralysis was clearly visualisation of the buzzing sound itself - streight line shattering in the front of my eyes if the frequency of my brain gets higher (by movement or panic)and in the end, just fading silent buzzing and stroboscope visualisation. In this phase, I could slightly move

Sep 19, 2016
Under Water Sound, Voices, Dark Figure (Shadow) NEW
by: Anonymous

My first experience was the worst. I "woke" up on my back, taking a nap on the couch. I heard a loud noise all around me, sounded like I was under water. Lots of indistinguishable voices like being behind a door, and a big dinner party or restaurant was on the other side.

Out of all this noise, one pronounced voice stuck out, a very deep and slow speaking voice. Very deep like, a record being played extremely slow. Couldn't make out the language or what it was saying.

It was a tall dark figure, featureless, standing over my head. All I could make out was an outline of shoulders and a head. I freaked out bad but I couldn't move.

I am not super religious, but my mom always said rebuke demons in the name of Jesus, so I did that and when I did it all went away VERY fast. That always made me think...

Episodes continued, but never like that again. After being so exhausted and afraid to sleep (after months) I prayed about it (I never pray) and said I wanted it all to stop, and I have only had very few experiences over the years since, nowhere near as bad as it was.

I didn't know what the hell was going on, glad I found this years and years later. I wonder what it all means.

Sep 20, 2016
Buzzing Before I feel a dark presence NEW
by: Shelly

Yes I definitely hear the buzzing right before I'm feeling someone come in that i can't see. Usually they are in a hood and i can't make out the face,its just a really bad vibe I get from their presence. The buzzing gets louder and louder and that's right before I get into the point that I can no longer move so I try to clench my fists to wake myself up

Sep 22, 2016
Ringing noise NEW
by: Anonymous

It happened like 15 minutes ago while I was taking a nap. At first, I was having an ordinary dream and then I suddenly found myself half-awake, half-sleeping with the familiar ringing noise in my ears. Ive tried to move my body and when you try the noise gets more stronger. I think ive moved a bit my arm but im not 100% sure. This time I was very calm and decided to try different things in that state. I was trying to visualize images but nothing happened. Ive ended up awaken several times but then i quickly returned to the previous state with the ringing noise. At some point ive noticed these strange light patterns that everybody see with closed eyes and ive tried to focus on them. In the middle of my patterns there was a snowflake shaped yellow object and i was concentrated on it. After some time its form was changed to something very similar to an eye but im not sure it was. I was trying to concentrate again on that but nothing happened and nothing changed. Then Ive heard, or it sounded so, the ringing of my phone and I woke up to find that nothing is really ringing and I think it was a friendly warning not to play games with this state of mind and to stay away from it, which is exactly what im planing to do from now on. This time i didnt end up in a sleep paralysys and im thankful for that. I think this noise is before the SP when you are half sleeping/awake. I think the best thing to do is to stay away from the SP or the noise.

Sep 22, 2016
by: Anonymous

Btw, if you are in a sleep paralysys the best way to get awaken is to stretch one of your legs with your toe pointing upwards. It works for me every time and im exiting this unpleasant state when its happening. I believe this state should be avoided because we dont understand it well.

Sep 22, 2016
JUst had last night strong disturbing dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I searched googled (again) I had disturbing dream last night.. this was tougher..
IT makes worry ..
I never had it b4 year 2002 -2003 .. it started in 2004 I was in horrible dampy apartment for workers (same like in silent hill game all old)and horrible dream someone captured my whole body and was showing me some place and it gave it to me that something really bad going happen made me terrifying then I knew I was in the room where I stayed and I was floating in that my room .. bad !
Then I seen wide landscape and terrible feeling going to happen including me..
Since then it coming back till now occasionally
But only like first guy mentioned buzzing..
But that is not buzzing for me but hissing sound in ears and immediately I know it is coming to disturb me ! Many times I tried to spiritually get it away from me by opening eyes and waking up but no chance it is stronger and keeps you eyes closed and not wake up so something can get me .. So many times I was fighting it and if I fighting it it is even worse my brain then hurts so much .. Few times I heard wheeze depends how I was positioned on the bed .. if u on side then something obviously on purpose will go behind you to scary you and it wheezing.. Next time I was sleeping on my back so wheezing was above me .. But about that hissing sound it starts and if I sensed that something is behind me I was trying so so much to turn to see that bastard but it didn't let me sometimes I managed to punch into that place . it was punch into air haha but after wake my head and brain was so in pain like brain could explode..
This last week I had hissing sound I can now kind of control it I can keep it away.. But last I been enforced and it captured me but I stayed calm for few seconds maybe 30 secs it made me not moving..
And then it gone.. BUt now last dream was kind horrible.. I was in dream I was on the bus with someone another person and driver said we have to go out as some other ppl getting on the bus.. then I picked things that other person went out and disappeared.. And I took my phone out to call dad that I stucked somewhere in dark! And as I tried to call my dad just appeared behind me saying hi so u here ? I couldn't see in his face I seen only his black body he took my luggage to help.. I said how do you know am here and you already here I just wanted call you , you knew am gonna be here now ??? Then it started be terrifying.. then he took me to place where some members of my family were but in weird place some my uncle was eating some dead raw animal blood coming out from it.. and eating it like zombie .. !!! I came close to him say hello and he looked at me like WTF I want he was holding his eating in hands and looked at me and he mumbled something to me I even didn't understand .. then I was continuing to follow my dad..then my brother appeared from nowhere and then they all sudden gone and I was captured by somebody I couldn't move and was telling me what to do and like I was kind of atoning what I done and there was kind of weird things he was controlling my body then my mum appeared there I was lying in bed with her and capturing was more tense and I just started praying and looking through the big window and wile I was praying I started see freezing on the window and my mum lying next to me she saw it and mentioned it the window froze..
Then I was still captured it stranded me up then something was comin in from the opened window and that strong someone (man) told me so now , DEAL WITH IT! with those things from window.. then he pushed me in back not so strong but pushed after he said deal with it and in that moment it released me and I was still in dream and there were nice two women in store putting clothes nicely on hangers I helped hang belts they appreciated it and I rather waked my self quickly up ! And I only opened eyes very fast as I knew what the FUCK was it .. My GF was lying next to me but weirdly she was facing to me and I stroked her on cheek ( i don't do it normally) and asked ;are you OK ? She said yes and she turned away from me back ..Then I remembered all stuff as I explained this kind of nightmare was strong .. But I was calming my self down saying ; iiit was nothing.. But realising it was something

Oct 01, 2016
buzzing NEW
by: estrada1154

had similar symptoms, the buzzing expounded like a strong wind hitting my ears, sometimes even painful. It was all because I started practicing relaxation/meditation. Actually, it was a good sign, motivated me to keep practicing.

Oct 13, 2016
Happens to me NEW
by: Anonymous

This has been happening to me for years from time to time. I hear and feel the buzzing electric in my brain. I can't move, if I fight it, it gets worse.i feel like I'm gonna die when it's happening. It's very scary. This happens mostly when I'm very tired, while falling asleep. Usually it happens 4 to 5 times in a row while falling asleep.

Oct 17, 2016
Hearing a buzzing or whirring noise while lying down NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been hearing a weird noise in my head now for about 3-4 months, only when lying down. It wakes me up and then I hear it even while awake but only if my eyes are shut. It stops when I open my eyes. I have been weaned off Klonopin for a year now and now weaning off very low dose of Paxil just to see if that noise will stop due to the medication. It was doing better and then last few nights came back with a vengeance. Keeps me awake on and off all night. It also will happen if taking a nap. Thank goodness, never hear it when up during the day. It stops immediately after getting up. Does anyone have any idea what this is? I have seen about 6 doctors, had hearing tests, etc. and none of them have any idea what I am talking about. The ENT doctor said it was really strange to stop hearing it when my eyes are open yet still hear it while they are closed but awake. I also started seeing weird stuff when awaking on my wall which also goes away once I am fully awake. Had to see doctors for that as well. I had the sleep paralysis thing happen a couple of nights after starting to wean off the Paxil but no more since then. That is scary. Again, the doctors look at me like I am crazy when explaining all these weird symptoms but they definitely are for real. I stumbled on the sleep paralysis diagnosis myself. I figure out what is going on with me way faster than they do but this is still a mystery that is driving me nuts. Please reply if you have had this happen to you. Wish you all the best. I will be glad when this nightmare is over.

Oct 22, 2016
Buzzing and parálisis. NEW
by: Anonymous 58

I'm 58 and this started when I was a teenager. It goes away for years sometimes but comes back. It happens when waking up. It stars with a buzzing sound which increases in intensity. Once it reaches certain intensity I can't move. It progresses like a jet engine going faster and faster and louder and louder until it reaches a maximum point and then it shuts down rather quickly. Once it stops I can move and I'll be awake. I have no specific idea of how long an episode last, but I'd say is no more than a minute.
I identify that an episode is coming, because I hear short buzzings. Like a tiny engine trying to start. If I can wake up at this point it might go away. Some times it keeps coming back until I get the full cycle. It's not painful. It's just stressful and a scary. I always wonder if one day the "engine" pops and I could not wake up for good. I have tried to associate these episodes with different factors, like stress, food types, activities and others, but I've found no association.
That's it. Thank for sharing your experiences.

Nov 05, 2016
It just happened... NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm a 15 year old female.. this morning I woke up to use the bathroom at 3:00 and I couldn't sleep so I stayed awake for a few hours listening to the rain.. I started to drift off and I heard a staticky buzz in my ears and I freaked out so I stayed up and I dozed off and it happened again and this time I let it happen. But this time I couldn't move I knew I was moving my finger because I tried to move it but my whole body felt shaky and staticky And I couldn't move and the noise was so loud and my dream was shaking and I couldn't wake up... this happened about 10 more times in the past 3 hours and I'm freaked.

Nov 08, 2016
just happened.. NEW
by: Anonymous

funny because this just happened to me .. last time it happened to me i heard animal sounds it it was very scary .. this time , i tried waking up but then my whole body started tingling and I couldn't move it ..

Nov 10, 2016
grinding teeth NEW
by: Anonymous

I think what many people experience is an uncontrolled meditation level. I have various experiences. Once I heard a waterfall getting very unpleasantly loud.. Once I had out of body experience or sleep paralysis. But most of the time just before entering this level of mind I feel like grinding my teeth and that's very unpleasant. So whenever I try to meditate I deliberately make sure to have my mouth relaxed and supported (with blanket). I learned that I'm actually not grinding my teeth but at first I had such dreams that I lost all my teeth. I hope over time I'll get rid of this as these deeper levels should only be refreshing and amazing.

Nov 15, 2016
Buzzing sound from life after death... NEW
by: Shahram

During my childhood years I would often have this buzzing sound enter my forehead, and it appeared as if it would enter and exit through my ears... and when it entered, there would be a buzzing vibration in the area of my forehead, and then the sound would suddenly exit through my ears and enter again, and so forth, until I fell asleep. In my youth I had several experiences where the sound would enter and stay... I would then be sedated by it, until I became totally immobile... Could still see and hear, but couldn't move at all. Then I would stop breathing, and my soul would leave my body and enter a dark tunnel-like space, such as those who die and come back have described... During one of these experiences, I even saw the "Light" at the end of the tunnel... It's now been many years since I had the last such experience or since the buzzing sound has visited me... Today, I took a last farewell of a dying friend, and she told me that last night her deceased relative came to her in the hospital while she was awake, and stretched out her hand and said "come now, take my hand and let's leave together", then she said that at that same instance there was this strange buzzing sound in her head...

Nov 25, 2016
Facing my fear . NEW
by: Anonymous

I started having static in my head when laying down to sleep , next my body would freeze & I would be unable to move , the hairs on the back of my neck would go up & I felt complete terror ,also I tried to should but no sound would come up .
This started happening on a frequent basis , I knew once the static started what was next.
one night I felt the strength to turn & face whatever it was ,what I saw was a dark hooded figure ,then it went .
Since I faced my fears I have had no more visits & hope to never get again .
I am Rhesus O neg blood group & often think I sense more than most other people .

Dec 03, 2016
Last night NEW
by: B

I've had sleep paralysis several times in my life not too frequent but more so now I am older and I even remember the first time very very vividly when I was a child.

It's something I'm kind of used to because I always understand when it's happening I try to chatter my teeth and slowly move my jaw until I can move. But last night was different, I was disturbed by people coming in from a night out and my sleep was on and off. I started to dream that someone was trying to come in my door but the door was locked and I instantly knew I was dreaming. From then my ears started ringing a high pitched ring louder than anything I've had in the day time. I then felt this wave of tingling come over my whole body from my feet upwards and I felt a heavy force holding down my chest. I didn't feel like I was alone, and that's when I got scared.

I did the standard and chattered my teeth and moved my jaw but it was different, I almost felt drunk and I felt like my mind was spinning so I kept shouting my name in my head to help me focus. I didn't get back to sleep for a good few hours because I was scared it would happen again. SP has never frightened me before but this wasn't nice.

Dec 03, 2016
Static to peace. NEW
by: Fullmetal

I used to be extremely scared of sleeping until one day I was so sick and tired of not having control over one little thing, sleep. It took me about a week of experimenting with the static and wind in my dreams, but when I was strong enough to keep enduring the horrible noise, I could finally see what was at the end of it all. It was a really unique place with everything that made me happy. One time it was planet with things that i forgot about. But for the most part its just a place that filled with peace. I encourage anyone to try to get past the noise, and see whats on the other side of it all. Who knows what it could be for you? Is it your own peaceful world?

Dec 03, 2016
Static to peace. NEW
by: Fullmetal

I used to be extremely scared of sleeping until one day I was so sick and tired of not having control over one little thing, sleep. It took me about a week of experimenting with the static and wind in my dreams, but when I was strong enough to keep enduring the horrible noise, I could finally see what was at the end of it all. It was a really unique place with everything that made me happy. One time it was planet with things that i forgot about. But for the most part its just a place that filled with peace. I encourage anyone to try to get past the noise, and see whats on the other side of it all. Who knows what it could be for you? Is it your own peaceful world?

Dec 05, 2016
Buzzing/Ears ringing NEW
by: Britton

This happened to me this morning. My father woke me up to tell me he was leaving for work and when I fell back asleep I had a normal dream. Once I was dreaming suddenly someone said something that started repeating until my ears started ringing. Once the ringing got so loud I knew I was dreaming and tried to wake myself up but at this point I couldn't move. What I was seeing in my "dream" was like a scanner going across a screen. I was able to open my eyes but it took me a few minutes to be able to move. SCARY!

Dec 11, 2016
This is very normal people ! NEW
by: Levy

I feel it every night and this is quite an enjoyable Experience
Tingling Electric Vibration ,
You need to know every night when you're going on R.E.M. Your higher form in another dimension Is communicating And giving you downloads on many aspects in life . Remember intuition , psychic ability .so next time you'll wake up in the middle of buzzing and vibration just relax this is your higher self !
Peace and love ❤️

Dec 28, 2016
Device is the key transmetting sounds NEW
by: Anonymous

I struggle to this sounds every single day night,can tell that have distance measures from and to me trowing deferent sounds in my ears it's like levels, if i am lay the bed soundlow when I standing or walking sounds little bit higher top my head sounds calling my attention just watching around

Dec 29, 2016
Buzzing NEW
by: Paul

I thought i was the only one, ive never met anyone who describes exactly what i feel. I know the 'locked in' feeling is coming, the buzz starts, gets louder and then im stuck to my bed. Ive suffered for over 25yrs. I know exactly whats happening, so i cant be asleep, im screaming inside for help but nothing comes out. Ive never read a decent or believable explanation, ive read about sleep terror etc but im not asleep!

Jan 07, 2017
That happened to me last night NEW
by: Hillary

My whole body was kind of buzzing and shaking all over, and I heard a weird ringing sound in my ears. When I started hallucinating all I could see was the girl from the Grudge who was twisting her neck around and staring at me. A really terrifying experience, I didn't know if it was a rare case of sleep paralysis, or something else altogether. Either way, I couldn't move or breathe, and I was pretty scared.

Jan 09, 2017
Out of body experience NEW
by: Anonymous

This happens to be once or twice a year generally when Im really tired the buzz comes then I feel like I'm being thrown out of my body by some force and feel like I'm the ground or touching the roof in my bedroom sometimes I hear very clear voices like they are right next to me . Then I wake up and I'm still in my bed. When it first happened 20 years ago I was scared as , I've learnt now how to relax with it and sometimes it can feel quite peaceful other times it feels like I'm having some realistic dream . Glad I'm not the only one experiencing this type of stuff.

Jan 11, 2017
Reticular Activating System NEW
by: Anonymous

Could the buzzing be caused by the reticular activating system that has been slightly damaged?

Feb 16, 2017
Buzzing and voices NEW
by: Emma

I've been having sleep paralysis for about 5 months now. Only recently have I started to hear the buzzing, and hearing voices of people I know saying random things before I fall asleep. The buzzing gets worse when I try to move or if I get scared, only in paralysis episodes. The voices go on before I fall asleep no matter what. The first time I had an episode, there was s hooded and beaked figure standing in my doorway, slowly floating closer to me. The figure stopped after reaching me and extending its arm towards my face. Before it could touch me it fell backwards and faded then I woke up.

Feb 28, 2017
Buzzing in head when waking up. NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe it's High Bloodpressure.Not so romantic but check your blood pressure when waking.

Feb 28, 2017
Buzzing in head when waking up. NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe it's High Bloodpressure.Not so romantic but check your blood pressure when waking.

Mar 02, 2017
Sleep paralises / buzzing NEW
by: suki

I have been suffering with SP since I was 13/14 years of age and I am now 55. At first it was very frightening. I would go to sleep and feel as if there was someone holding me down. I couldn't move at all but eventually after a few years I used to tell myself (in my head) 'if you move your toes you will be ok' and I would wiggle my toes (mind over matter) this seemed to work for me, well it took the fear factor away. I would have these episodes through my life approx 4 - 5 times per year so they were manageable. Then about 5 years ago I went to bed for a nap and dozed off quickly - All I can say is along with the paralises I had the loudest, electric sounding noise in my head and although my eyes were closed, I could see what appeared to be tens of ghost-like figures racing over my head and the noise was deafening! That is the only time I have had the figures like that (perhaps it was a dream)? I still get the buzzing from time to time and even though my eyes are closed I occasionally see a face that I do not recognise and I also hear voices usually my hubby or mother (who has passed. I can deal with the paralises but the noise gives me such a headache afterwards. My blood pressure is ok - it's just a weird thing isnt it? But people say and as the above comments state - it's quite common eh?

Mar 08, 2017
Rumbling sound NEW
by: .Maloney

Last night for the first time ever I had a dream that started with a rumbling sound that got louder an louder till things start to shake an then everything goes silent an the face of a man who for some reason looked like he was from the 70s appeared in front of my face an I started to freak out whimper an then screamed then the face disappeared an this loud high pitch sound started an I opened my eyes an my hands were in the sky cupped together in the shape of a circle an if I tryed to move my hands to break the circle it was like my muscles contracted an the room started to shake untill I broke the circle an then I woke freaked me right out and as soon as I would lie down on my side the rumbling would start an I would have the same dream one point I freaked so much I ended up crying at the end of the bed on the floor an when I looked up there was a dark ghostly figure in the doorway. Funny thing is I asked my partner in the morning if made an weird sounds or Cry's etc during the night an she said I never moved or made a sound. What does this mean I couldn't get back to sleep an had to take the day off work iv been scared all day an feel like bursting into tears I'm a 32 yr old male an have never had a dream like this before

Mar 14, 2017
The Blue Light Buzzing Trumpets NEW
by: Christer J

I've had two moments when I have seen a blue light in front of me shaping into that of a beautiful face. Seconds after a loud buzzing like low tuned trumpets sound through my body and vibrates my mind to start seeing the world. My real eyes open but my mind is still at sleep. My real eyes takes in information but that's not what I see. I see a thin dark figure scaling the walls towards me and then starts to shake me like it wanted me to not sleep but instead awake. The second time I decided to wake up when the buzzing started. If I hear the buzzing I have maybe 3-7 seconds to react and rumble my mind awake.

Mar 14, 2017
by: Anonymous

This is an organ in your brain called the pineal gland witch lets u see diffrent spectrums of light, the ancient people called it the 3rd eye

Mar 18, 2017
by: Expert

the buzzing/ringing/humming you are hearing is an organ in your brain called the pineal gland, ancients called it the third eye. What this is doing is its vibrating and its responcible for intaking light from your two eyes

Mar 19, 2017
Bartonella Can Cause Buzzing NEW
by: Anonymous

I wake up with the buzzing and jumping in my body and the funny feeling in my head but I have Bartonella which is a Lyme Disease co-infection. I'm not saying that you have this but just throwing it out there

Mar 30, 2017
Yes, buzzing like a bumble bee NEW
by: V Robinson

I've had the sleep paralysis before -- only twice, but I'll never forget it. Very terrifying experience of waking up and lying there for a bit and then the sudden weight pinning me down to the bed unable to move or scream or anything.. The buzzing sound didn't accompany either of those episodes. Lately, in the past few weeks, I have been awakened by what sounds like an incredibly loud bumble bee flying past my head and the moment I sit up (scared) and literally swatting at thin air, it is gone. Not sure what causes this, but it is very odd and I decided to start doing some research to see if anyone else has had this happen (by itself with no paralysis to accompany). Because it's happened a few times and has been identical, I am curious to learn more about it and what it could mean. I had someone (pretty evolved) tell me that it is sometimes a sign that your higher self is ascending. Sounds like a nice explanation.

Apr 06, 2017
I've heard it NEW
by: Anonymous

First time it happened to me it wasn't to bad. I heard a loud annoying buzzing sound and there were these tiny little orbs kind of looked like the static you occasionally see on T.V. In this particular case everything was still fairly visible so I just layed down on my bed and thought it was rather strange. Another time it was much worse. Saw the little orbs but this time visibility was zero.
Pure white crackling little dots. I felt a long the wall reached my bedroom door exited my room and felt my way to my parents bedroom. Just as I opened the door to their bedroom it started to fade. This has happened several times before.
Strangely I find the buzzing/ humming noise will go away faster if I hum.

Apr 08, 2017
it could be a gift from God NEW
by: ike

I think this sound thing is no sickness. I sometimes believe it's God trying to have some sort of communication with me. It hurts though but I'm trying to discern and decode what it means. God is spirit and so are we, His handiwork. We should also find in the realms of the spirit implications of these sounds. Who knows? May be God wants us to have some sort of connection with him outside our physical self. God has made some of these signs clear in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". So folks let's be sensitive to the spirit of God and through prayer ask the Lord what this experience implies.

Apr 08, 2017
it could be a gift from God NEW
by: ike

I think this sound thing is no sickness. I sometimes believe it's God trying to have some sort of communication with me. It hurts though but I'm trying to discern and decode what it means. God is spirit and so are we, His handiwork. We should also find in the realms of the spirit implications of these sounds. Who knows? May be God wants us to have some sort of connection with him outside our physical self. God has made some of these signs clear in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". So folks let's be sensitive to the spirit of God and through prayer ask the Lord what this experience implies.

Apr 08, 2017
it could be a gift from God NEW
by: ike

I think this sound thing is no sickness. I sometimes believe it's God trying to have some sort of communication with me. It hurts though but I'm trying to discern and decode what it means. God is spirit and so are we, His handiwork. We should also find in the realms of the spirit implications of these sounds. Who knows? May be God wants us to have some sort of connection with him outside our physical self. God has made some of these signs clear in Joel 2:28 "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions". So folks let's be sensitive to the spirit of God and through prayer ask the Lord what this experience implies.

Apr 30, 2017
High frequency noise NEW
by: Anonymous

This has been happening to me for 40 years, since I was 15.
It comes and goes and at some stages it was 6 months to a year inbetween episodes. I had tests done when I was younger, electrodes all over my head but of course it wouldn't happen when I had recording equipment on.
For me it's the same, I've either had a nap, dozed off for a minute or it would happen when I slept in late (which doesn't happen anymore). Mostly I am still fully awake but laying in bed I get short flashes of this noise/feeling, it feels and sounds electrical to me, a very high pitch white noise. Sometimes I am able to get up and stay awake for a little longer and it doesn't happen but sometimes I'm already into the experience before I get a chance to get up. It's strange but I immediately go into a dream or hallucination or both. While I'm dreaming I don't hear the noise it's only when I realise it's a dream does the noise get worse. I feel like my eyes are open but I'm not sure, sometimes I think I see flashing lights in my room or outside my window. I've tried relaxing into it and just going with the flow but I just can't, the noise and feeling is unbearable. I am totally frozen but I can make noise. I can yell out but I can't move my mouth so it's only words I can form with my vocal cords and tongue, it's pretty loud though and takes a lot of effort. Usually I will call out help and my husband name. He just gives me a shake and I wake up and regain use of my body. If I don't fully wake up I will go straight back into it so I usually get up or stay awake forr a short time. Sometimes it's a dream, sometimes I imagine someone is in my room or outside my house sometimes the dream leads into a hallucination. But once I am aware of what's happening I try to wake myself up by shouting.
I just woke up from another episode which was particularly unpleasant that's why I'm writing this. I'm so sick of this happening. Tonight my husband wasnt here, he is working and my only other option was to call out to my son' whose room is at the other end of the house. Usually if there is no one to wake me up I'll eventually wake myself up but tonight it was really strong and I just kept yelling out "help" and yelling out my son's name. Luckily he was still awake so came to my room, it's funny I knew he was there but I couldn't see him so I said as clearlymas I could "shake me" and as soon as he touched me I woke up. When I wake up I still have the intermittent flashes in my head and I feel a bit fuzzy. I'm still feeling them now and my head has a low hum in it.
I believe it is just sleep paralysis but why does it happen? Is it stress related or is it a brain hard wiring problem? Why doesn't it happen to everyone? It's such an unpleasant experience. Tonight I dozed for 5 -10 minutes while reading and that was enough to set it off. I wish there were more studies done on this. It seems to be common when you google it but no one I know have ever had it or heard of it.
So I sympathise with all of you who do know what I am talking about, is good to know we are not alone.

May 10, 2017
ringing, wind, and falling NEW
by: Rivercree

I’ve always had issues with nightmares and unusually vivid dreams, but have experienced sleep paralysis episodes since middle school (I am now 27). Just a few nights ago I had a new sensation that led me to this message board. In the moments right as I’m falling into SP mode, I hear this high pitched sound, not as intense as some describe here, but more like a ringing in my ear. This transitions into the sound of wind blowing and then I feel like I am freefalling from my bed down into another dimension (sounds strange but I guess I don’t have to tell you guys!) Visually it’s just as odd—When the wind-sound state happens and I feel like I’m falling, all I see is this swirling grey pattern almost like smoke or thick clouds. It’s like falling through clouds with the wind blowing in my face and hair. Then I wake up. It’s happened twice now since and follows that same pattern—1. ‘can’t move’ dream-state feeling, 2. Ear ringing sound 3. Wind blowing 4. Free-falling

This experience is actually kind of cool, and seems to happen when I decide to ‘go with it’ instead of fighting the SP sensation. I will take that over the looming dark figure any day!
From what I hear, this sounds like the first steps of a lucid dream, but I always seem to wake up before making it that far

Jun 02, 2017
Sleep paralysis and my ears NEW
by: Anonymous

I've had Sleep Paralysis since I was about 10. I just started
Having this sort of thin in my ears. I'm 44... why now?
I'm going to try this method tonight. I've been having it a lot lately.

Jun 26, 2017
I could not sleep tonight cause I keep thinking about the buzzing NEW
by: Angelo

Something told me I had to tell people about it cause its not just me hearing it the sound is flies buzzing around have any of you ever called out to god or Christ while in so the shadow people flee from God in Christ's name for years people who investigate alien abduction victims hide that these experiences we're the same in alien and abductions and the big fact that they flee from god and Christ's names to I have done something most gave not done I kicked at the shadow figure when it tried to move fast towards my face it started by the side of my feet and it had to come from the left side around to the right side to get towards my face and my whole house shook it woke everyone in the house up now the Shadows never come close to me cuz I figured out how to move how to lash out

Jun 26, 2017
New sp experience NEW
by: Anonymous

I just experienced this for the first time but thankfully I have previously learned about this before so I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis even during the process of experiencing it (I was also conscious during sleep) I also heard the loud buzzing but here's where it got weird. I woke up this morning and ate breakfast ect... but was still tired so I went back to bed at 8:40. I started falling asleep and became very relaxed but I knew something was strange bc I heard a faint electrical static sound. But this was accompanied by a dream. In the dream I was actually living in it like real life all the while still being aware that it wasn't real and I was asleep. but the deeper I went into sleep, the louder the static got and the really weird part I'm not sure others have experienced: the feeling of being in a moving vehicle or something. The deeper into sleep I went the louder the static became accompanied by the feeling of being in a car. Even in my dream I could consciously think and knew I needed to wake up so I tried to move but even in my dream I couldn't move. So my dream self realized I was experiencing sleep paralysis. I tried opening my eyes and I remember seeing my real room partially but my eyes were shut and the only reason I could even get them to twitch open was because my conscious dream self was fighting it really hard. I did manage to move my arm slightly but it was more like a twitch and same with my feet. It was getting to hard so i knew it was sp so I decided maybe I should give up and go back to sleep and maybe when i woke up later I could move so I relaxed again but then....THE STATIC. The deeper into sleep I tried to go the louder it got and the louder it became the faster it felt like I was moving. It litterally felt like I was riding in a car going 90 mph and the electrical sound kept getting louder and the car kept getting faster and I was actually rather ticked off in my dream more than I was scared bc I knew it was sleep paralysis and I knew I had to wake myself up when I actually really wanted to sleep lol. It was SERIOUSLY difficult but once I managed to finally open my eyes I could move the rest of my limbs again in a few seconds. I just thought i would share this with everyone because it seem to be rare for sleep paralysis to occur with a dream, especially because I was in the dream and my character ( for lack of better description) was conscious of me experiencing sleep paralysis. I hope you all find this helpful. Sorry this is a LONG comment and very wordy but I'm to tired to go back and edit it. Also I found this interesting because the videos that I had previously seen about sleep paralysis never mentioned the buzzing/ static-ish noise so I thought I was the only one until I found this page. Very useful website🙂 Someone said on here that taking shorter naps helps such as 20 min ones but when I woke up from the paralysis i looked at the clock and it had only been 20 min nap and I experienced it anyway. Oh well, I have to say, it was kind of a fascinating experience in a disturbing way.

Jun 28, 2017
It happens to me too NEW
by: Faithlee

Hi Courtney I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only one experiencing this when it starts at night I hear things like this high pitched frequency or this high voltage sound I can't move or talk I can see everything but when I try to stand I can't so I take deep breaths and push foward with all my strength and I wake up breathless with my heart beating so fast when I tell my family members they tthey think its spiritual but now I know its sleep paralysis.

Jul 12, 2017
bright lights buzzing and lock jaw NEW
by: Michelle

I get the electric buzzing sound,also I see bright bright white light and can't move. Although everytime it occurs for me it is the exact same as already mentioned with extreme lock jaw to the point my jaw is sore for a couple days after every occurrence and when it is over I always swear my teeth are crushed and it is so painful. My eyes roll back like with seizures. I hate it, glad I have gone 2 years with it not happening. I thought it was going to happen this morning but my 2 year old woke me and it didnt happen.

Jul 24, 2017
Exploding Head syndrome NEW
by: Anonymous

Look up "Exploding Head Syndrome" I think that's what you're experiencing

Aug 01, 2017
short-circuiting and vibrations NEW
by: amy

Okay - I don't have sleep paralysis (that I know of) and definitely don't have the paralysis part. Last year, I started experiencing snaps/pops and then sizzling noises occasionally at night. It literally sounded like something was short-circuiting.
That has stopped and now it sounds like the noises are coming from my PILLOW. In fact, last night, asleep with my head on the pillow, the pillow made the noises and I actually felt it vibrating...exactly as if I had my phone on vibrate and had tucked it under my pillow.
I think the cheese is falling off my cracker...

Aug 24, 2017
I feel it. NEW
by: Anonymous

It's currently 4:35 am right now and just experienced what I think could be sleep paralysis for the first time but I didn't hear buzzing I felt a strong vibration that initially woke me but. But the weird thing is I heard someone open the door to my room and just felt them starring at me I was on my side facing away from my door and I tried yelling and moving but that didn't work is this a possible sleep paralysis or just a wild dream I thought I was awake but wasn't?

Sep 09, 2017
re: buzzing sound NEW
by: Anonymous

Maybe it actually is a buzzing? A mosquito?

Sep 16, 2017
Buzz noise too. Dream. NEW
by: Anonymous

I feel like a vibration sound that gets louder. I have tried to say my God s name but the demon whispered like "Stop" "stop" "stop" and it got louder or something. I stopped of saying the God name because the demon couldn't stop by saying "Stop". I don't know if it really was the demon but I heard that voice that got louder and louder,and the vibration and buzz noise.
First I dream something or and If I say something wrong then I see myself in the room where I sleep and the vibration thing that gets in my ear
It's not happening always. But I can't remember how I can wake up myself from this. It's an effort to wake up from these kind of dreams..

Sep 29, 2017
The loud static sound..... NEW
by: Rachel

I experience sleep paralysis at least once or twice a month, only when I begin to fall asleep and when I am laying on my back. First comes the loud noise I can only describe as "static" like a radio or tv in my ears. Then my eyes open and I have an immense feeling of dread and panic. I cannot move my body at all. I try to move my body and try to scream but it usually comes out as a muffled groan. (My boyfriend can attest to this) Lastly, there is always a shadow or dark figure in the room that slowly moves closer to me. Once it gets right next to me,I feel a heavy pressure on my chest and I am usually able to let out a blood curdling scream and pull myself out of the paralysis. It's the same every time, and I can feel it coming on.... ugh.

Sep 29, 2017
Sleep Paralysis are demonic attacks NEW
by: Anonymous

Sleep paralysis are demonic attacks, I would hear voices saying they would kill me and I would die. I even awoke one night after experiencing sleep paralysis to see two red glowing eyes looking at me down my hallway. Any time you have sleep paralysis call upon the Lords name Jesus Christ and the demons will flee.

Sep 29, 2017
Sleep Paralysis are demonic attacks NEW
by: Anonymous

Sleep paralysis are demonic attacks, I would hear things say to me I was going to die and that it was going to kill me, I also one time heard something growling at me. I soon found the power in Jesus Christ name and any time sleep paralysis came I would rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ and it would go away.

Oct 02, 2017
My Sleep paralysis experiences NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi im 15 years old and i get sleep paralysis all the time. And i have really strange things happen when im in them sometimes i can hear my mom talking in the kitchen and it scares me alot because i want her to come help me i try to scream at her but i cant its really scary and sometimes if i stay to calm im my S.P i get like a loud hertz sound in my head like a electric shock in my brain does anyone else experience this😢

Oct 06, 2017
Loud buzzing and spinal shock NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow its amazing how many others out there has experienced this. It only happens to be if I have alcohol or some type of narcotic in my body mixed together. And I get up from a regular nights rest and try to take another nap a few hours after. Its the scariest feeling in the world although I have gotten use to it now and know how to jump out of the paralysis. The first time it happened I was thinking ole boy this is the big one. It felt like a heart attack, stroke, or seizure of some type. This time a few minutes ago I actually heard myself snoring before I jumped out of the SP so I knew I was sleeping. I just couldnt figure out why O couldnt move. Im happy I came across this post.

Oct 07, 2017
A bit about my experience NEW
by: Rhino

I'm 44 and I've been experiencing these intense buzzing episodes since I was very young. I had three episodes over the last 2 days and finally thought to look it up online and.. here i found myself.

I experienced this many times back in my grade school days, and back then it seemed to always result in the same scenario. Shortly after getting into bed I would sense that 'it' was about to happen again. Terrified, I would dash from my bed and make a break for the stairs leading from the basement to the first floor where my parents were. Every single time before I make it to the top of the stairs, a small group of short dark beings would capture me from behind and pull me back down the stairs. They would take me to the unfinished laundry/workshop side of the basement and sit me down on the floor with my back to the brick chimney. The group of beings would gather around me talking to each other, though I couldn't understand the language. They'd start to touch at me and that's when the buzzing would really kick in. My sight would fade out and the buzzing would drown out any sound of the beings talking. I was no longer able to feel them touching at me, although in my mind I knew that they were. That's how the experience would end, and eventually I'd wake up in my bed in the morning.

As I got older, maybe 12 or 13 yrs old, the whole experience with the beings stopped occurring, though the more typical experience described by most people here has occurred countless times over the years. I'm not sure the experiences/dreams about the beings has anything to do with the other, but I am certain that the buzzing I experience these days is exactly the same buzzing that I experienced when the beings did whatever it was they were doing. It's a sound/feeling that you never forget.

Last night the buzzing started within a few minutes of getting into bed, which it usually does for me. The buzzing was intense and my whole body was vibrating as though a strong current was flowing through me. The covers on my bed were also vibrating intensely as if a strong wind was blowing at them, though there wasn't any sense of wind blowing in the room.

I've learned to mostly not be afraid of it, and to let myself experience whatever it is. I've never had pain like headaches or anything because of it. One time the experience was accompanied by a very loud and angry demonic voice bearing down on me as though Lucifer himself was hovering over me and sentencing me to hell. I'm not remotely religious by the way, but that one sure scared me pretty bad.

Each experience has it's own twist, but like I say.. it's happened to me so many times that I couldn't possibly describe them all. I can't really say that they lead to lucid dreams for me, though I'm always in a very lucid state when they start. I am certainly a frequent dreamer and have experienced many lucid dreams over the years without the buzzing experience.

I really could go on and on about my experiences with the dream world, but I'll leave you with this instead.. There is something beyond the dimension that we live our daily lives in. I am learning that I can access other dimensions at will (sometimes) by wearing an eye-blind to bed and focusing on the shapes and movements that I can see in total blackness. I put my focus in between my eyebrows where the third eye is said to be located, and I watch the shapes and try to visualize what I'm seeing in three dimensions. Not always, but much of the time, I can induce dreams before I'm even asleep. It's as though a movie starts to play on a screen in my mind. I can often watch the movie for many minutes, and still be completely awake. When I'm successful in doing this, I'll eventually fall asleep into a dream world so real that it stays in my mind for days afterwards.

For those of you that are interested, I highly recommend getting a good eye-blind or making sure your windows are blinded and the room is black. I place different (healing) stones under my pillow to help with my experiences. Black Obsidian is one of my favorite stones for this, but Amethyst and other stones can be quite powerful also. You have to research healing stones if you're not familiar. If I have a period of nightmares or the dreams are just too intense, I find Fluorite stones tend to calm them down almost instantly.

You are full of amazing secrets, and you have nothing to fear but fear itself. Not in this lifetime, nor in the next.

Oct 29, 2017
Glad im not alone... NEW
by: Sleepless kia

Hi everyone, I'm so glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I get sleep paralysis so often. It used to only happen with taking a nap,or if I was really deprived of sleep, but now it's almost every time I go to sleep. I can always feel it coming on because I'm greeted with the loud "buzzing" but to me it reminds me more of static like from an old TV, or one time it even reminded me of a radio. But while it's happening it gets louder and louder and it feels like I have this fluttering sensation going up and down my body several times and every time I am im this state of fear and panic. I can feel myself panicking trying to wake up and my breathing is getting quicker. (even though I know I'm going to wake up from it I still panic)I went almost two months without it and now it's back I wish there was some way to stop this it is so spooky! I told my grandmother about this and she suggested not to sleep on my back. I do notice it more when I sleep on my back versus my stomach but it still occurs either way.

Oct 30, 2017
My Sleep Paralysis NEW
by: Jarad

When it happened to me it was a 2 days before my brother passed away at the end of last June. I couldn't sleep so I rolled over in the middle of the night and I couldn't move. I heard this loud noise that sounded like a fuzzy TV channel from my left ear then to my right. I remember trying to speak and yell to my friend in the next room but I could say anything. It felt like I started to spin in circles thin it stopped and I slowly came to. It was insane and I've always tried to make since of it until reading this and some of these comments. Thank you.

Nov 05, 2017
Any way to stop this phenomenon? NEW
by: Anonymous

Is there anyway to stop having this experience?because I've been having it every night for the past two weeks and every single time I feel terrified.Especially when the ringing starts to get audible.I can also hear my heartbeat(probably my mind playing games) slowing down gradually, then I start to panic thinking that i was dying or something like or not,I personally do not like this experience but am pretty much having to endure them without me trying to achieve that state, so if theres anyone who knows how to stop getting OBEs ,SPs ,lucid dreaming or whatever this is called ,please respond

Nov 14, 2017
My experiences NEW
by: Sandy

I’ve been hearing this gradual intensified buzzing sound in my head as I drift off to sleep for quite some time now. At first, I didn’t understand what the hell was going on and it almost seemed painful in a way. As I got older, I learned to relax through that strange feeling and not be afraid of it. I found myself being able to control my state of mind, seeming like an out of body experience at times. I would either fly or spin out of my body into the dream world. I feel in control at times and have started to enjoy this experience. I feel like it’s a special gift of some kind as long as you can let yourself relax and enjoy the ride.

Nov 19, 2017
Specific prayer NEW
by: Bern

Please note: whenever this happens to me, I just pray "protect me from evil, in the name of Jesus" over and over. The buzzing will try hard to get control, but this prayer always win the battle for me, in only a minute. Always since I started doing it, the "thing" actually seems to go crazy on the sound of "Jesus Christ". It also feels like its something trying to enter my mind, but this prayer keeps it out. Try it, but believe in the prayer while saying the words over and over. It works folks, as Mr Buzz runs off with his tail between his buzzy legs.

Dec 03, 2017
The buzzing NEW
by: Anonymous

Just a few minutes ago I heard what you call buzzing. It is very hard to describe. It was in my ear it went woom woom woom .it sounded to me like orb or something not normal .It scared me like crazy .I couldn't move or open my eyes . But I could here it . In fact I pictured myself running to the light switch . I'm not going back to sleep.

Dec 14, 2017
I Used to Suffer From SP NEW
by: SeRifx7

So I am familiar with the buzzing and have experienced it since I was very little. It likewise accompanied SP and horrifying dreams. These dreams were always of being around my family before they all disappeared. Suddenly, I would hear footsteps coming up from the basement. I remember I used to call it "the ghost". I suffered from these dreams and SP every night for 8 years.

That final night I felt the buzzing again and got scared at first, but then I got fed up. In my dream it all began repeating, and I turned to run. I stopped. I turned around and looked straight at "the ghost". I then beat him to a pulp. I never suffered from either these night terrors or sleep paralysis again.

I did however become adept at lucid dreaming which is an absolute blast! I turn my dreamscape into whatever I will. And, while everything I've written till now is certain, I'm fairly certain I've actually tapped into the future in my sleep. I'll have these seemingly random dreams and I'll write them down or talk to people about them. Then those scenes which I witnessed play out years later during times of great change in my life.

This is open to debate of course but the point is, fight and control your mind and body, because whatever causes this is an invader! But do not fear, because in your mind you are in control, you have the home field advantage. Fight and win!

Dec 20, 2017
Buzzing? NEW
by: Anonymous

The noise I hear sounds like a washing machine. Getting louder and louder. And as soon as I hear that i try to "wake" myself. Most of the time my SP occurs when I'm laying on my back. So I've tried as much as i can to lay on my side. But it's started happening then too. I know that I can't be dreaming when it happens b/c I can hear everythg going on ard me. I hear the tv, I've heard ppl walk into the bathroom, my phone notifications. But no matter what I do, I can't wake myself up. I feel an immense pressure on my chest, and I can't breathe. It's like I'm having a panic attack. I honest to God thought I was gna die because I couldn't catch my breath. It's a awful horrible feeling. I'm 40 and I've had SP since I was in my 20's. And just recently started having hallucinations. I've seen neon green writing everywhere, and my mother was sleeping in the living rm at the time, so I went to wake her up b/c I was scared. I didn't know what was happening. She didn't know if she should call 911. She was scared as well. She walked me back to my room and I stood glaring at my son's bdrm door trying to figure out what the "neon green writing was. But couldn't figure it out. "Things" coming thru the mirror on my wall, and just recently saw blood dripping from all my pillows. So now I sleep with my lamp on. I have a night light in every room, because oddly enough, I don't tend to see or hear anythg when the lights are on. I used to have to sleep in complete darkness, now there's no way in hell I would/could sleep in complete darkness. I dread bedtime. Sorry for the rant, but no one else understands any of this.

Dec 29, 2017
Scary im 13 NEW
by: Anonymous

I was laying jn my bed when i heard the rinning then static and ther was a dark figure that walked to me and disappeared then i tried to sleep again and the rinning tared again the same figure came to me i couldn't move and it went away so i got up hit my head 2 times and fell asleep finaly.

Jan 03, 2018
Hard to face NEW
by: Jc3

So yes the buzzing that gets louder and louder, while falling asleep. When this happens to me I feel like if I don’t wake up I will transfer to the next life for the quadrillionth time. Not ready to die yet so I am forced to wake up and face the life form in my room staring at me. when confronted with the privilege to face it I’m a freakin scaredy-cat!!! I can never look at them for more then a millisecond it’s the most horrifying uncomfortable experience I have ever had to go through I’m less scared in the streets of Mattapan at night as a white boy!!!! During the day once in a while I tell myself I’m ready, tonight!! and then when I happens I’m too frightened to even begin to communicate. I can bring this on just by asking whatever this is to visit me, most of the time lying down for bed forgetting I asked it to engage earlier. one day I will have the courage. I’ve never believed in extraterrestrials or ghost or any other phenomena but How can I deny what my eyes see!

Also after this happens my sound system is on and my windows including sunroof are open in my BMW the next morning, And yes you can roll the windows down with my car key by pressing a button but the key is on my dresser until I leave for work and it doesn’t open the sunroof.

Jan 10, 2018
tinnitus 5 years NEW
by: HaAmid

this is the most dangerous sound,,, im tired from tinnitus i dont know what i do that i get rid of tinnitus... please someone help me Email : please send me what i do please

Jan 20, 2018
Scary NEW
by: Alma

I hear the buzzing inside my head quite often , I know the paralysis is coming, but the scary part for me is that I also feel something breathing and growling in my ear, and I feel like I’m inside a tornado, I actually feel the stormy air pulling me off my bed. I hate it

Jan 27, 2018
I though I was getting possesed NEW
by: Anonymous

Same here uff

Jan 27, 2018
Is it a gift? NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi have been hearing the buzzing noise for years... at first it's a low hun then it gets louder and louder... I assumed it was my soul leaving my body because as the buzzing began I could feel myself leaving my body and once it reached my head I was gone... I always found that once I had left my body I would always find myself flying .. and there was always some kind of cryptic clue within what I thought was a dream.. it turned out that everytime I left my body seemed someone was warning me of future events .. but I wouldn't realise the clues until the actual event happened .. that was a huge eye opener so I assumed that I was somewhere on "the other side" I always knew I was somehow attached to my body and could go back at any time . Once I was back it would take roughly 10 minutes before I could move anything other than my eyeballs .. after my daughter was born I learnt to control the leaving of my body as I knew .. if she needed me urgently I wouldn't be able to move.. unfortunately "they" have a very sneaky way of pulling you back in and often did this while I was actually sleeping.. May sound crazy to some but to those who are scares to just go with it.. I suggest you face your fear because I believe it is a way for maybe our loved ones etc to communicate with us or even warn us.. however it all changed recently.. I didn't hear the humming this time but what seemed like a high pitched frequency? I was wide awake but couldn't move and in actual fact hadnt even got to the point of almost falling asleep.. I did manage to get out of it as this one freaked me out.. altho I will add.. a mobile tower has recently been erected 50ft from my home.. as I'm highly intuitive I figured I was picking up a frequency from this tower.. however truthfully I don't think we will ever discover why this happens to only a percentage of us.. but to a degree it has to be a gift? I believe in a higher power "god" and I sometimes wonder if that's the closest we get to him without actually dying

Feb 01, 2018
Loud buzzing....whats it mean NEW
by: Karen

I hear a extremely loud buzzing n feel like my head is vibrating just before going to sleep for my naps after the buzzing stops i seem to get dragged around either my home im in now or my childhood home

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to anyone else hear the buzzing NEW
by: Karen

I hear an extremely loud buzzing when i take my naps then i can choose to open what i call my third eye to see what is there or not more times than not i choose not to look due to being so scared. If i choose not to look thats when i usually feel im being dragged around by something

Feb 02, 2018
Very terrifying NEW
by: Dave

Yes. This happens to me the buzzing happens to me even while I'm awake sometimes, I often experiment with psychedelics mostly dimethyltryptamine and it happens to me whilst tripping. Ive come to force myself to enjoy them rather than being afraid of them. It helps to feel Joy from the terrifying. Just my personal experience though could be different from other people's experiences.

Feb 07, 2018
First SP NEW
by: Mike

I'm 55 now and can still clearly, vividly remember my first SP when I was 9. I was in bed and woke to what I thought was a mouse running up my chest, but I couldn't move...I could see around me, the open door where the hall light was shining in, I could hear the TV, my mom was watching an old movie with a mailman whistling as he delivered the mail. The imaginary mouse woke my mind but not my physical body...I had been asleep for no more than half an hour. I was awake but couldn't move or yell for help. Then, I had the sensation that I was violently picked up out of bed and thrown against the wall and slid slowly to the floor... and that's it, I woke up in bed and could still hear the mailman on tv whistling. Over the last 45 years I've had many SP episodes, I am in my mind yelling HELP ME HELP ME loudly, but my wife said quiet mumbles is all she hears. Most of the time I can concentrate on a finger and slowly shake my my out of it, but sometimes my wife has to yell and push and shake at me to wake up. Mine only happen overnight after I have napped in the evening, even if it's just a quick 10 or 15 minute nap... my wife will say, now your gonna get scary dreams, and she's usually right. My SP can start out innocent, example...I can see a happy dog playing in the summer sunshine then all of a sudden, I am mentally squirming to wake my body up. One episode from 15 or 20 years back I remember lying there, awake with my thoughts but unable to move,,,I don't know if it was my mind subconsciously saying it or an 'imaginary voice' but I hear ''So This Is What It Feels Like To Be In A Coma'' that thought still freaks me out. Does stress cause SP? at one time I thought it might, but over the last year I have been super stressed and have only had one SP episode... the usual 'sense of an evil presence, I couldn't wake up, but this time I didn't feel the usual fear, I guess the SP fear took a back seat to my 'real life' fear and worry... I can distinctly remember myself getting mad and thinking I don't have time for this... and saying to the evil presence '' F-Off I have bigger things to worry about'' And that was it, I woke up, uneventfully. In the last year that was the only SP episode. I'm really surprised that neurologists or maybe even psychiatrists can't fully explain this weird phenomenon. I don't want to think of myself as having a mental problem, but I'm a logical, honest person and if someone told me they were having this problem, I would back up a little and say ''you better see a phyciatrist about that'' Hang in the everybody

Feb 23, 2018
Zapppbb NEW
by: Mary

I was thinking I had bats flying over my head. So glad I’m not crazy. About once a month, when sound asleep, I get a zipppup going thru my head. I wake up and nothing...
Glad to hear this is not a serious medical issue.

Mar 23, 2018
I am 39 years old and I have sleep paralysis NEW
by: I'm not anonymous my name is Bobby

Hello everyone... my name is Bobby.. I have sleep paralysis. My first memory of an "attack" .... that is what I call the episodes... was when I was about six or seven years old . I was asleep, face down in the corner of a leather couch and I woke up and, as you all already know too well, I could not move and my face was pressed up against the leather couch . It was a close call. You all know what I mean. I am 39 years old now and I have just learned to deal with it .some months I will have zero attacks and some I will have multiple attacks every night for many weeks. Going to sleep and being more tired in the morning from trying to break free of the paralysis over and over and over again is difficult to say the least. One of the worst parts about this"sickness" is that I have no one that I know that has it ... I see hundreds of people online on sites like this one... but, I don't have someone that really understands my battle that I can talk to face to face. I also at times have had "attacks " while I was awake .. I suppose it is called narcolepsy. I hear a loud buzzing noise and go into some kind of trance . I have been living and dealing with this nightmare for a very long time... so let me give you younger people a little advice. Do not panic! When you have an attack tell yourself that all the things you are seeing and hearing are not real.. breathe slowly and breathe steadily... sometimes you have to breathe out the edge of your mouth ... but, you CAN breathe. My best piece of advice is to sleep at a 45 degree angle or in a sitting up position.. this tends to keep the attacks from coming on .. just prop a bunch of pillows in the corner of your mattress and headboard to keep your head up at least at s 45 degree angle.. if you can sit up all the way and sleep. Even better. I am lucky to have a loving wife... usually I can make some kind of noise when it happens and if I am loud enough to wake her up she will shake me and I will snap out of it.. I know know that probably nobody is going to read this... but it just makes me feel better to write it. I know that this is with me for life and I have made peace with that as all of you should... this is a genetic disorder and it won't go away ... learn how to deal with it and learn how to deal with not getting enough sleep. It is not fair and the hallucinations are traumatic but at least it's not cancer ... right !!?? Good luck to all of you.. I literally feel your pain... I am up at six thirty in the morning still awake because I keep feeling attacks coming on and I am scared to sleep.

Apr 10, 2018
I have it too NEW
by: Claudia

I’ve been having episodes since I was 20. I am 46, and they still randomly happen. My "buzzing" is more like the sound of a single swipe of a Star Wars light saber. I feel it too. I have these happen to me when I’m in bed, on couch, wherever, but I’m tired and getting ready to sleep. They get stronger the closer I get to actually falling asleep. I hate when it happens because I know that "it’s" coming. I shake my head to wake up, but eventually I close my eyes. As soon as my eyes close, they are back open. I can see the room, I can see everything and everybody in the room, but I cannot move, I cannot speak, and I feel an evil presence. Sometimes that energy/sound, turns into the evil presence breathing on me, holding me down, or sitting/laying on my chest. Other times the loved one in the bed next to me, looks at me and changes to an evil being in front of me, grabbing me to hold me down. I’ve had times where I could hear children laughing and then their laughter turns sinister/evil. My " sleep paralysis " episodes are very real and terrifying to me. When the energy comes I know what’s next, so I dread and fight until I succumb. Funny for me when it’s all happening I try to cry out to God for help. I try to say Jesus. Sometimes it takes me a little longer than others, but when I finally get His name out it all stops, (The paralysis part anyway) but I always feel that something is still in the room with me. I think, ( or I’m hallucinating) I have actually seen the evil energy in the form of a distorted blob( like a heat mirage), or sometimes a black mass dissipating. Anyway, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one.

Apr 12, 2018
Buzzing in head NEW
by: Anonymous

You know what's really scary, that not one person here talking as any awsner about getting rid of this problem !
Been 7 years now still buzzing ringing .

Apr 12, 2018
I hear it too NEW
by: Bobby

I've been experiencing sp since I was a child... o hear the buzzing in my brain as it begin to set in and take hold of me has on a few occasions happened to me while I was wide awake sitting in a hot car but I was able to shake it off ... here is something I have learned from trial and error over the years SLEEP OR NAP SITTING UP ! it keeps the sp from taking hd of my body... maybe it will work for at least some of you others that are suffering with this literal nightmare . Good luck to all of you... just remember.. don't panic and breathe slowly

May 01, 2018
all the damn time NEW
by: Anonymous

I find it so hard to sleep with these sounds but it helps when im not concentrating on it too much and distract myself until im thinking about something else...

May 23, 2018
Me too. NEW
by: Vaka

I've had that same feeling with buzzing and humming. At first I was a little scared but what helped ME (yes I said me) was my faith in God. The creator of the universe. The same one who spoke to moses. I was able to overcome that fear and over the next couple of times I actually blocked out all the noises and meditated with the vibrations until it they grow so strong it feels like your levitating into space or this dark void and this complete feeling of bliss or and I imagine a heaven like buzz. It's like the matrix where you can push the boundaries on the impossible. But for some reason when I push too far I get unplugged and wake up. I've only been in this state about 4 times this month but I want to have these dreams every night. I love it. If anyone has any info please let us know.

Jun 28, 2018
Buzzing. Heat in spine NEW

Everyone having these problems need to find out info on kundalini. The kundalini rising causes many of these problems. I think it means we’re ascending spiritually as a people! Please check it out even tho it seems strange

Jun 29, 2018
To 'Vaka' NEW
by: Anonymous

Strange that you mention levitation... I'm 57 years old now, and the last major "buzz experience" I had, that involved leaving the body and traveling in what felt like a tunnel of some kind was when I was in my early 20's... Anyway, back then, I once had one of these experiences where I couldn't move after the buzz entered what felt like my forehead... as I returned to my body and could see the room, but still not able to move, my body started to levitate right in front of my eyes. First my right leg, and then my left and finally only my head remained on the pillow... The rest of my body was swaying in the air. I was clearly awake and could see it all. I got very frightened and tried to get out of this state... and with a loud bang I suddenly fell down on my bed, and regained my breath and could move. I was visiting my parents, and they woke up in the middle of the night from the noise of me falling back down on my bed...

Jun 29, 2018
To 'Vaka' NEW
by: Anonymous

Strange that you mention levitation... I'm 57 years old now, and the last major "buzz experience" I had, that involved leaving the body and traveling in what felt like a tunnel of some kind was when I was in my early 20's... Anyway, back then, I once had one of these experiences where I couldn't move after the buzz entered what felt like my forehead... as I returned to my body and could see the room, but still not able to move, my body started to levitate right in front of my eyes. First my right leg, and then my left and finally only my head remained on the pillow... The rest of my body was swaying in the air. I was clearly awake and could see it all. I got very frightened and tried to get out of this state... and with a loud bang I suddenly fell down on my bed, and regained my breath and could move. I was visiting my parents, and they woke up in the middle of the night from the noise of me falling back down on my bed... When I had returned to my body, before the levitation began, I could see a half circle of tall beings standing around me... shining like a fluorescent light. They had no faces and no contours like human bodies... They were just like tall lights... kind of slightly bluish in color... I sensed that they were not good-spirited...

Jun 29, 2018
To 'Vaka' NEW
by: Anonymous

Strange that you mention levitation... I'm 57 years old now, and the last major "buzz experience" I had, that involved leaving the body and traveling in what felt like a tunnel of some kind was when I was in my early 20's... Anyway, back then, I once had one of these experiences where I couldn't move after the buzz entered what felt like my forehead... as I returned to my body and could see the room, but still not able to move, my body started to levitate right in front of my eyes. First my right leg, and then my left and finally only my head remained on the pillow... The rest of my body was swaying in the air. I was clearly awake and could see it all. I got very frightened and tried to get out of this state... and with a loud bang I suddenly fell down on my bed, and regained my breath and could move. I was visiting my parents, and they woke up in the middle of the night from the noise of me falling back down on my bed... When I had returned to my body, before the levitation began, I could see a half circle of tall beings standing around me... shining like a fluorescent light. They had no faces and no contours like human bodies... They were just like tall lights... kind of slightly bluish in color... I sensed that they were good-spirited...

Jun 29, 2018
To Vaka NEW
by: Anonymous

Strange that you mention levitation... I'm 57 years old now, and the last major "buzz experience" I had, that involved leaving the body and traveling in what felt like a tunnel of some kind was when I was in my early 20's... Anyway, back then, I once had one of these experiences where I couldn't move after the buzz entered what felt like my forehead... as I returned to my body and could see the room, but still not able to move, my body started to levitate right in front of my eyes. First my right leg, and then my left and finally only my head remained on the pillow... The rest of my body was swaying in the air. I was clearly awake and could see it all. I got very frightened and tried to get out of this state... and with a loud bang I suddenly fell down on my bed, and regained my breath and could move. I was visiting my parents, and they woke up in the middle of the night from the noise of me falling back down on my bed...

Before the levitation began, upon my return to my body, I could see what seemed like five or six tall beings standing in a half circle around my bed. They didn't have an faces or contours like human bodies, but where just like fluorescent lights, in slightly in a slightly bluish color. I sensed no threat or danger from them. On the contrary them seemed good-spirited.

Aug 11, 2018
ringing noise and a voice NEW
by: soldier

i was 18 just returned home from a short tour of duty resting on the couch listening to music when i hear the ringing or white noise in my ears getting louder i freak out and try to move but cant then i try to yell out to family members but cant do that either i was crapping myself but through all the noise so clear in my head a voice spoke 1 word which i didnt understand or know but i remembered it TE MANA a maori word power, prestige a word along those lines when the noise goes away i can move again i went into mums room woke her told her what had just happens mum whos maori said it was a visit from a guardian spirit maybe this is just a maori thing i dont know but iwas told being the oldest son had alot to do with it in our culture

Aug 18, 2018
Buzzing NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi, my name is Dustin and I have something similar. The first time was at night and I was exhausted. I felt t coming on as I tried to fall asleep. I’ve never had it happen when I’m waking up, only when falling asleep. It’s happened a few times since then. And today I took a 20 minute nap, what happened was I was starting to fall asleep, and the vibration started to come. As this happened I kept my eyes open, which I usually don’t especially at night because of hallucinations you can see. At this point in my sleep paralysis experience I do not feel a weight in my chest, I don’t get scared or see hallucinations and I don’t feel like someone is standing over me like I have in the past, I’ve come to be at peace with this phenomenon. I just hear/feel this vibration of my being, and after about a minute I get uncomfortable, thankfully I’ve gotten good at waking up, I start with the fingers and lift an arm up, it dissipates immediately. Since my first scary experience I have taken spiritual trips using mushrooms and I truly believe they helped me as they brought me to center and I have become at peace with myself and who I am.

This was my personal experience over the last 4 years

Aug 29, 2018
I know the buzzing is related to sleep paralysis and out of boxy experienceso. NEW
by: Anthony

So when I was younger i experimented with drugs and what not an would stay up for day on end and at the end of these benders my body was so tired and my mind was still wanting to go I would be trying to get sleep and this was the first time I ran into the hum or buzz and it is the most eerie feeling and your body becomes frozen and you start to panic until you wake up. Sometimes this would happen repeatedly as I would try to sleep againow. It scared me so much I was afraid to go to sleep in these instances. So it happened a few times over the years but always at times where I was sleep deprived drinking lots of coffee up for days not getting much sleep, so anyways I was feared it until the time I didn't i just let it happen, I let go of the fear and the craziest thing happened I felt myself lifting out from my body I was watching myself not moving yet I could feel my hands and arms moving freely and I was free from my body and I could see it. It wasn't a dream I was sure of it. Anyways it happened again and sure enough same buzz or hum and same thing happened I didn't leave the room I was in it felt super super weird like really cold for one. So I've been an lucid dreamer most of my life and interesTed in learning more about it and I came across the out of body experience phenomenon or other obe and found out that it happens to tons of people near death can be induced by certain drugs like pcp ketamine and dmt and happens to people when they are just lying in bed and the common thread is the loud buzz or hum that usually takes place right before. This guy Bob Monroe woke up to himself hitting the ceiling and the light fixture and was confused to look down and see a strange man in bed with his wife. Himself lol. So he kept having these experiences went on to write a book thinking he was alone found out this was happening to 1000'see of people long story short he started this place called the Monroe institutell to use scientific equipment to test and investigate the type of stuff and found that that buzz was almost present in every case and that certain sounds or frequencies can induce the buzz and cause an out of body experience. Anyways you guys can look into it yourself. I remember having those few incidents happen over 10 years ago for me and I came across the info on the Monroe institute when I was looking into how to induce a lucid dream and found our that they createdon't this effect called binaural beats basically they stream a frequency of 100hz in one ear and 104 in the other causes this left brain right brain thing to cause a shift of 40 hertz in your brain which would induce the buzz and people would experience these obe's they have other frequencies that using scientific devices would induce the lucid dreams 70% of the time in subjects. So this week I got to trying the ones for lucid dreams and had some success not what I was hoping for so I decided I'd try the one for obe'S so I put on the headphones strapped on a blindfold ( it works better when trying to meditate and quiet your mind) anyways after hours on and off of trying I felt myself starting to like slip into sleep but since I wasn't tired it was different I started to feel super strange felt like I was slipping away literally then I heard this buzz, so loud it almost hurt and even though this was exactly what I was waiting for to happen it still felt scary as hell but from reports I'd read it feels that way in most cases you just have to give in let go and let it happen so I did I could feel myself separsting from my body but not like before all them years ago this time it felt like I was dying not like painful just like when you hold your breath for a really long time and your face gets cold and your lips go numb. As it was happening I started to feel really cold and the body that I was leaving felt numb as I was separating and I know how crazy this sounds but it happened and I've been drug free for years lol. But I ended up just floating around not as me as I am now but I felt like an orb floating around disoriented and confused trying to make sense of what I was and what was going on I was trying to see but it was like I was looking out of a floating orb that was blurry I just remember seeing a cement floor or what I believed it was this only seemed to last for maybe 20 to 30 seconds and I was pulled back into my body I got kind of freaked out during which I think is what pulled me back. From the stories I've heard is to keep calm and collected any excitement or fear will usually end the encounter. Anyways I was so excited I threw the headphones back on and wanted on for another ride I couldn't believe what had happened. And sure enough it happens again 10 mins later this time I was able to make it last a bit longer and was able to form myself a body and seemed to be in someone else's house as their countetop was blue marble slate the cheaper stuff and their were kids running around and it seemed pretty vivid. I can't say what actually happened all I know Is I had tons of lucid dreams where during the dream you can become lucid and things can become extremely vivid just like your awake and I've been able to slip myself right into a lucid dream with meditation and lucid dreaming techniques and there is a huge GIANT difference between the two. They were clearly two distinct experiences. Anyways its pretty fresh for me since it just happened yesterday. I was during more research and came across this post on the buzzing sound that is hugely linked to these out of body experiences and which is much easier to take place with sleep paralysis. I just thought I'd rant to get that craziness off my chest and put the info out there. I think there is definitely a link if any of your all are more interested check out the info on Bob Monroe and the Monroe institute. Or check out only a thousand dmt trip experienceso on YouTube. They all almost hear a loud buzz or hum just before they feel like they are dying or have died and then the feeling of being shot out of their body and being in some alternate dimension where they are greeted by either dead relatives strange beings told a bunch of secrets of life the universe and everything among a bunch of other insane crazy stuff then being shot back into their body feelings like they were gone for hours if not days when only minutes have passed. This is nearly the same experience in every account. Joe Rogan hosted a documentary called dmt the spirit molecule and is a huge promoter of it. It changes people's lives sometimes for the better sometimes not so good because it blows away their outlook on reality so bad. But anyways point is most users looking for the breakthrough experience which is where you actually leave your body hear a distinct loud buzz or hum just before they are shot from their body. Anyways sorry for the rant this stuff just facinates me and I know most of you who experience sleep paralysis just want to know what's up and what the hell the buzz is. I think you all should look ino the link between SP OBE and the DMT trips is is definitely a link I have felt it myself whatever is actually going on i do not know I can only say what I've experienced and what I've watched and read on the phenomenons and hope that passing on this info sparks something in one of you people to shed some light on what is going on.

Oct 07, 2018
Seizure during a nightmare? NEW
by: Jackie

couple of nights ago I was having nightmare. I woke briefly then went back to sleep...only to have another nightmare.
I then felt what I can only describe as an electrical current starting in the back of my head and all the nerve endings in my body building up in the back of my brain. Suddenly the feeling swept towards the front of my brain, it really hurt,and then I seem to have lost consciousness. I suddenly woke up and it felt like I was having a seizure,like I was convulsing. I've suffered from Exploding head syndrome on and off for years but this was different. It was the worst feeling!!

Feb 01, 2019
Visions NEW
by: Anonymous

I get the buzzing noise and feel. Although I have a different experience. I get a dark grey cloud appear. It gets bigger then opens up and I get visions of future events. I've even seen my death and rebirth. Does this happen to anyone else?

Feb 26, 2019
Buzzing, Static, voices
by: Harmony

In my most scary dreams. All I see is darkness but I hear around me is buzzing. It starts small them gets louder or I hear a tv static. Some times they over lap. I hear voices in those nightmares too. There would be many types talking all at once. Those voices male and female would wisper than all of a sudden yell at me. A bunch of voices yelling, screaming, whispering all at once, such all over lapping each other. The buzzing and static would be in the background also with these voices. I only had it 2 or 3 times and these are the nightmares that make me cry hard. Does anyone else have similar nightmares?

Feb 26, 2019
Buzzing, Static, voices NEW
by: Harmony

In my most scary dreams. All I see is darkness but I hear around me is buzzing. It starts small them gets louder or I hear a tv static. Some times they over lap. I hear voices in those nightmares too. There would be many types talking all at once. Those voices male and female would wisper than all of a sudden yell at me. A bunch of voices yelling, screaming, whispering all at once, such all over lapping each other. The buzzing and static would be in the background also with these voices. I only had it 2 or 3 times and these are the nightmares that make me cry hard. Does anyone else have similar nightmares?

Apr 09, 2019
It won't stop NEW
by: Anonymous

How do I get rod of this it's really annoying and scary at times

Apr 15, 2019
you know it s coming when you hear the buzzing NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes I do . I know it s coming , I try to wake up but most of the time I can t .Then I fight to wake up to sometime just fall back into it .I realize it happen more often when I m really tired , if I didnt had a good night sleep the night before and happen more frequently during afternoon nap than at night.I tried sleeping with the tv on but does not help , I can hear the tv very clear but doesn, t wake me up .I started after I had a meningitis , any of you ever had it or near death experience ? I was in a coma for few days then it started ,just got more frequent with time .It s been 35 years for me

Oct 08, 2019
I hear it too but more like Static NEW
by: Anonymous

Hey I know I’m a few years late on the thread but I started hearing it before I sleep around 2 years ago. At first it’s intriguing hearing the static almost zoom past my head you know like when a car’s approaching and the noise level increases then decreases as it goes off in the distance. Every time I have them I usually just pay attention to the noises but after a while they get too loud it almost hurts my ear so I use the old reliable method of moving the toes of my feet in order to get off the paralysis

Apr 07, 2020
sleep paralysis or astral projection NEW
by: Anonymous

I first had this experience when I was 17 and I felt peaceful and floated up to the ceiling. I was so overwhelmed that I screamed to everyone (I was in a room with seven people in an army barracks) and noone heard me or believed me when i told them. Over the years I had some vivid experiences which were painful but once I came out of my body they were beautiful. Until I grew older and now they scare me to death. I feel like there is evil presence around them at the moment, but once I come out of them, it all goes. The evil bit is my own fear. I dont actually see anything bad. When I first had them sometimes I felt huge spiders on my back. ONce I relaxed I would have a beautiful exprience and even tried to fly. It felt like freedom to be out of my body. Sometimes I would try to get back into my body and it would not work and then I would freak out and suddenly wake up as if I had been asleep all the time. Over the years, a welsh doctor told me to go to church and have an exorcism, another told me I have petit mal, others told me I was astral projecting and now I read about sleep paralysis. I does seem to happen when I am stressed. LAST night was awful. I was watching my lap top netflix and the next minute I went into that paralysis and the noise and buzzing started. I tried to stop the buzzing and imagined, so real it was, that I was holding my head to try and stop the pain. I knew I would wake up eventually but it seems so real and that I can think myself around it, ie I can choose to be calm or choose to walk around but I do get so scared. I think it is from lack of sleep. The body goes into a deep sleep whilst the mind is still very active. The brain is confused and the neurons crash into each other trying to make sense. hence the buzzing and electrical feel. Think I will do some yoga and meditation, or just go to bloody sleep. It is 2.30am and I have been working all day. No wonder I am stressed

Apr 08, 2020
Buzzing Sound
by: Anonymous

The 'buzzing' sound that so many describe is interesting... I had the buzzing experience since my early childhood. It would sort of sedate me. But it never went any further until I was 21 when I for the first time left my body. A friend of mine's mother who a couple of years passed away after an unsuccessful cancer operation told me and my friend prior to dying at the hospital that her daughter in law, (who also had passed away from cancer, and who was very close to and liked by my friend's mother), had been there right before we arrived and that before she appeared she heard a strange buzzing sound in her head. She said that the daughter in law reach out her hand and with a smile asked her to take her hand and leave with her. My friend's mother was an atheist, and she couldn't explain how this could have happened. All she knew was that it was very real... Not a dream or anything else.

May 18, 2020
Buzzing Sound While Asleep NEW
by: D from Rochester

Hi - When I am asleep, I am getting woken up to the sound of loud buzzing and vibrating and it's in my head, sometimes my body jerks as well.

It sounds like a loud vibration that would come from a cell phone, like I'm sleeping on top of my phone. Because I am not a good sleeper, I put my phone on silent, so no texts are audible.

And my family members can ring through in case of an emergency.

Sometimes this happens while falling asleep, but quite often throughout the night too.

I have been tested for sleep apnea and don't have that, but do have restless legs.

I also heard someone saying it could have to do with menopause?? I am 52 so I don't know. Has anyone hear this?

My mom recently had a massive stroke so I am concerned itis more than just a sleep annoyance.

Has anyone experienced this??

Thanks -

Mar 15, 2022
I had something like this! NEW
by: Zeke Shade

I just had a nightmare where I grabbed a wasp just centimetres from my ear and that it was trying to get in my ear (I have a fear of bugs going in my ears' eyes nose and mouth also bugs that sting, bite or buzz going in those places)

I decided in my dream to move my neck to crush it that's when that movement panicked me into waking up as it resulted me doing the head movement awake (I sleep in a chair due to acid reflux)

I got out of my chair as I notice the sound of an actual bee or wasp it was unmistakeable...
or was it?

I got close to the window looked around but the noise had stopped but every time I went away from the window I could hear it again getting ever faint!

(Now for context of those don't know I have Extra Sensory Autism, they have a different name for it clinically now though in the UK... but basically that means my senses are heightened and my hearing in my left ear is still sensitive enough to pick up silent alarms meant for delinquent teenagers but I'm 28)

I figured maybe I need to wake up first went to the W.C. then went to the sink washed my hands and then my face to make sure I was properly awake!

when I got back into my bedroom I could still hear it... in fact I can still hear it now but I tracked it...

When I got close to my pc which i had left running in my sleep I could hear it faint like a mosquito but a buzz at the frequency of a bee or wasp or maybe even a fly

turns out my new power supply has a silent mode but despite that theres an underlying tone in one of my pc fans either that one or one of the other fans that was causing the noise!

see theres too factors when I sleep I've noticed over the years if I'm in a half sleep state and still haven't moved yet drifting in and out of consciousness

all surrounding noises become louder probably because as other parts of the brain not needed for sleep shutdown others and your hearing can take ahold!

and theres a part of the brain responsible for pattern recognition that also applies to sound the part that deciphers language can also decipher recognisable sounds

it will try to decipher to the closest possible sound that your brain is familiar with and process it as such, as a result for me thats a fan sounding like a be or wasp

Once I've rationalised it my brain will be familiar with it and only alert when other familiarities of flies wasps or bee's is heard in unison (such as banging against walls or windows) and the buzzing is a few decibels louder

That way my brain doesn't confuse what I'm hearing...

In light of all this I may of also discovered what I thought was scratching in the attic may of also just been my curtain scraping against the wall at the top when the wind blows the curtain during the summer

After that I am starting to realise... I'm just as paranoid as my mother!

Jan 15, 2023
I hear it too NEW
by: Ruben

it starts mild and progresses stronger and start feeling it too and start feeling an out of body experience, like something is pulling you out of your body.

Mar 04, 2023
I share this knowing that God might use it to help someone searching for answers.
by: Anonymous

I experienced something similar last year but in addition to the feeling of electricity pulsing through my body, there also appeared to be an entity in my room. The entity appeared to me simply as an amorphous cloud of gray static. I don't know if this was its actual form, or if that was somehow hidden from me. Many things that are hard to understand happened that night, but to keep the story short.. While all this was happening and I had began to panic, a voice suddenly spoke to me (not audibly, but somehow telepathically) and said, "Rest, Jesus is with you". Suddenly, the electric sensation ceased, my panic immediately dissipated, and as I began to drift back to sleep I glanced over and noticed that the entity was no longer there.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and he is eternal life.

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Welcome! This site is continuously being created by students of Dr. William C. Dement's Sleep And Dreams course at Stanford University.

We made this site as a call to action for people all over the world to live healthier, happier, safer, and more productive lives by learning about their own sleep. We have faith that reading the information provided on this site will motivate you to be smart about your sleep deprivation and strategic about your alertness in order to live life to your fullest, most energetic potential.

In fact, we challenge you to do so! What do you say, are you up for the challenge?

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Publishing sleep stories and questions from our visitors is meant to create a forum for open and proactive dialogue about an extremely important portion of our lives (one that occupies 1/3 of it and affects the other 2/3) that isn't talked about enough. It is not meant to substitute a trip to the doctor or the advice of a specialist. It's good to talk; it is not good to avoid consulting someone who's profession it is to help you with this kind of stuff.

If you are in any way concerned about your sleep health, don't wait for an answer on here, and don't necessarily rely on them. See a sleep specialist in your area as soon as possible.

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The Stanford Sleep Book

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Dr. Dement's pioneering textbook has been the core text for Sleep and Dreams since 1980, but it has just recently been made available to the wider public for the first time.

In it you'll find a more detailed account of the most important things you need to know about sleep, alertness, dreams, and sleep disorders. Studies, statistics, plus plenty of Dr. Dement's classic anecdotes painting the history of sleep medicine.

Preface | Intro | Contents | Get A Copy

More Sleep Resources

The Zeo

A revolution in personal sleep tracking, the Zeo is a wireless headband that transmits your brainwaves in realtime to a dock (pictured here) or your smartphone. The result? You can wake up and see exactly what stages of sleep you were in during the night! Unprecedented personalized sleep knowledge.

Sleep Paralysis: A Dreamer's Guide

Sleep Paralysis Treatment Book

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