A Calm End Of The World Dream
by Eesha M
Last night I dreamt that the world was coming to an end. I looked this up on various sites and generally it is interpreted as the dreamer being under a great amount of stress. I'm putting this question to you because a) I don't feel under a great amount of stress and b) it wasn't a stressful dream.
From as much as I can remember, the sea/water figured a lot in this dream. I grew up by the sea,and I now live on an island city. There was some sort of earthquake type disturbance, and people were shook (there were people all around me at all times, and this kind of gave the scenario a NORMAL feel as opposed to some dreams I have had where I am on my own, and that feels like a time bomb ticking). Then we looked up into the sky and could see meteors/balls of fire slowly coming down from the sky, and that's when I knew this was the end of the world.
I don't believe this dream simply signifies how stressed I am. First of all, I am from a religious denomination that accepts, believes in and awaits the end of the world - we believe it could happen any time, only God knows. Secondly, the dream itself wasn't jarring or nightmarish. I have had nightmares and jarring dreams before, this wasn't one of them. Thirdly, I am currently in between jobs and as a result I have to be careful about spending money and quickly finding a new job, but I am not stressed out about it. I believe in giving out and attracting positive vibes to oneself and that's what I have been doing about my unemployment.
The reason I am curious about this dream (apart from showing the end of the world) is that I am an active dreamer. I am one of those people who gets recurring dreams and nightmares and over the years I have seen familiar places, people, situations in my dreams and I have grown through them and even dealt with some of the more stressful dreams that I used to keep having. This was not one of them. Although when I usually have dreams where we are walking around vast empty buildings, I inevitably dream of either my childhood house or my high school, these places didn't figure in this dream.
The only other thing I remember from the dream is a damaged rose bush.
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