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A Calm End Of The World Dream

by Eesha M

Last night I dreamt that the world was coming to an end. I looked this up on various sites and generally it is interpreted as the dreamer being under a great amount of stress. I'm putting this question to you because a) I don't feel under a great amount of stress and b) it wasn't a stressful dream.

From as much as I can remember, the sea/water figured a lot in this dream. I grew up by the sea,and I now live on an island city. There was some sort of earthquake type disturbance, and people were shook (there were people all around me at all times, and this kind of gave the scenario a NORMAL feel as opposed to some dreams I have had where I am on my own, and that feels like a time bomb ticking). Then we looked up into the sky and could see meteors/balls of fire slowly coming down from the sky, and that's when I knew this was the end of the world.

I don't believe this dream simply signifies how stressed I am. First of all, I am from a religious denomination that accepts, believes in and awaits the end of the world - we believe it could happen any time, only God knows. Secondly, the dream itself wasn't jarring or nightmarish. I have had nightmares and jarring dreams before, this wasn't one of them. Thirdly, I am currently in between jobs and as a result I have to be careful about spending money and quickly finding a new job, but I am not stressed out about it. I believe in giving out and attracting positive vibes to oneself and that's what I have been doing about my unemployment.
The reason I am curious about this dream (apart from showing the end of the world) is that I am an active dreamer. I am one of those people who gets recurring dreams and nightmares and over the years I have seen familiar places, people, situations in my dreams and I have grown through them and even dealt with some of the more stressful dreams that I used to keep having. This was not one of them. Although when I usually have dreams where we are walking around vast empty buildings, I inevitably dream of either my childhood house or my high school, these places didn't figure in this dream.

The only other thing I remember from the dream is a damaged rose bush.

What do you think about this dream? Share your thoughts using the comments link below.

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Comments for A Calm End Of The World Dream

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Aug 30, 2011
Untill end of the world
by: Hawkmoon

I believe you're right about this one. Dreams that are result of stress usually are accompanied by feeling of unease, fear or being chased. And your dream lacked any of those elements. Also i would like to ad that i also had stress unrelated dreams about end of the world, and interesting thing is that it always involved very detailed and magnificent sight of the events happening in the sky. I believe that in a nutshell, dream purpose was meant that we should really take a good look. So just consider it a signal to reflect on your life and choices you made, especially now when you're in transitional period in life.

Dec 20, 2011
by: Anonymous

I think your mind is just preparing you for any stressful element, and i think that the water just showed how calm you were.

Feb 10, 2012
i feel you man NEW
by: Anonymous

i've had a LOT of dreams about the world ending and it is a scary thought. but great description!

Feb 10, 2012
i feel you man NEW
by: Anonymous

i've had a LOT of dreams about the world ending and it is a scary thought. but great description!

Feb 10, 2012
interesting NEW
by: Anonymous

dreams about the world ending is stressful, and it is a stressful topic. so, one can only imagine what the end of the world is like. me? TAKEN OVER BY PINK BUNNIES! jk, probobly an earthquake or somethin'

Feb 22, 2012
Nice description NEW
by: Terry

I like your drem i doubt it means your stressed at all but could reflect the change in your life.

Nov 11, 2013
End of the world NEW
by: Kim

You have been chosen to know this the end time and god let you know. Please be nice to and help peole in need pray more. You are not stress at all. This is true dream.

Nov 11, 2013
End of the world NEW
by: Kim

You have been chosen to know this the end time and god let you know. Please be nice to and help peole in need pray more. You are not stress at all. This is true dream.

Dec 27, 2013
!!! NEW
by: Anonymous Dreamer

I had a really oddly calm dream about the world ending; I was floating in space for whatever reason and I felt super at peace and I watched the planets and the sun explode. I was happy though.

May 07, 2014
strange brew NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have had same kind of dream no dread, or fear just calm observation, but not removed. I was totaly involved and swimming in those waters you speak of, without tiring I might add. Very sereal, but not at all disturbing somehow. Quit odd!

Oct 19, 2014
question NEW
by: Anonymous

What religion r u?

Sep 28, 2015
Think ive had the same dream NEW
by: Arthur

Very interesting. Much like one of the earliest dreams i had as a kid and had intermittently throughout my teens. Im 32 now and only had it again recently. For me it was as if the world was just idling along and everything's fine and there are butterflies and a very real happy feeling. Then as you say the earth jolts or something startled the people and there is a dark cloud / feeling in the sky. Everyone around me knows we're done but turns to loving goodbyes in their last moments before i wake and... Only God knows.

Dec 08, 2015
I think it's prophetic NEW
by: Anonymous

Many others have had similar dreams - and some of those people are those who have had dreams come true.

God will not let the craziness in the world go on forever.

Plus, we are at the end of a 12,000 year cycle. Last time the giant mammals died out around the world.

Dec 21, 2015
Ma dreams NEW
by: Anonymous

When i dream with the end of the world i usually love it cause there aint people to fuck with me.

Jan 09, 2016
Post-apocolyptic dream NEW
by: Another dreamer

Realise this is an old thread but it has been the most helpful I've found in interpreting my own dream, so I thought I'd tag mine in here. Now to give some context there have been reports on the news the past couple of days that North Korea are developing nuclear bombs and someone tried to start a fight with me last night so I'm not sure they played into it (neither have bothered me or caused me any anxiety or fear but they may be related. Anyway, story time:

I'm in my family's home which is in the suburbs and overlooking the city with my mother and some else, I'm not sure who. We're standing at the window looking down at the city when we see a large flash, a mushroom cloud and then blinding white light starts quickly moving towards us after the blast. The other person, don't think it was my father, and my mother turn to run. However, knowing the moment is fleeting and we aren't going to outrun a nuclear bomb, I grab her arm to stop her, hug her and tell her I love her. I don't have any fear, and I do usually experience emotions in dreams, but instead I am calm, have accepted the situation and simply want to comfort my mother in our final moments. Then the blast reaches us and the dream ends.

I found it strange because I don't recall having died in a dream before. Also, I've never had a particularly good relationship with my parents. It may also be worth mentioning I have been living away from my parents for school/work for about a decade and will soon be moving back to live with them temporarily after relocating for work. I'm thinking the dream may be related to the major life change which may result in my relationship with my family improving. I'm also wondering whether it could represent me stepping up, taking more responsibility and looking to lead.

Jan 09, 2016
Post-apocolyptic dream NEW
by: Another dreamer

Realise this is an old thread but it has been the most helpful I've found in interpreting my own dream, so I thought I'd tag mine in here. Now to give some context there have been reports on the news the past couple of days that North Korea are developing nuclear bombs and someone tried to start a fight with me last night so I'm not sure they played into it (neither have bothered me or caused me any anxiety or fear but they may be related. Anyway, story time:

I'm in my family's home which is in the suburbs and overlooking the city with my mother and some else, I'm not sure who. We're standing at the window looking down at the city when we see a large flash, a mushroom cloud and then blinding white light starts quickly moving towards us after the blast. The other person, don't think it was my father, and my mother turn to run. However, knowing the moment is fleeting and we aren't going to outrun a nuclear bomb, I grab her arm to stop her, hug her and tell her I love her. I don't have any fear, and I do usually experience emotions in dreams, but instead I am calm, have accepted the situation and simply want to comfort my mother in our final moments. Then the blast reaches us and the dream ends.

I found it strange because I don't recall having died in a dream before. Also, I've never had a particularly good relationship with my parents. It may also be worth mentioning I have been living away from my parents for school/work for about a decade and will soon be moving back to live with them temporarily after relocating for work. I'm thinking the dream may be related to the major life change which may result in my relationship with my family improving. I'm also wondering whether it could represent me stepping up, taking more responsibility and looking to lead.

Mar 30, 2016
My Dream- End of the world NEW
by: Mangesh

I have seen end of world dream almost 1 year back. In fact, I don't believe in all end of world stories. Here is my dream, I found myself with my family in one tall building near to some tourist spot. we were watching the tourist place from window(hope it will be 50-60th floor). I saw one tall tower at the center of the ground. Then suddenly notice many people were running from all four direction towards the central tower. Then, I looked at sky and I saw one big fireball with very high speed was coming towards our earth. I was shocked and immediately thought came out "Science is failed and how come there is no notice of this disaster" then I informed my family to run and then I got up and lost my dream.
Morning I tried to search that place (tall tower) in Google and what a surprise that place was similar to Vatican city.

Apr 24, 2016
end of the world NEW
by: 13 year old girl

i had a dream of the world ending...i couldnt move i couldnt wake up when i had this dream! let me start from the beginning i was home with my family until we heard trumpets in the sky, we thought they were playing a parade outside but there was nothing we heard trumpets my brother remember that in the bible it said that god when he is going to come we all the world is going to hear and my family got scared so we just sat down in the table some people were screaming crying yelling because fire was coming out if the sky, i was scared i saw a demon laughing at everyone that demon was trying to go inside are house, the floor was shaking everone in the world was the sea a big giant sea animal came out of the sea, the sky looked yellow red and blue all together a light came out of the sky fire was coning down people started praying saying sorry but it was too late...god took his people and left the other people on the world to go to there place where they belong, later fire was running around the fire was spreading (wild) that moment the world was ending!!everything was all gone nothing is on the world right after my dream i woke up crying i got scared! I knew that go was sending us a signal to be prepared and that he is coming.

May 22, 2016
my dream NEW
by: gerard

I had the same dream last night were im at work and i start hearing a clap noise i check the machine to hear were the noise is coming from then i walk outside and lioj up and i se its the stars blowing up and as i stood there i feel a jolt and sudenly all the light bulbs blew up causing piwer failure right across the world then my boss comes out saying that his phone is sudenly on the wrong date and time then i tell him its the end of the world and we all just stand there looking up

Jul 02, 2016
This is the meaning of all dreams, as written in some book published by you-know-who NEW
by: Anonymous

Personally, I don't understand why people attach so much stock to common dream books. A cat in a dream signifies an omen of bad luck, a storm in a dream means there is strife in your life, a huge winged monster with five heads means OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO DIE TOMORROW, FINALIZE YOUR WILL!!!!

Seriously. Is it so hard to figure out for ourselves that the meaning of the dream image could be entirely dependent upon the person dreaming the dream? Or the precise context that the image itself is appearing in? Is it irrational to conclude that the appearance of spiders might have vast subjective differences in scope to a person who is one with nature and believes spiders are beautiful, as opposed to someone with terminal arachnophobia? Or that the image of a one eating a person's brains maybe has a little bit of a different subjective meaning than if you see a dead tarantula tacked up on the wall openly discussing with you Einstein's Theory of Relativity?

Get with it, people! The answers to the hidden nature of our dreams can't be found within any silly book; they are buried within each of us. If you're uncertain as to the exact meaning of the dream, grow a little spine and have a good long hard look at your life. What is your past history? What are your regrets, your desires and your innermost fears? What brings you joy? What brings you pain? And most importantly, what does the spider tacked up on the wall mean to you, and how does it make you feel?

Sep 11, 2016
Dream NEW
by: James

I know this is gonna sound weird or made up. But I legit had a dream just like this one. Except I was with my family. It was a super calm dream, but at the same time kinda creepy.

Sep 17, 2016
Meteor NEW
by: Ascendid Polak

I too have had an apocalyptic dream, it has been recurring from my childhood although I don't remember the last time I had it.
I was alone standing in a tall building overlooking the city. It could have been in New York I'm not too sure, but I could see everything, it seemed that I was so high up I could see the curvature of the Earth. The city was on fire, the farthest part of it was completely engulfed with flames, but what took my attention was the giant meteor hanging in the sky. This was an amazing sight, this huge ball of flames nearly took up my whole vision, giving the impression that it was a lot closer than it was, I knew it was thousands of miles away. This didn't matter however because the city was still burning away and I stared. I wasn't the least bit scared because I knew there was nothing I could do. I turned around to find a single door in my room not 10 feet away, a door made purely of light, I then woke up.

Dec 01, 2016
The same dream NEW
by: Donovan

Hi so not even 30 minuets ago I was having this dream and in this dream I remember being somewhere where there was a big body of water and everyone was facing it there was people standing shoulder to shoulder for about as long as I could see also keep in mind everyone was in little family groups everyone seemed very happy it seemed like it was some type of parade i start looking around and I see soldiers marching and what looked like a Korean leader or something cause he was wearing there colors and had the red hat, I saw on a tv that somewhere else was getting nuked and everyone was cheering as if there were happy and I remember I instantly looked up was waiting for a nuke as well (I'm the type of person who thinks like that) and I ended up seeing a meteor I knew it wasn't a nuke cause the way it hit the ground when it landed, It felt like I was the only one who saw it as it was coming down but once it hit I started hearing everyone yelling in shock and fear, my family were about 100 feet away and I knew they were also the meteor wasn't like a huge explosion I just remember seeing big pieces of the ground getting torn up and I get down on my knees and I put my head on the ground with my eyes shut I wasn't crying or yelling I was just laying there and I hear everyone yelling still but then I started hearing my youngest sister crying so I look up at her and I see this huge wave and there was like a bunch of purple lightning hitting the floor I quickly and calmly pick her up and she swung her legs around my waist I just layed on top of her having my head down with my eyes closed and my chest was over her head so she couldn't see anything as that was happening I remember being so calm about it all cause I just knew it was time for me to go I knew there was no running from it at all and I remember laying there thinking to my self what about my dog and when will this lightning strike my back when I was laying there thinking I start feeling on my arms and knees the water level started rising slowly it all felt so real like it was real life I had a conscience in the dream and I knew what was happening and I had control of all of my actions (I woke up when I felt the water rising slowly) this is one of my weirdest dreams I've ever had Ive also never have had a dream where I felt so alive when I woke up I was really confused cause I thought I had died already.

Mar 02, 2017
God is speaking to you NEW
by: Jane

God is showing you how the end will take place,,,I don't believe its a stress,,I too dream a lot about the end,in the bible water or sea means people,, but you just prepare your way Cause I know rapture will take place a day we don't know,, I am also a Christian and am waiting for the Lord,,you just pray,fast and read the word of God,,cause I believe the lord is trying to tell you something,, Amen

Apr 12, 2017
End of the world NEW
by: Paris

I have dreams the world ending a lot of time I feel like it's because I am a active dreamer also but in different ways. You see I can pretty much remeber the dreams I have for more then two or three days and if I have a reoccurring dream i feel like your dreams are trying to tell you something I use to be religious until i experienced something let's just say out of this world and I'm not talking drug use of shroom or weed or anything like that I am open to what our world has become and I believe that people who dream of this kind of thing are only the people who actually give further thought about what happens to our world . People who genuinely care about the human species

Apr 29, 2018
A bit worried NEW
by: Anonymous

I often have dreams that are very vivid and i remember the dreams very clearly for a short period. After a few days i forget about them. Then a few months to a year will go by and something will happen for real and instantly i will remember that i dreamed it a few months back. I can always tell these dreams apart from my normal dreams because of the way i feel when i wake from them. So, i'm a bit worried. Last night i dreamed my oldest son and i were quietly looking out a picture window i think at my moms who lives on the side of a mountain in upstate NY. Suddenly i could see huge swarms of bees in the sky across the valley. Then they all disapeared. Then planes, trees and big trucks all seem to be sliding down the side of the mountain. I was trying to figure out exactly what i was seeing when suddenly everything just got peaceful and the whole world was just rolled into a mist of a rolling cloud. Scary part is i woke up with the same familiar feeling i get when i have a precognitive dream. Not sure what to make of this.

May 04, 2018
Same Dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had almost that exact dream before, staring up at a beautiful star exploding and watching in awe as meteors got closer and closer, and I accepted my fate. It was heavy, but peaceful.

Dec 06, 2018
I had the same dream NEW
by: Anonymous

I seriously had the same dream last night. I am one of those people that has dreams come true as well as resolving problems or continuing on from a past dream. Also the jolt before the flood and floating in space and the peaceful goodbyes from loved ones. At the end of my dream just before I woke up, I watched the world collapse then come back together; and all of a sudden I was back on the Earth with my husband but the planet was new and only nature existed.
I had a dream when I was 8 or 9 that I was on a raft in a calm river with all my stuffed animals. It started raining bad and the river got rough. All of a sudden my dad was in the raft with me; he fell out and died.
Three years later, my dad died from colon cancer that he had been diagnosed with at the time I had the dream. My family hadn't told me or my sister until a few months before he passed. I'm now 32. I was talking to my sister recently and we found out that we both had the same dream that came true many years ago.

Nov 20, 2022
New comment old thread NEW
by: Anonymous

I tend to have extremely vivid drams and one such case was a couple of years ago. I had a recurring dream (pre-pandemic 2018-19) of walking through a office building hallway in Russia(? Only think its Russia because I saw signs and writing in Russian as well as people talking in what sounded Russian) with floor to ceiling windows. As I was walking past office workers I remember stopping and looking out at the city below as balls of fire were starting to rain down. People were panicking and running everywhere, papers and files flying from arms as they fled for there lives stampeding over one another. I watched all of this with an eerie calm as I kept walking down the halway.

I've had many dreams were I watched with eerie calmness of meteors raining down, tsunamis devastating islands, and of many other natural disasters. Not once have I been able to figure them out or have had any luck with finding answers, and it's only with natural disaster dreams that I feel like I'm just an observer with all the control but none of it at the same time? Like if I wanted to I could stop it but I don't know how and I don't care to know all the while being smackdab in the center.

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